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I guess it could be a WIP; Dark Jedi Addition.

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05-02-2008, 7:16 PM
Yeah. Not so much of a WIP as well... 90SK from earlier >_>
anyway, I'm using the idea the Sith are chasing her, to add a little more challenge to the game. I'll be adding Dark Jedi to the game. I'll put them either in groups of 3 or 5. I already know I'll leave Telos and Peragus untouched (Too early). I need some idea on where I should put some groups.
I was thinking something along the lines of:
In the Refuuge Landing Pad, I would have a group of Dark Jedi immediately outside of the first door (After you either give the guy asking for credits some creds or threaten him) and they would attack you there.
I should also hide solo Dark Jedi in hiding places, like in the Shaada Cantina, and give them some better stats.

On Dantooine, I would set some Dark Jedi spread out in the enclave and the crystal cave, looking for you.
 Mandalore The Shadow
05-02-2008, 7:24 PM
definatly the crystal cave goes without saying
05-02-2008, 7:38 PM
Yeah. They might not even be looking in there for the PC, just for crystals to make them stronger.
05-02-2008, 7:38 PM
Also, Korriban and Dxun as well.
 Darth Payne
05-02-2008, 8:03 PM
Now this i like.

I always thought there weren't enough Dark Jedi in the game.
05-02-2008, 8:29 PM
Nar Shadaa...
Where the stronger rules is a good place for a young ambitious sith to make himself a name.
He can spy, pay for informations from the whole galaxy, search for hidden jedi refugees, also build plans with the Exchange, and he can be very ugly in total freedom...
05-03-2008, 2:32 PM
Ok. Once I get the positions where the Dark Jedi will appear, I will need to actually place them in game. Is there any tools I need? (Already has KOTOR tool and K-GFF)
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