hello i am in progress of making a mod and i would like to no how to fade out of a conversation and change my party leader
talking to atton about his past
then fades out
Pc is now atton
in an interly different place [ redecorated harbinger]
If you want to do that, you can accomplish that if you put the appropiate entries into the "Speaker" and "Listner" fields. With this trick you can have many persons participating in a conversation.
I think he means like on Dxun, when your party goes off alone.
I think you do it like this:
void main()
Just replace NPC_TAG_HERE with the tag of the NPC.
void main()
Just replace NPC_TAG_HERE with the tag of the NPC.
Almost. :) You don't specify any tag as parameter to the SwitchPlayerCharacter() function, since it requires an integer. You specify the party slot index of the character to make into temporary main character. This is a number between -1 and 11 in TSL, or -1 and 8 in KOTOR1, or you could just use the NPC_ constants instead to make it easier to read. Like:
void SwitchPC(int iSlot) {
void main() {
SetGlobalFadeOut(0.0, 2.0);
DelayCommand(2.0, SwitchPC(NPC_HK_47));
SetGlobalFadeIn(2.0, 2.0);
(...which should fade to black, switch HK47 to main character and then fade in.)
So near yet so far...
Thanks stoffe, and sorry mitchjo2345. :)
I'm not really a scripter as you will notice :lol: