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Star Wars: Hope and Courage

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08-04-2008, 9:55 PM
"I'm very pleased that your mission has gone well. Come back to Korriban. I want to have a meeting with you all."

Red opened his eyes, still alone in his shuttle while following the Sith.

"Korriban?" he asked aloud. "Blue, we're going to go Korriban." Red punched in the coordinates to the ship and left the cockpit to his meditation room.

"Yes...we are!" laughed "Blue."
08-05-2008, 7:10 AM
"I know you are a force-sensitive, but please tell me you didn't need those to find out that I'm a Jedi..."

Torn shrugged. "Its a lasier way of telling me you're Jedi..." he said. "You may notice from my armor I am not Jedi, yet I carry a Lightsaber. Still, thats a story for another time..."

""Now tell me, what is your true purpose in the Enclave, if you are looking for something inside... I might know where to find it, especially if it is something... old."

"Like we said..." said Beq. "We're dealing with a secret gang of thugs which have been causing some havoc to the local villages around Dantooine. They need to be taught a lesson by us and made sure they don't hassle the locals..."

Beq stared at Null. "Right, lets head for the enclave right this minute. No sense in wasting more time in idle-less chit-chat. Lead the way..."
08-05-2008, 5:10 PM
This was so exciting! At last, Naja gotten the chance to have a real adventure. Fighting bad guys, meeting new people, exploring... every Farm girl's dream. The young woman stepped up.

"Right! Null? Hoban? Let's get this show on the road! Whoo!" Naja said, raising her arms in the air happily.


"Yes, Master..." they all said.

After their Master's conversation was over, the hologram went off. Zula and the other Sith minions got up. They all sat back down on their seats, except for Zula. She walked over to Diabolas, and grinned.

"Well, looks like our Master wants us back on Korriban. Can't wait for what he has in store for us, eh Diabolas old buddy?" She said, trying her best not to laugh.
08-05-2008, 7:13 PM
"Well, looks like our Master wants us back on Korriban. Can't wait for what he has in store for us, eh Diabolas old buddy?"

Diabolas gave her a glare. "... Dont touch me..." he ordered. He walked over to the cockpit of the shuttle and spoke to the pilot. "How long till we charge up the hyperdrive?"

"Less than a minute, we got to coordinate the atrogation charts incase we hit an asteroid field."

A minute later, the shuttle entered the vortex of racing stars and sped off into hyperspace.
08-05-2008, 7:37 PM
Red watched as the Sith shuttle beamed off into nothingness.

"Let's follow," said Blue.

"I agree," Red replied.

Red punched in the hyperdrive settings, and before long the shuttle was zooming through the unlimited amounts of stars and galaxies. Red spent the remainder of the travel in the cockpit, amazed by the universe surrounding him.
 Cyborg Ninja
08-06-2008, 9:22 PM
Null had gotten on his speeder ready to lead the the group to the enclave when he heard a very excited Naja.

"Right! Null? Hoban? Let's get this show on the road! Whoo!"

Null hoped off his speeder and got on the back of it. He decided to make the girl happier, its not everyday you get to drive a speeder.

"Naja why don't you drive, being more local than me you could probably get there much faster."
08-07-2008, 5:34 PM
"Like we said..." said Beq. "We're dealing with a secret gang of thugs which have been causing some havoc to the local villages around Dantooine. They need to be taught a lesson by us and made sure they don't hassle the locals..."

"Gangs? That sounds nice!"

"Right, lets head for the enclave right this minute. No sense in wasting more time in idle-less chit-chat. Lead the way..."

"Right! Null? Hoban? Let's get this show on the road! Whoo!"

Hoban nodded to Naja and went to get the speeder. But it was gone. Hoban looked around and saw it nowhere. He went back to the others.

"I seemed to missplaced my speederbike, can I hitch a ride from anyone?"
08-07-2008, 7:23 PM
After her excitement, she glanced at Null. "Naja why don't you drive, being more local than me you could probably get there much faster."

