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Journey Into Darkness

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 Empress Padme
07-21-2007, 11:14 PM
Lily blushed." Your such a flirt. I was desperate to get away from a situation up there that....I forgot to ," Lily whispered the fly part.

"So what are you doing out here Owecyn.You need a reason to follow us. Sorry it's just you make your feelings so transparent.Do you do that on purpose?" Lily asked Owecyn.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-21-2007, 11:35 PM
After some hours of walking around the central Market of Esse, Erames had finallt collected all the itmes they needed for the long journey. "I guess its time for me to get back and organize all these things that I have bough." He buyed a gift for each of his new companions, he wanted to get to know them better. He was curious about people around him, specially different species. As he walked, he saw people on horses going quickly by.

As he finally returned, he saw Owecyn carrying Lily on his arms. 'Oh no!" he said, thinkink the princess was imjured. "Are you alright your highness?"
 Empress Padme
07-21-2007, 11:42 PM
" I fell out of the window.Don't ask.I can walk now." Lily huffed.

She jumped out of Owecyn's arms and hobbled her way out of the inn.It was clear she had a sprained foot but pride and embaressment was getting the best of her.

She went behind the inn and sat down.Finally allowing herself to cry. Then she felt somebody near.

" Erames? Owecyn?" she asked the shadowy figure.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-21-2007, 11:54 PM
"Why do you act like this Lily?" asked Erames. She seemed different from the person he had met on the forest, she seemed more sad and distant, perhaps he had done something wrong. Perhaps his hostility towards the others had make him seem like a savage at the eyes of Lily

"Have I offended you in any way your highness?"
 Empress Padme
07-22-2007, 12:18 AM
" Offended me?" Lily chuckled." Your not a savage ,Erames. I don't view that way ,far from actually.Can you keep a secret? I do believe there is a great evil out there,I do but it's not the only reason I left. I believe my destiny is among Man. I had visions when I was up there. Of a life down here, I just couldn't see with who. They were visions not dreams. A fortune elf once told my parents that I would chose a man, a human man, as my mate. So really I am on two journeys. One to save the world and the other to find who I share this world with. That's why the kept me up there so the prophecy would not be fulfilled. " she told him.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-22-2007, 12:27 AM
Erames looked at her. "Princess, do you really believe that somebody else can tell you about you're future? I don't believe in that, I believe that we ourselves make our own way and future based on the actions we take. We can be influenced by the words of another, but we choose our fate ourselves."

Erames helped her stand up and gave her a handkerchief to clean her tears. "I'll be inside the inn if you need me?" he said, and departed
 Empress Padme
07-22-2007, 12:43 AM
Roy had overheard their conversation.

" He's right to a point.However Man doesn't truly know the beliefs of Elves no matter how much they can be friends with us.So you are the princess of the prophecy.This explains much.Come now let me heal your sprain." Roy bent down and put elven medicine on her wound.

" He is a bit of a savage." Lily said to Roy as he was tending to her.

Roy smiled." Yes ,Your Majesty."

" He's also rather clueless." Lily continued.

" Very much so." Roy tried not to laugh.

"Roy call me Lily. The Majesty bit is a little annoying." Lily said.

Roy got up and was now face to face with her. He said kindly." Yes ,Lily."

They both blushed.'Erames might be right' Lily thought to herself.

" You know Lily not all male elfs are bad. Some can be down right hopeless romantics. Or just hopeless." Roy said.He started to walk away when Lily grabbed him.

" Your not hopeless,Roy."

" We shall see Lily, we shall see."
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-22-2007, 1:10 AM
"She really needs to grow up a little" muttered Erames to himself, "All this talk about love and meeting her soulmate, when she needs to be concentrated on her quest. she's our leader after all."

He went up the stairs to his room and took out the special weapon he had bought: a special crossbow. It had cost him a very hefty fee, but it was worth it. The weapon had a quiver under it, capable of holding 350 small crossbow bolts, it was said to be the invention of the year. A reason for coming to Esse was that t was a place of invention, and he had wanted the beat gear possible for the quest. He inspected it, and decided that it was odd indeed, the merchant said that it was capable of shooting 20 bolts in a minute, but he had to try it out for himself.

"Its time to make a good impression" he said to himself, and took the presents he had bought for the others in his sack, and called them to his room.
07-22-2007, 4:28 AM
Jenomden held the kings hand as he died, she couldn’t help bet cry, the king had just given his final order to the legionnaire and herself. The king took his ring off and had placed it in the handmaidens pocket, then he took his last breath.

