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Dustil triggers

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03-26-2008, 1:00 PM
What triggers I need to that friend of Carth talk to me about Dustil on Korriban. I ask it because I have the "Carth" quest completed, but his friend doesn't appear. :confused:
03-26-2008, 1:34 PM
you must go out from the ebon hawk whit carth..
in that way hes friend will show up :D
03-26-2008, 3:28 PM
What triggers I need to that friend of Carth talk to me about Dustil on Korriban. I ask it because I have the "Carth" quest completed, but his friend doesn't appear. :confused: See point 7 on there, if you have fulfilled them and it hasnt triggered; could be a) you've not go the latest patch for KotOR, b) mods interfering; do you have any mods installed? or c) try reloading the area and see if it was just a triger failure.

Hope that helps :)
03-26-2008, 4:48 PM
If you've got turbo on, you can often bypass a lot of the triggers. Turn it off, and that should fix it, if you're using turbo.
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