The young woman smiled. "Really? Thanks, Null! Can't wait to go and finally do something fun!" She hopped in the front seat of the speeder bike. It was great that they were finally going to stop some thugs, when all of a sudden...

"I seemed to missplaced my speederbike, can I hitch a ride from anyone?"

Naja scratched her head. "Um... where did you last have it at, Hoban?"


"... Dont touch me..."

That sure scared the blazes out of Zula when she heard him say that coldly. "M'kay! I guess..." She took her hand off his shoulder, and looked at him skeptically. She then walked back to her seat, and sat there, not saying a word.

In her mind, she thought about what her Master would say when all the Sith got there. It was a good thing that the New Sith Empire was being built. It was also good that any disobedient species that didn't obey the Sith became their slaves, and began to built their Empire.

Zula grinned quietly to herself.
08-07-2008, 8:08 PM
"Do you think it's wise to attend Korriban when all of the Sith in the galaxy will rendezvous there?" Blue asked.

"What are you talking about? We're Sith!" Red replied.

"Oh. That's right."
08-09-2008, 8:41 PM
"Naja why don't you drive, being more local than me you could probably get there much faster."

"Just don't drive that fast; our crew is needed to catch up. We won't be needing speeder bikes, anyway." Torn pointed out.

"I seemed to missplaced my speederbike, can I hitch a ride from anyone?"

"Heh, don't worry. The enclave isn't that far, a mere walking distance from Khoonda." said Beq.
08-10-2008, 8:51 AM
"Heh, don't worry. The enclave isn't that far, a mere walking distance from Khoonda." said Beq.

"Shiny! I think my stolen bike got stolen anyway."

"So, what do you know of the gang? I mean numbers, weaponary and such?" Hoban asked as he started to walk. "Oh, and which entrance are you planning to take?" Hoban himself considered taking the left entrance, where the council used to be.
08-10-2008, 5:10 PM
"Just don't drive that fast; our crew is needed to catch up. We won't be needing speeder bikes, anyway."

Naja nodded and smiled. "Okay! That sounds good." She got off the speeder bike, then turned to Null. "It's okay, Null. They said the Enclave isn't that far anyway. But thank you for the offer!"

The young woman took the basket of berries that was covered with a white cloth. "I'll carry these... just in case." Naja started to walk to the Enclave's location with the others.


Zula had her eyes closed, but was not asleep. She was thinking. She wondered... what if the Jedi came to strike back? What if they overthrew the Sith again. This troubled Zula. If the Galactic Alliance or the Jedi even showed their faces, they were going down.

"Geez, how long till we get to Korriban?" she sighed heavily, complaining in her head.
08-10-2008, 7:13 PM
Vigilance exited Hyperspace in the Zhar System a handful of hours later. Admiral Thorn stared down at the planet slowly turning beneath his feet. Somewhere in this system, there was the concealed Hidden Temple, effective Headquarters of the Jedi. Not many people knew what sector of the Galaxy it was in. Thorn was one of the lucky ones who had at least gotten it narrowed down.

"Open up a comm channel, audio only, wideband. Encrypt using the Alpha-Sierra Seven Protocol."

"Audio open, Admiral."

Hopefully, if there were anyone nearby snooping around, it wouldn't be a group that had cracked this encryption. Given that it was designated for very specific uses, it was unlikely that anyone except the people he was attempting to contact had ever even seen it before.

"This is Admiral Thorn, contacting the Hidden Temple. Please respond."
08-11-2008, 3:38 AM
It was about time they began moving aswell, Torn thought. He and the rest of the group followed Naja, Null and Hoban to the enclave.

It was a short trip from where they were, and the view of the old enclave came into view as soon as they passed the small cliff. There it was; right across the bridge was the courtyard.

"Alright, we don't know an exact number of thugs within the gang..." said Beq. "Though they seem to be using Imperial Weapons they either bought or more likely stole."

