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Need help with a script!

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02-09-2008, 10:59 AM
I wrote my own script this time, but it didn't work out so well. I attempted make an NPC move to a certain waypoint.

void main()
object oExarKun=GetObjectByTag("exarkun");
object oWP=GetObjectByTag("walk");
location 1Destination = GetLocation(oWP);
AssignCommand(oExarKun,ActionMoveToLocation(1Desti nation,FALSE);

I get a syntax error when I try to compile it.

walk.nss(5): Error: Syntax error at "integer constant"
walk.nss(6): Error:Syntax error at "Destination"

Anyhelp with this would be appreciated.
02-09-2008, 11:12 AM
Try this;

void main () {

object oNPC=GetObjectByTag("exarkun");

AssignCommand(oNPC, ClearAllActions());
AssignCommand(oNPC, ActionForceMoveToLocation(GetLocation(GetObjectByT ag("walk", 0)), 0));

EDIT: There shouldn't be a space in 'Tag' I have no idea why it's showing like this but just remove the space.
02-09-2008, 11:15 AM
I wrote my own script this time, but it didn't work out so well. I attempted make an NPC move to a certain waypoint.

void main()
object oExarKun=GetObjectByTag("exarkun");
object oWP=GetObjectByTag("walk");
location 1Destination = GetLocation(oWP);
AssignCommand(oExarKun,ActionMoveToLocation(1Desti nation,FALSE);

I get a syntax error when I try to compile it.

walk.nss(5): Error: Syntax error at "integer constant"
walk.nss(6): Error:Syntax error at "Destination"

Anyhelp with this would be appreciated.

Shouldn't it be lDestination instead of 1Destination?

void main()
object oExarKun=GetObjectByTag("exarkun");
object oWP=GetObjectByTag("walk");
location lDestination = GetLocation(oWP);
AssignCommand(oExarKun,ActionMoveToLocation(lDesti nation,FALSE));

The script complies fine when i changed that.
02-09-2008, 2:08 PM
Yes! I got it to compile! Thanks guys!
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