Fair enough. But I've seen countless comments along the lines of "Christensen is a terrible actor. He is so whiny!"
I don't think Christensen is whiny; I think he needs to stop putting so much emotion in all his lines. He could have delivered a more powerful performance if he had used his body language and facial expressions to convey some of the meaning he tried to get across in his voice.
Jack Lloyd - He was a kid, sure, but he was one of the worst "child stars" I've ever seen. An over actor with awful timing.
Hayden Christensen - He has this odd habit of combining far too much emotion with an insanely monotone voice. Most of the reason why I didn't like him was because of his puke-worthy dialogue and poorly written character, but he certainly didn't add anything to the role.
Natalie Portman - She's not so bad in her other roles, but I really think that every morning before shooting, she must've thought, "How can I make my 'character' as fake and uninteresting as possible?"
Ian McDiarmid
Ewan McGreggor
Christopher Lee
Liam Neeson
Alec Guinness
Harrison Ford
James Earl Jones!
I don't really have any reasons for liking them, except for... they're just really good.
Well, that's just because you like Keira Knightley a wee too much :DNo one can like Keira Knightley too much. :carms:
After they have the scene and character down through a director, they have the dialogue to work with.
"The thought of not being with you, I can't breathe"
"Ultimate Power!"
"...Now THIS is Podracing!"I maintain that that second line is one of the greatest and best delivered lines in all of Star Wars. It fits Star Wars perfectly IMO and to me it makes Palpatine so awesome.
For the Record, Sidious says, Power... "Unlimited" Power, Not ultimate power.
It's my Pathetic pet hate, I've noticed people quoting it wrong all over the place.
Check out this audio file... :)
Whoops, missed that he misspelled that, although I'm sure it would be just as good if he said that. :)
Agreed :)
a lot of the extras, fighter pilots, security etc in episode I were British soap, TV, straight to DVD actor's... they sucked pretty bad too :)
For the best, Ewan McGregor, Harrison Ford, Sir Alec Guinness, James Earl Jones.
Hayden Christensen wins hands down for worst. His scenes with Padme just made me cringe. To be fair, they had terrible lines, but there no absolutely no chemistry whatsoever between them. His fall was also...less than impressive.