"They would most likely be hiding in the sublevel...." Torn added. He sensed activity beneath the enclave. "They probably dealt with the Laigreks, but we never know what surprises await us!"
08-11-2008, 12:21 PM
"Alright, we don't know an exact number of thugs within the gang..." said Beq. "Though they seem to be using Imperial Weapons they either bought or more likely stole."

Naja turned and looked at him, worried. "Ah man! But... where do you guys think the gang might be hiding at?"

"They would most likely be hiding in the sublevel...." Torn added. He sensed activity beneath the enclave. "They probably dealt with the Laigreks, but we never know what surprises await us!"

The young woman grinned. "Or they probably won't know what surprises await them." She turned to walk towards the Enclave. "Well? What are we waiting for? C'mon!" Her eagerness was getting the best of her.
08-13-2008, 2:32 AM
"Well? What are we waiting for? C'mon!"

Torn sensed her eagerness. "Please be very inconspicuous when we're down there. Like you said, we want to be the ones filed them with suprises."

Torn walked across the bridge and onto the courtyard. He turned to the right-hand path to the entrance of the enclave. He studied the doors.

"These doors are very old, and most likely be using an archaic form of lock..." He pulled his Lightsaber out activated it. He injected the blade slowly through the door, then popped open. A slight gap was made, and it was a simple job of pulling the sliding door.

"After you.." he said to his crew, clipping his Lightsaber back onto his belt.
 Cyborg Ninja
08-15-2008, 8:11 PM
"Well? What are we waiting for? C'mon!"

Null laughed quietly to himself at her eagerness. Torn opened the door for the group and Null walked up to her whispering

"Don't worry you'll get your adventure soon jedi"

He then walked past her and took point for the group. He walked through the door and began looking around with his Deece. He approached a door and moved to the left of it with his back on the wall. He looked up at the jedi called Torn and whispered very quietly,

"so what's the plan Mr. Torn?"
08-16-2008, 12:55 AM
"Please be very inconspicuous when we're down there. Like you said, we want to be the ones filed them with suprises."

Naja blushed at Torn. "Oh. Okay. Sorry," she whispered, smiling. Then she stopped and turned to Null when she was about to go inside. "Don't worry you'll get your adventure soon jedi."

"Thanks, Null," the young woman replied and smiled. When she got inside the old Jedi Enclave, Naja stood behind a wall on the right side of a door, along with some of the others.


Finally, they were out of hyperspace, and coming towards the planet Korriban. Zula looked out the window and smiled. "Finally," she thought. "Now we get to see what our Master's next plan is."

The Sith woman got up, and walked to where Diabolas was at. "Hey, Diabolas. We're here now," Zula said, trying to act cool.
08-16-2008, 6:20 AM
"so what's the plan Mr. Torn?"

"Actually, its Beq you should be asking that question to. He's the first mate..." Torn added.

"We'll split into two groups. My crew mates will be the first group, while you guys are the second."

The sublevel was cold. Torn could hear a rushing fountain up ahead.

"We'll scout through this place to find the gangs." Beq through Null a commlink. "We'll keep in touch. If you find anything or something bad goes wrong, let us know immediatly! Any questions?"


"Hey, Diabolas. We're here now,"

Diabolas awoke from his meditation. He eyed Zula.

"Yes, I know..." he stood up, and walked towards the window overlooking the barren planet below. "Refresh me memory Mistress Zulu... when was the last time we paid a visit to our master?"
08-16-2008, 12:19 PM
"We'll scout through this place to find the gangs." Beq through Null a commlink. "We'll keep in touch. If you find anything or something bad goes wrong, let us know immediatly! Any questions?"

Naja raised her hand. "I do! Um... is it all right if I participate in this quickly? I mean, not to sound dumb or anything, but my mother needs me before the Sun goes down."

"Man, that sounded really dumb..." she thought to herself. She still held the basket of berries in her arms.


"Yes, I know..." he stood up, and walked towards the window overlooking the barren planet below. "Refresh me memory Mistress Zulu... when was the last time we paid a visit to our master?"

