or how about this you are invicable for a set time limit(1-2 minutes) then you take just as mmuch damage as any normal class
That is an interesting idea. I trust that whatever they decide upon will be good.
Yes, that would be great, and while we're at it, lets give sinpers automatic rocket launchers and portable nukes, because if we're going to ruin balance, lets do it in the most insane fashion!
Im sorry, but did you not read my post? Its enough already that to take down heroes you sometimes have to sucide them with mines, and yet you want to make them invincible for a time?
Calm down mate. Civil discussion and idea exchange.
He's right though. Balance is key to the game. Hero's are kind of overpowering as it is.
gah wats got your panties in a wad i was just sayinfor a time ok ok i have a better idea make them invicable for a specified time then make them take 4 TIMES THE DAMAGE i say thats balenced but u know.....:dev8::snip2: snipers with auto rockets and portable nukes sounds like fun i dont think thats unbalenced do you aedan?? jk jk its totally unbalanced
Theres a reason for that, like I or someone else has said in probably about 75% of threads in this forum, the jedi are WAY overpowered, and there is no need to break an already broken part of the game even more.
That is true, but that's how the jedi are in the movies, but I can see your logic :D and now, I have to agree with you...
:C aww man i guess im the only one who likes poratble nuking snipers!! o well ok well any others bf3 ideas hmm.....maybe add some armor variations but just for looks it doesnt make you stronger or anything it just makes you look cool o yea :D
That is an interesting idea. I trust that whatever they decide upon will be good.
You do?..
I hate to be the fun sucker, but this thread, and most others has become to resemlbe some one with amnesia, we just keep going over the same ideas, not remembering whats been said.
Invincibility is a terrible idea, and will frustrate everyone.
Large explosions will frustrate people even more, sure their fun for you but how do you like being poisoned by a magna gaurd.
Keep it simple, maybe a grappling hook for the Clone Commander... simple.
ok but one thing why would a clone commander need a grapling hook
You do?..
I'm talking of course about Lucasarts final decision. I hope it will be good, but only the release will tell.
Invincibility is a terrible idea, and will frustrate everyone.
Large explosions will frustrate people even more, sure their fun for you but how do you like being poisoned by a magna gaurd.
I agree with you, and think hero invincibility is absolutely ridiculous and will frustrate people to the point of not playing the game.
Keep it simple, maybe a grappling hook for the Clone Commander... simple.
ok but one thing why would a clone commander need a grapling hook
@RC- To obviously get to higher places in the map for a good vantage point. It's short and sweet.
well i get that but the guy has a freakin chaingun dont you think that would be better suited for a different class like say snipers because snipers love vantage points
I wouldn't mind a grappling hook as a sniper. Of course, the JumpJet Snipers from the +123 maps on Bespin would be even more welcome.
Hehheh. Jetpack snipers? Better not hear that from any of you hero haters. jkjk
Yes, yes we have gone over many of these ideas. But I, frankly, don't really mind. I can wait until BFIII comes out for PC. (And again... isn't it out for DS? Makes these discussions even more pointless).
Heroes, in my opinion, are very nice, but contrary to the "grunt battle" concept of Battlefront. Jedi should not even BE in the game, save perhaps as bosses. I'm not saying get rid of heroes altogether, but the kind of heroes we should see are commandos/ers, troopers with extra upgrade points, etc.
But, the heroes come in handy if your losing a battle. I myself had a few instances where a hero unit helped me win a battle that was hard to win at.
I only hate Jedi. Solo, Fett(s), etc. are fine.
Oh, okay - bet you'll love it if they put IG-88 in Battlefront III (i.e., if they're actually working on it). I'm a big bounty hunter fan, so I'd love it too if IG-88 and a few other hunters were in the game, such as 4-LOM, Bossk, etc.
That's true, I would love IG-88! They don't have enough of those kinds of units; the kind that are more useful to the team than plain soldiers, but are still killable.
That's true, I would love IG-88! They don't have enough of those kinds of units; the kind that are more useful to the team than plain soldiers, but are still killable.
I know, that would the gameplay more enjoyable. I have been able to kill guys with lightsabers, but mostly because I either get lucky or get a cheap shot in. Or I do overkill and use the rocket launcher :launcher:
(miss most of the time, though :))
I like the the idea of heroes being NON-lightsaber users, the Fetts were easy to use and take down!
The non-jedi heroes should be a little harder to kill than a regular trooper, but it shouldn't be close to invincible, like the Jedi and the Sith. By the way, I'd love to see some Vong in the game. I've downloaded the SWBF1 conversion pack, and could play as Nom Anor. What confused me was that he came with a blaster. It's probably because it's not the final version of the pack
If you really good like me, you can kill a jedi with a standard piece.
Kidding dude, but the non jedi heroes being harder to kill is a good idea.
Agreed, and they should have infinite health like any other soldier, because, they're not as powerful as the jedi...
I agree. The Fett's are no more dangerous then jet troopers with elite pistols and elite blaster rifle. Chewie is basically a wookie with the guided rocket, and more health. Han and Leia just have elite pistols too.
Thats why they should be these "heroes" instead of lightsaber weilders.
For heroes I think they should have plenty of bounty hunters, but still have Jedi and Sith. I didn't really like the Han and Leia heroes in Star Wars Battlefront 2. I don't know why, I just didn't.
It's because they're bloody useless compared to the Jedi. Junk the Jedi and they're awesome against other soldiers.