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Kotor Cantina Team (Need Recruits)

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 Larz Hotari
04-29-2008, 8:29 PM
Hello everyone, My name is Larz Hotari. Im putting together a team of modders to hopefully add some Spice and some more backbone to the Kotor and Tsl storylines. People needed-

-Skinners 2
-Weapon creators 2 (need some sort of 3d program)
-Uti Expert 1
-Website template designer 1
-Module Editor 1
- Npc Placer's 2
-Beta Testers 3

I'm open to suggestions that you have or an idea that you can contribute to the story (Yes you will get credit for it if we use it :) )
You can do 1 0f 3 things to contact me.
1. send me an email of your expertise and an image of your work to edit by d3: PM me

2. Go to the forums and register and send me a PM

3. Or go to the website and do the same thing

Thanks for your time. I hope to hear some of your replies and registrations!
-Larz Hotari
04-29-2008, 10:59 PM
Just to let you know...

9. E-mail addresses

For your own privacy and security, do not post your e-mail address in the forums. If you want somebody to contact you personally, then please use the Private Messaging system built into the forums, or turn on the option allowing other users to send you e-mail via your profile.

But welcome to the forums!

It might be good to tell the community a little bit more about what you need... i.e. more about the project and the jobs etc.

And be sure to check out the tutorials found in the subforums here at Holowan.

04-30-2008, 11:25 AM
If you let us know more about what you want to do, you'll generate more interest and probably get more potential team members.
 Marius Fett
04-30-2008, 11:30 AM
Yeah, it's probably a better idea to post some of your ideas here, give some information on them and then see if anyone is interested. Simply ststing that you need a team isn't very descriptive. ;)


Like the new Avatar. ;)
 Mandalore The Shadow
04-30-2008, 6:41 PM
i have created an account how do i pm you
 Larz Hotari
05-01-2008, 6:26 PM
Sorry about the whole email thing. Our idea is that we are going to make of course some new weapons(blasters,sabers,etc) Also making a few planets and adding a whole new storyline to the game. Our team hopes to get in some new added content and much more. Also custom Armor and possible a New Alien race. The plant names with be: Eigea and Ireu

[Edit]- Also Need someone who is can create custom planets and knowns how to get them to show up on the star map.
05-01-2008, 7:24 PM
Also Need someone who is can create custom planets and knowns how to get them to show up on the star map.
Only one person for that?
wouldn't the making planets part be more of a team thing because It's not all that easy to do one on your own.
 Larz Hotari
05-02-2008, 7:39 PM
As the Exile is on his quest searching for the last remaining members, he finds out that there are actually 2 extra members that were not mentioned because soon after the mandalorian wars started they left the council. As the exile lands on the planet *Yablari* he is confronted by some anomids who are very hostile towards him and is seen as an enemy. If you are Lightside there will be a lightside answer which makes the Anomids trust you and your companions in which they take you to the city and you have access to their merchants and some new side quests. If you are dark side you will get a dark side answer in which you will be detained in jail using a force neutraliser. What they do not know is that you are Very powerful in the Dark side of the force and is able to break out. You then Kill all the people until you get to the leader when you say"Join the Dark side or Die!" He will then join you and your companions in your quest replacing the character *To Be Named*.

*This is only partialy it, this is the first planet. THere will be 1 more along with this one. Thanks for reading. Also visit out site we need recruits!
 Mandalore The Shadow
05-02-2008, 10:55 PM
We need someone good with modules i have tried and failed to create this for the team it is because i have only the bacic tools and my skills at that kind of thing are quite frankly lacking so if anyone wants to join us and help out with that aspect even if thats all you do it would be very helpful and cheak out the thread labeled Mask if you can help us with that issue thanks in advance
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