Note: LucasForums Archive Project
The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

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 Mandalore The Shadow
04-18-2008, 6:38 PM
could i create an armband that spawns one kind of enemy with kotor tool if not what tool do i need
04-18-2008, 6:50 PM
Yeah its possible, with KotOR tool...though I'm not sure what you have to do; Id reccomend a review of BoS and specifically the Amulet of Fiends, examining that should be of help for what you want to do.

This might also possibly be of help;;89332)
04-18-2008, 6:59 PM
its totally posible heres a link of one done.;73877)
might want to contact the auther.
 Mandalore The Shadow
04-18-2008, 7:17 PM
can anyone tell me so i dont have to dig up the information
04-18-2008, 7:25 PM
By contact the auther I ment ask him how he did it, I know him and hes making a new version with more stuff u can do with it. e.g spawn dead body's, allie's and the like hes a nice enough guy he will more then likely help you out a bit.
 Mandalore The Shadow
04-18-2008, 7:30 PM
ok will do sry
04-18-2008, 7:46 PM
Here, the basic way to do it involves Spells.2da editing... Only way I know how is I've been editing Darth333's spawnband lately to figure out how you make such a thing.

You have to edit your spells.2da to create a new line in it (I don't know what it is for TSL) I don't know what you'll have to call it, check out the shields for help. Then, see the runscript or something like that heading? Under that you'll want to insert the name of your script (E.G. myscript) no .ncs. Then you'll want to create your script so that it spawns a creature around you. (Don't ask me, I can't script to save my life).

At least... I think that's how it works!

If you want D333's Spawnband, just PM me for it... or her...
04-19-2008, 4:48 AM
You can use this as your script and in the Script Parameters, "P1" collumn you put the distance away from the PC you want the target to spawn in meters, like "5", and in the String Param collumn you can put the object ResRef you want to spawn, like if you want a rancor you put "c_rancor".
This way you can use this script on all of your dialog nodes and only need to change your "P1" and "String Param".
void main(){
object oPC = GetFirstPC();
int iDistance = GetScriptParameter(1);
string sCreatureTemplate = GetScriptStringParameter();

vector vPC = GetPosition(oPC);
float fFacing = GetFacing(oPC);
float fDistance = IntToFloat(iDistance);
vector vFacing = AngleToVector(fFacing);
vector vSpawn = vFacing * fDistance;
location lSpawn = Location(vSpawn, 0.0);

object oSpawn = CreateObject( OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, sCreatureTemplate, lSpawn, TRUE );

AssignCommand( oSpawn, SetFacingPoint(vPC) );
AssignCommand( oSpawn, ActionAttack(oPC, FALSE) );
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