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Normal bump and Height mapping question

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03-27-2008, 3:05 AM
what will the game read?

in the way of Normal, bump and Height maps i mean.
using c_malbeast01B.tga as an example, this is a bump map, but do i need to replace this Bumpmap with a normal map? or can i have both by using a differant extenson.

ie, c_malbeast01N.tga will it read it?

if not how, can i get around this and have multiple effect maps for a single model just using file names?
03-27-2008, 2:23 PM
The game engine doesn't support Specular, Bump, or Normal maps AFAIK.
 Darth InSidious
03-27-2008, 2:47 PM
You can imitate the effect in some image editing software, like the GIMP, however. :)
03-29-2008, 7:15 PM
The game engine doesn't support Specular, Bump, or Normal maps AFAIK.

that nearly makes me cry y'no....
Im gonna havea rummage thru the engine .dll's and see if i can find the numericals to enable bump and hex processing.
no promises tho, id just like to see Cliffs with Bump maps.. 'cos y'no, thatd be nice
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