Zula nervously looked at Diabolas from behind. But she tried to stay calm as before. No matter his strength or height... Zula had to stay her ground. Then she mumbled, "My name's Zula..."

Then she remembered the question he asked her. "Well... since we've been gone for months now... I'd say about... 4 to 8 months since we visited our Master, I guess? Are you troubled about it, Lord Diabolas?"
08-16-2008, 5:32 PM
Hoban removed his robe and hang it on a piece sticking out from the wall. He looked around in the enclave, and felt memories coming to him. He thought it was quite funny, it felt as it was not long ago since he last been there, even if it had been thousands of years. He went around touching things, connected to them in a way.

"We'll scout through this place to find the gangs." Beq through Null a commlink. "We'll keep in touch. If you find anything or something bad goes wrong, let us know immediatly! Any questions?"

Hoban first looked around in their direction and then in on the way he was suppose to take. He didn't mind either of the ways, both could be to his gain for as far as he knew.

Naja raised her hand. "I do! Um... is it all right if I participate in this quickly? I mean, not to sound dumb or anything, but my mother needs me before the Sun goes down."

Hoban smiled. "Either way, I'm ready to go!" he said as he removed his green lightsaber from his belt.
 Cyborg Ninja
08-17-2008, 2:35 AM
"We'll keep in touch. If you find anything or something bad goes wrong, let us know immediatly!"

Null just nodded at Beq's statement. He doubted he'd need their help but he would still call them every now and then.

"I do! Um... is it all right if I participate in this quickly? I mean, not to sound dumb or anything, but my mother needs me before the Sun goes down."

"Relax Naja we'll have plenty of time to get back to that charming mother of yours, and if for some reason we don't I'll give you my speeder. That's a promise."
08-18-2008, 7:30 AM
"I do! Um... is it all right if I participate in this quickly? I mean, not to sound dumb or anything, but my mother needs me before the Sun goes down."

"If we do this carefully, then this shouldn't take long." said Beq. "Remember, we want them alive to be taken into custody by the authorities. You're permited to shoot them, but be careful not to kill them."

"Either way, I'm ready to go!"

"Good, then lets get this game running." Torn pulled out his twin blasters and accompanied his group in the left path of the fountain.
08-18-2008, 9:40 AM
"Relax Naja we'll have plenty of time to get back to that charming mother of yours, and if for some reason we don't I'll give you my speeder. That's a promise."

Naja laughed. "Thanks, Null. But I hope that we all come out alive, no matter the danger." She smiled.

"If we do this carefully, then this shouldn't take long." said Beq. "Remember, we want them alive to be taken into custody by the authorities. You're permited to shoot them, but be careful not to kill them."

"All righty then! Let's do this!" She started to move on the right side of the fountain, pulling out her lightsaber.
 Jason Skywalker
08-18-2008, 3:52 PM
As Dalenn woke up from his unexpected nap, he noticed a group of people entering the enclave. Nobody ever entered it except for people who had business of their own and needed a place to do it. Curious, Dalenn decided to check it out. He got up from his lying spot on the plains and walked up to the door that led to the sublevels.

"Hello there," He told the strangers, "Looking for something on the ruins of a time long gone?"
 Cyborg Ninja
08-19-2008, 3:10 PM
Null followed after Naja with his Deece out. He looked around to make sure there were no hidden enemy's. Truth be told he had never actually been inside the enclave before so he hoped Naja knew where she was going. He felt play time was over and it was time to be serious again so he would not talk until he had to again. He cheched his HUD but saw nothing on it yet so he kept walking. He wondered what was in this enclave and why a group of thugs would want to even be in here. He caught up to Naja and spoke softly to her.

"Do you have any idea where we're going, because I don't"
08-19-2008, 3:37 PM
"Do you have any idea where we're going, because I don't"

Naja stared ahead, half confused. "Well, actually... my answer would kinda be "no". I haven't been in the Enclave, but I've read stories about it. Hoban might know where some passages are, so..."

