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K1/TSL Simplified MG42 Blaster Cannon

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07-29-2008, 6:51 PM
I want to take a shot at this:

because it is Star-Warsy and I like the way it looks. I want to replace one of the in-game models, maybe the Blaster Cannons (K1) or the Charric (TSL). It will be a simplified version, so that the polygon count does not get out of control.

Before I start, I want to make sure that nobody else is working on something like this. If there are any existing mods based on the MG42, I also want to make sure that mine looks different.

ps Thanks to RedHawke for valuable information on the origins of some of the Star Wars blasters!

07-29-2008, 8:16 PM
ps Thanks to RedHawke for valuable information on the origins of some of the Star Wars blasters!
Aw shucks! :o

I only remember that stuff because I wanted to make myself replicas on my own of some of the weapons. I actually got myself a Broom-Handle Mauser to make Han's blaster, but it was in real good condition so I never started, I didn't have the heart to ruin it! :lol:
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