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viewing Tga files in 3d.

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04-04-2008, 2:22 PM
Is it possible to view tga in 3d, instead of a flat texture? Because I find it difficult to apply colours to tga and not know where it will end up!

Can gmax do this?
 Marius Fett
04-04-2008, 2:24 PM
Yep, all you have to do, is apply the texture to your model in Max or GMax, then you can flick between Photoshop and Max and see the changes take place.

@LordRevan below,

HA! Beat you to it! :xp:
04-04-2008, 2:24 PM
Yes,gmax can I think but 3dmax does this I am sure of that.
04-04-2008, 2:30 PM
Its the same for G-Max and 3D-Max.

Using the Material editor, pick an open slot; look for the Diffuse channel.
Then pick to put an Bitmap into that.

That'll open a browser to look for any sort of Image fill, going from PSD ( photoshop files) to TIFF, Targa, other crazy stuff I never heard of.

Anyway, pick the TGA your working on. Then apply it to the model.

Though be warned, the TGA will not be shown at its best quality.
There's nothing you can do about that in G-Max, in 3D-Max you take some quick renders to view it at nice quality.

So don't freak out if looks kind of pixelated. It'll turn out OK in the game.

But does help, to know what part goes where :p
04-04-2008, 2:33 PM
Sorry Quanon, but I'm a complete noob in gmax , could you also tell me how to extract a model file and and paste the texture onto it, sorry to be picky or annoy you.
04-04-2008, 2:41 PM
I just found an older thread on this, here's what I posted before to get the TGA into the Max stuff and on to the model to preview it.

Yep that would be this beasty , hit 'M' to get it

Pick one of the Material slots and look for Diffuse and just click on the small squar grey button next to it.

This opens a new window, in there double click on Bitmap.

This takes you to the browse window, look up your .PSD=>saved photoshop file.
Hit Open, you'll get a new message yapping about collapsing the layers => Hit OK.

Tadaaa your PSD is now in 3D-Max, now select your door.

Hit Apply to Object in the Material palette ( marked blue in the screen) and hit Show in viewports ( Marked green in the screen).

You know should see your texture on the door itself. It might look ugly, thats because Max doesn't show it in high detail in the working space.

Look for a small Teapot Icon at the Top right of the screen, thats the quick render button.

This will show you the door in full detail.

Whats so great about this ? Well everytime you alter and save your photoshop file, it'll also get updated in Max.

So every time you add a detail and save , you can quickly check it out in Max. This can save you some time and its great if your just on start of your texture.

Though in the end you still get the best idea what you're doing when viewing the texture and door in the game itself.
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