Suddenly she was interrupted by another voice. "Hello there," He told the strangers, "Looking for something on the ruins of a time long gone?"

The young woman turned around, and saw a middle-aged male Twi'lek. He looked like a local that worked on a farm from somewhere. Naja bowed. "Hello, sir. We... uh... we are looking for something... but I think it would worry you if we told you."
08-19-2008, 4:31 PM
"Well, actually... my answer would kinda be "no". I haven't been in the Enclave, but I've read stories about it. Hoban might know where some passages are, so..."

"Well it's a bit broken... but I guess we should just make it easyand just walk the main hall here, and then check room by room. I mean, if there are any 'gangs' around, we'll find them that way. Besides, I want to look around abit. Just be careful, I'm not much for building constructure and such, but I wouldn't be suprised if the whole enclave just fell apart during our visit, especially in a fight. So, no grenades!"

Hello there," He told the strangers, "Looking for something on the ruins of a time long gone?"

"Hello, sir. We... uh... we are looking for something... but I think it would worry you if we told you."

"Time long gone? This is the closest thing I got to a home... " Hoban mumbled "Anyway, I'll go up a bit ahead to see if I can find something nice, or nasty if that's preferable." he said as he hit Null on his shoulder, and went away.
 Jason Skywalker
08-19-2008, 4:41 PM
Dalenn smiled bitterly, "Oh really? Well, you can try miss. Many have tried and succeeded in plundering these ruins. I would not be surprised if someone were still doing it these days. They would only wasting their time though, everything's been cleared out."

"But enough of my rambling. What business have you in here?"
 Cyborg Ninja
08-19-2008, 5:57 PM
I'll go up a bit ahead to see if I can find something nice, or nasty if that's preferable."

Null noded as Hoban hit his shoulder and walked up. He looked behind him to see a male Twi'lek and Naja was trying to not give what they we're doing away. Null decided to step in and help out.

"But enough of my rambling. What business have you in here?"

Null had to think of a lie quick but fortunatly for him he was good at it, enough to trick even a jedi.

"The name's Kal Vau and my wife and I are doing some exploring down here in the enclave. My good friend Julisk has been here before and wanted to show us around. I'm a sucker for exploration so I couldn't say no." he replied to the man.

Null turned to Naja, "Come on hunny we don't want Julisk getting ahead of us again" he motioned for her to go on ahead.
08-20-2008, 2:45 AM
Torn followed behind Beq and the others, exploring the forgotten passages of the enclave. There was dust everywhere, but the air was breathable.

Torn suddenly noticed it before on the crewman stepped on it.

"Wait!" he yelped. He force pulled him away from the mine. "A frag mine. Touch it and boom!"

Beq knealt down and started disabling the mine. He was the one who had most experience with demolitions. A few minutes later, the mine was disabled. He looked back at the crew and whispered.

"We have to be cautious. People plant boobytraps for a good reason, and thats to stop people like us from getting to them!"

He krept along the passages with his blaster rifle at hand, scanning every direction for any hostilities. The crew followed his example and proceeded.
 Jason Skywalker
08-20-2008, 7:26 AM
Dalenn heard the armored man talking, claiming to be the young woman's husband. A bit young to be married, no? Most people her age would probably be enjoying life.

"Well, mind if i tag along? If i might say, i'm a sucker for exploration as well," He lied, with a smile. Might as well furthen the lie told by the "explorers".
08-20-2008, 11:59 AM
"The name's Kal Vau and my wife and I are doing some exploring down here in the enclave. My good friend Julisk has been here before and wanted to show us around. I'm a sucker for exploration so I couldn't say no."

Naja made a quick glance at Null, who said that she was his wife. But then she knew what he was doing.

Null turned to Naja, "Come on hunny we don't want Julisk getting ahead of us again"

"Oh! Heh heh... right, sweetie. Let's get goin' then!" When she turned to walk away, she heard the Twi'lek man again.

