I have heard rumors that SWBF3 isn't coming to the wii, I personally would like it on they're list of titles. The wii has very few games and most of which are cheap excuses to fill up the racks at Eb games. Maybe I'm so bias is because I own it. Yes! it's true! I own a wii! is that such a crime!? sorry, every one I've spoken to is anti-wii.
I heard, and I quote "The wii could not handle what they had intended for the game" An answer to this would be to lower what they had to so it would work on the wii. For the force unleashed they hired a completely new studio to work on it, so I think it's shallow reasoning.
I am waiting for official confirmation on which systems they're making it for, because I know that there are a lot of rumors spreading through the internet. So for now I'm wading through the junk, sampling as I go.
I certainly hope it comes out on the wii, It would be a LOT of fun, i think I'd even buy the zapper:)
so post what you think, are you for or against the wii? what do think they should do?
I have heard rumors that SWBF3 isn't coming to the wii, I personally would like it on they're list of titles. The wii has very few games and most of which are cheap excuses to fill up the racks at Eb games. Maybe I'm so bias is because I own it. Yes! it's true! I own a wii! is that such a crime!? sorry, every one I've spoken to is anti-wii.
I heard, and I quote "The wii could not handle what they had intended for the game" An answer to this would be to lower what they had to so it would work on the wii. For the force unleashed they hired a completely new studio to work on it, so I think it's shallow reasoning.
I am waiting for official confirmation on which systems they're making it for, because I know that there are a lot of rumors spreading through the internet. So for now I'm wading through the junk, sampling as I go.
I certainly hope it comes out on the wii, It would be a LOT of fun, i think I'd even buy the zapper:)
so post what you think, are you for or against the wii? what do think they should do?
They said it wil be for the XboX360 only but i think that it will be for the ps3 and pc too.
However i doubt it wil be for the Wii, many games are very arcade and the controllers if u could name those tings arent capabel too give many orders
Ive played shooters on the wii, and I'm sorry, but the don't work as well there. They don't have enough keys and they shouldn't just get rid of the work they've done already to lower the sys reqs to fit on a wii, that wouldn't make any sense.
I thought you were asking about World War II at first... anyway, just get SSBB and youll be set for awhile.
LOL me too I thought someone was wanting WWII into SFBF3. Well i don't the wii's controls play well with shooters. I"ve played COD3 on the Wii and well it does not work very well. So, I'm sorry to say that the Wii can not handle shooters.
hmm, you guys know that call of duty 5 is coming to the wii. and I think that come shooters work fine, you just have to actually work. MP3 anyone?
I would much rather spend 5 minutes learning and mastering the controls of a PC/xbox/ps controller than spend a minute learning the controls, then the next 10 hours getting so I can hit a target without having my crosshair leave the screen or some crazy thing like that.