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i am going to get maya but before i do would anyone

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02-01-2008, 3:16 PM
I am thinking about geting maya. But before i do would anyone Advice me not to get it. reson i want to get it is to do a complet overhaul kotor 2 and maby a few other pc games. if anyone out there ethere has maya or use maya can you please tell me what the program is like and would you recomend it???????? this program is expensive it cost $7500 i do have the money to buy it. so does anyone think it is worth it. please aleast look up maya before you say yes or no
02-01-2008, 3:29 PM
Are you any good at modeling? If you're not or haven't done anything much then my advice would be try a few free trials first, or maybe buy Milkshape as it's only about Ј20 - I know it's no good for KoTOR Models but you'll get a feel for making models. Also GMax is free and is still available from turbo squid, at least it was two weeks ago and most people here use it.

02-01-2008, 3:34 PM
I have had Maya for three years and my buddies who are professional game designers, tech, modellers and developers swear by it, they say it is hands above 3dMax which I also use, both achieve the same things but I do feel that Maya is better. But i agree that checking out a trial is a good idea, there will be some solid up front work to do, but it will pay off in the end, as far as the learning curve.
 Marius Fett
02-01-2008, 4:13 PM
Are you any good at modeling? If you're not or haven't done anything much then my advice would be try a few free trials first, or maybe buy Milkshape as it's only about Ј20 - I know it's no good for KoTOR Models but you'll get a feel for making models. Also GMax is free and is still available from turbo squid, at least it was two weeks ago and most people here use it.


Yeah theres a reason GMax is free...

It's crap :lol:

Seriously though, GMax is good for some things though has a lot missing.
Use it for a trial and see how you go then get one of the big programs.

I like 3DSMax myself but then who doesn't! :D :xp:
02-01-2008, 6:43 PM
It's crapNo it's not. Just because you haven't taken the time to learn how to use it properly doesn't automatically mean it's crap. It's actually a very good tool, especially given that it's free. It's more than acceptable as a stand-alone tool for game modding where it's sufficient.
02-02-2008, 5:30 AM
No it's not. Just because you haven't taken the time to learn how to use it properly doesn't automatically mean it's crap. It's actually a very good tool, especially given that it's free. It's more than acceptable as a stand-alone tool for game modding where it's sufficient.

You can look at it that way... but of its age it misses lots of the handy buttons I love to use in 3D Max.

Took me awhile to get used to G-Max.

Though I find it a bit silly they didn't at least include the the Render UVW, taking
screenshots of the screen to get the UVW is silly.

But, yeah... you can model anything with it.

Plus being pampered by Max 9 I often found G-max "crap"

Don't hit me o_Q

@Topic : Never worked with Maya, but their from the same company , but you might have to check if there's any support for Kotor modding.

I'm not sure there's an NWmaya or something along those lines.
02-02-2008, 4:36 PM
Never worked with Maya, but their from the same company Not entirely true. Discreet bought Maya, so since it was created by a different company it's bound to have some differences. I only used Maya in high school, so there's no chance of me remembering any details about the software, but Maya and 3DS should be fairly similar just based on their purpose and the fact that nobody in the industry wants to relearn everything to use new software either.

Which makes you wonder what Softimage was thinking... :p

With regards to gmax, it's "clumsy" if you're used to professional software. That doesn't make it "bad" or "crap" though. It's just old, but it can still perform all the basic tasks you need with less fuss than some commercial software (*cough*MS3D*cough*).
02-02-2008, 4:44 PM
It's just old, but it can still perform all the basic tasks you need with less fuss than some commercial software (*cough*MS3D*cough*).
I know I used Milkshape as an example but thinking about it Inyri is right, it's very crude and sloppy, I originally bought it to model ships for Bridge Commander... Ha! what a waste of time - admittedly my modelling skills suck but Milkshape didn't really help much either.

Anyway the reason for this post, only get a trial of Milkshape to practice a bit, as far as actually using it for anything... Probably not the best idea.

02-03-2008, 6:56 AM
Not entirely true. Discreet bought Maya, so since it was created by a different company it's bound to have some differences.

Ah, yes , that's true ! :p

Forgot about that part of history.

The only thing I heard from my teachers of 3D Max is that : Max is good for modelling.

Maya is better for animations.

Well something along those lines, but both programs do their job.

With regards to gmax, it's "clumsy" if you're used to professional software. That doesn't make it "bad" or "crap" though. It's just old, but it can still perform all the basic tasks you need with less fuss than some commercial software (*cough*MS3D*cough*).

:lol: DDD might have gotten this bad word ; " crap" from me.
As I vented my frustration in a chat window. ;)

He must have picked it up. My bad... o_Q

Its a real Eye opener, when you suddenly can't do what your good at it and its basiclly the same program.

My deepest respect for the peeps who had to work with older 3D Max'es.
 Marius Fett
02-03-2008, 7:27 AM
Ah, yes , that's true ! :p

Forgot about that part of history.

The only thing I heard from my teachers of 3D Max is that : Max is good for modelling.

Maya is better for animations.

Well something along those lines, but both programs do their job.

:lol: DDD might have gotten this bad word ; " crap" from me.
As I vented my frustration in a chat window. ;)

He must have picked it up. My bad... o_Q

Its a real Eye opener, when you suddenly can't do what your good at it and its basiclly the same program.

My deepest respect for the peeps who had to work with older 3D Max'es.

Yeah blame Quanon! :xp:

Seriously though, go for Max.

Quite easy to work with and has a UVWMapping feature that actually works!

Unlike some programs... *cough*GMax*cough* :D
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