"Well, mind if i tag along? If i might say, i'm a sucker for exploration as well,"

The young woman thought about it. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad for an older guy like him to come. After all, he did look like he lived on Dantooine for a long time himself. Naja began to laugh. "Okay, sir. It's all right with me if you come along. I mean... I don't mind!"
 Cyborg Ninja
08-20-2008, 12:45 PM
"Well, mind if i tag along? If i might say, i'm a sucker for exploration as well,"

Null looked the Twi'lek up and down, with his figure there was no way he was an explorer then again neither was Null.

"Okay, sir. It's all right with me if you come along. I mean... I don't mind!"

"Well if you don't mind, I don't mind hun," Null replied back.

He did not trust this Twi'lek because Null knew he was lying, then again Null was lying too. He followed after Naja and looked back every now and then to see what the Twi'lek was doing.
08-23-2008, 5:04 PM
Hmm...nothing. Where are the bandits? Hoban thought and looked around. He saw no sign of them in the hallway, but moved towards a door. He noticed it was locked, or stuck. But he sensed some kind of lifeform inside the room. He looked back and noticed that Null, Naja and the Twi'lek were coming in his direction.

Hoban activated the green lightsaber in his hand and placed it through the door. There were no guards in the room, but to Hoban's suprise, it was children. Six children, all tied up, sat in the middle of the room. Kidnappers? he thought as he slowly observed everything in the room before he entered it. The room appeared to be normal, apart from the fact of the children.

Hoban deactivated the lightsaber and went to a computer standing further in the room. He obeserved it, but it was broken since many years. He went back to the children, they weren't awake, but alive.
08-25-2008, 6:27 AM
Everything was quiet. Too quite. Everytime they turned a corner, there was nothing there. But they did hear the soft padder of footsteps behind them every now and then.

Torn was leading, and had his squad following behind him. He stopped, as he heard a sudden noise. He turned around to notice one of their team members were gone.

"Where is Desky?" Beq asked. He was taken. By none other than the supposed gang. They were quite silent for a gang of no good thugs. Torn thought they must be using some kind of clocking device. He looked at the door beside them. He krept and sliced through the old security door. As his squad entered the room, he looked ahead at one of the supporting pillars to see that Desky was tied up. There was a stab wound through his belly.

"Ugh... Desky..." Torn whispered. Suddenly, a metal ball rolled towards them from nowhere. It took torn to realise what it was: a flash grenade.

"Cover your ey---" the grenade detonated and sent the crew into shock. He dropped his comm link.
08-25-2008, 5:58 PM
Naja looked at the children who were tied up. "Oh, these poor kids!" She ran towards them, and tried to untie them. Then she turned to Hoban, Null, and Dalenn.

"C'mon, guys! Help me!"

Suddenly, she felt a disturbance in the Force. The other squad was in trouble! "Oh no. Guys! You stay here and help these kids out of here. I'll go see if the other team is all right." Naja took out her lightsaber, and headed out the door.
 Cyborg Ninja
08-25-2008, 6:14 PM
"Oh no. Guys! You stay here and help these kids out of here. I'll go see if the other team is all right."

Null was going to say he would try to reach them on the comlink but she was already gone. Null tried to reach Torn by setting his helmet to the right frequency.

"Torn this is Null, do you read me?"

Null got no response from from anyone in the other group and chances were Naja was running right into an ambush.

"Hoban you free those kids and then come with me, Torn and the others are in trouble."

Null ran after Naja as fast as he could, watching his HUD at the same time. As he got closer to Torn and his group indicated by yellow dots he began noticing more and more red dots. He spoke quietly to Naja.

"Watch yourself Jedi! They're waiting to ambush us, we can't just run in there."
08-26-2008, 7:13 AM
A few minutes later, Torn's vision was solidified. He found himself tied up to a pillar, looking across from where the deceased Desky lay. Torn observed the rest of the room to see that his team mates were tied up to the pillars, not making any signs of movement.

"Torn!" Beq yelped from the other side of the room. "They killed the remaining crew members."

Torn watched with horror as he saw the stab wounds in the stomach of each crew member. Then looking across to where three dark figures were standing over their latest victim. The figures turned to face Beq, one of them carrying a Vibroknife.

"You sick monsters! No human being can come up with something this demented!!!" Beq screamed.

They weren't human. They were three Weequay thugs dressed in black armour, each one carrying a blaster clipped to their utility belt. A grin spread across their wrinkled faces.

"We dislike intruders..." one of them said. "But they make good hosts for the sacrifices we conduct."

Sacrifices? Then that meant these "thugs" were none other than some uncivilised cult, terrorising the locals and kidnapping their children for their own religeous practices. Torn felt a mixture of anger and disgust. They will pay for their crimes.
 Jason Skywalker
08-26-2008, 7:34 AM
"Well, this sure classifies as an adventure for a bunch of explorers, hm?" Dalenn told them, "Well, let's get these kids more comfortable, shall we?"

He then proceeded to untie the ropes binding their bodies, ropes that were so violently tied. Guess the kidnappers don't care what happens to the kids as long as they get the money, or whatever they're after by doing this.

"You there, listen," He told Hoban, "You go catch up with the miss and her husband, i'll make sure the kids are safe."
 Cyborg Ninja
08-26-2008, 4:25 PM
"Torn!" Beq yelped from the other side of the room. "They killed the remaining crew members."

Null looked at Beq tied up to one of the pillars with three figures standing over him. He also noticed Torn tied up to another pillar. He looked down on the ground at the rest of the crew with stab wounds in them. They were from the vibroknife being held in one of the figure's hands. The figures had black armor and were Weequay, he could tell from their voices. Null quickly placed the sniper attachment and took aim at the one with the knife.

"We dislike intruders..." one of them said. "But they make good hosts for the sacrifices we conduct."

Null pulled the trigger and watched as the one with the vibroknife dropped to the ground dead.

"Why don't you sacrifice that!" Null called as he switched to the blaster mode hoping to force the other two away from Beq.

He fired at them but also made sure to shoot above Beq. He quickly moved to Torn and pulled out his DC-15 in the other hand and shot at Torn's ropes freeing him. He reloaded the Deece blaster and now with the blaster pistol in the other he shot at the other two hoping to keep them pinned down.

"Get Beq, I'll keep these two busy!" Null yelled to Torn as he began advancing towards the other to Weequay.
08-26-2008, 10:28 PM
It was a good thing Naja was with Null. Otherwise, those thugs would've got him too. She felt bad for the crew members of the other group. But she would honor their deaths later.

She placed the basket of berries by the door, and went to go help Torn retrieve Beq. "Get Beq, I'll keep these two busy!"

Naja went in front of Torn. "I'll cover you!" She pulled out her lightsaber, igniting a bright yellow blade. Deep in her mind, she also hoped that the Twi'lek guy and Hoban were safe also, along with the children.


Before Zula could say another word, they were already on Korriban's surface. "Well, would ya look at that? We're already here."

She then turned to Diabolas. "Let's see what our Master has in store for us, shall we?" And with that, Zula headed off to get off the ship, and head towards the New Sith Empire that was being built from the outside.
08-27-2008, 5:21 PM
"You there, listen," He told Hoban, "You go catch up with the miss and her husband, i'll make sure the kids are safe."

Hoban stepped out of the room, but stopped. He sensed something.
"Hey! Twi'lek-guy! Someone is coming, you better hurry, I'll keep your back covered from here." he said as he grabbed his second lightsaber, and activated both.
08-28-2008, 6:17 AM
"Get Beq, I'll keep these two busy!"

Torn nodded and stood up. Naja stood before him. "I'll cover you!"

Torn grunted with agreeance and ran toward the pillar on the other side of the room where Beq was tied too. He knealt down and picked up the Vibroknife that lay on the floor.

He sliced the blade across the tough, leathery ropes; freeing Beq. "Thanks Torn. Now where is my blaster?"

Torn looked across the room to find that their weapons sitting on a metal rack. Torn used the force to call his Lightsabers and Beq's blaster. Torn activated his Lightsaber.

"I gotta score to settle..." he muttered, glaring at the remaining thugs.
 Jason Skywalker
08-28-2008, 9:08 AM
"The name's Dalenn. And i'll be fine by myself, you go! And hurry up! With you here, you'll just be a hindrance to me!" Dalenn told Hoban. They probably only viewed him as an old Twi'lek, but, there was more to the book than the cover. As a former Jedi, he would be able to stand his ground, even without his Lightsaber, which Hoban quickly took out.
08-29-2008, 12:09 PM
Naja stood her guard, watching the other two Weequay guys. As she kept her eyes on both of them, Naja looked back at Torn, who already freed Beq. "Good job, Torn."

They needed to get out quick, if she was ever going to get back home soon...

"Boy, this has been quite an adventure. It's been a while now, since I ever had an adventure," she thought to herself.


Darth Zula continued to walk inside the newly built Sith Empire. It was good to see that the disobedient species were now working for the Sith to build their new Empire. She also couldn't wait to hear what her Master had to say.

Finally, the Sith minions reached into a huge auditorium hall. Zula decided to stand up, seeing that she sat for so long on the journey back home.

"Wonder where Diabolas is at," she wondered. Zula then shrugged the thought off.
08-30-2008, 9:33 AM
"The name's Dalenn. And i'll be fine by myself, you go! And hurry up! With you here, you'll just be a hindrance to me!"

"Afraid I'll steal you're kills?" Hoban said and smiled and deactivated the blue lightsaber and replace it on the belt. "The name's Hoban by the way, Ancient Jedi."

He looked futher way down the corridor. He could sense something, but he couldn't see it. "Very well...Dalenn, I'll leave you to do your work, just be careful with the children. However, I think the beauty and beast will be fine. I'll go futher in, I need to find something..." Hoban said and went down the hall.

As he approached the corner, it got very dark, and he still couldn't see what he felt. But he knew he had passed it. He looked back, but saw nothing. He used the green lightsaber as a torch as he kept walking.

He came to a room, this one was empty aswell. It disturbed Hoban that he never saw any bad guys. Perhaps he should pick a fight with that Torn guy later to compensate. He walked to the right corner of the room and placed his hands on the floor, and found a loose spot, and grabbed a box from under. When he opened the box he noticed it was empty. Damn those scavengers!
 Jason Skywalker
08-30-2008, 11:54 AM
"Hmm, you noticed heh? Kind of hard not to when we are both Jedi," Dalenn told Hoban, a smile on his face. Afterwards, Hoban left, leaving Dalenn alone to untie the children binded by ropes. He soon untied them all.

"Well, it's going to take much more than one person to take all these kids out of here, so," Dalenn said to himself while getting up and out of the room, closing the doors shut with the Force, "I guess this should do."

He could sense something coming. Weequays? He felt them, but he also felt something else. A stern look then adorned his face.

(Hey Nymf, what EXACTLY do you have in mind for this presence Hoban and Dalenn are feeling?)
09-01-2008, 7:22 AM
Torn leaped for the nearest Weequay cultist and slashed his blades against the Durasteel black armour. A huge mark was made across his chest. The Weequay punched Torn in the face, and fired his Blaster.

Torn deflected those bolts, only a few of them hitting his own armour. He used Force Valor to increase his physical strength and leaped for the Weequay again. Only this time swinging his saber to knock the Weequay down, and Torn stabbed his lightsaber through the armour.
 Cyborg Ninja
09-02-2008, 3:34 PM
Null attacked the other Weequay while Torn fought the one closet to him. The Weequay hit Null in the chest hard. Null recovered and punched the Weequay in the face. Null followed up with a kick to its chest and then grabbed it from behind.

"I hope you know how to play catch Naja!" Null said as he threw the Weequay, "and by catch I mean catch it with your saber!"
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