Jenomden stared at the ring given to her by the king, it was a gold band encrusted with three crimson rubies and a larger single viridian one on top. She couldn’t stop looking at it, a gift of such beauty had been given to her and she didn’t even know what it was. The two of them sat in an Inn with a couple of drinks, neither of them could relax but a few hours ago Stermirhad been fighting to defend his city.

Stemir looked around the room he was startled by the sound of a young women falling on top of a man, but this didn’t really concern him. Turning back to the new Queen he saw she was staring at the ring given to her by the king.

“You really shouldn’t be looking at the band of the king in public M’lady.” He said quietly in the hope no one else would hear but her.

“Band of the King?” She said placing it back in her pocket.

“It’s the ring worn by the Ruler of man, it has been enchanted so only the rightful ruler of our land’s can touch it.” Stermir explained. “When the King gave you the Ring you became the Queen and that is the only proof we have of your rightful place. For now M’lady we must keep it a secret many will be tempted to destroy you.”

“Please stop calling me that my name is Jenomden, but everyone calls me Jen.” The Queen requested.

“If that’s your wish M’la… Jen.”

“You know I just realised I don’t know your name, If you intend to be my guard I should know it.” She informed.

“My name is Stermir.” He replied as he removed his helmet for the first time since they met. His features showed him to be quite handsome and Jen smiled at him. “We should head for the city of the Daura, Rumour says a man is there who has been investigating a great power organising all the evil forces on Lotherdell. I thought he was just a babbling madman until this all began.”

“How do you know of him?” She asked.

“He’s my brother.”

((OCC- I added the bit at the beginning as I forgot to add it earlier but it still works adding it here.

If it’s not too much trouble can someone have overheard the conversation as it would be of interest to Lily.))
 Daft Adidas
07-22-2007, 5:43 AM
"Hmm lets see how they like this.... scary? They are being racist to my kind! Well I've got two potions, hmm I know I'll do both!" Clickny had a weird but good idea.

"Transfigurus Hot Guy!" He pointed his staff at the mirror which bounced back and hit Clickny.

He could stay like this forever! He is clever! Then he jumped out of his room window knocking himself and cutting the glass. He lay crumpled on the floor unconsious.
 Empress Padme
07-22-2007, 3:02 PM
Lily and Roy , while walking, overheard a conversation by Jen and Stermir.

" That's interesting." Lily whispered to Roy as they walked away.

" Yes it really is, but let us keep what we heard between us for now." Roy told her.

" Yes, Roy." was all Lily said.

" This the calm before the storm ,Lily. If you really believe the prophecy. I'd start picking suitors now and then fulfill the prophecy after we battle this great evil. That way there are no distractions when we enter battle. Your mind will be clear and your heart will empower you." Roy said to Lily.

" Thank you for understanding, Roy." Lily hugged him.

" Well I am a Elf plus I have only sisters so I kinda understand you more than a 'savage' would." Roy chuckled.

" Sisters?" Do tell." Lily quizzed him.

" Maybe later. Now lunch." He told Lily.
 Daft Adidas
07-22-2007, 3:15 PM
Clickny or his new name "Rod" lay sprawled on a grassy patch outside a small Lunch Cafe place. Still unconsious but dreaming.

I am not going to turn back to Clickny. I am staying as Mr Hot Rod. I deserve a girl in my life. No one ever liked Clickny. Maybe they will like the new me. Hmm I like these new clothes I've put on. Need a new personality for sure...
07-22-2007, 3:23 PM
Jen and Stermir walked out of the inn, they had decided to get some supplies as the journey to Daura Would take a day by horse then one more by boat. They needed to get some camping gear and enough food to last them, Stermeir also needed more arrows for his bow.

As they walked they passed a man laid out on the Grass outside a lunch cafй, Stermir just ignored him and began to walk past bet Jenomden stopped and looked at him.

“Are you well Sir?” She asked the stranger.

“Jen we really need to get on.” Stermir said stopping and turning to the Queen.

“I’m only seeing if this man needs aid.” She said calmly. “Do you sir?”
 Empress Padme
07-22-2007, 4:29 PM
[Daft turning him into a hot guy- pure genius]

After Roy and Lily finished their meal.Lily asked Roy if he could teach her some battle moves. They purchased some swords at a nearby blacksmith.
They found a field and began their training session.

" Now Lily lunge at me with the sword" Roy told her.

She looked uneasy.

" Pretend I'm Clickny entering your room while your getting dressed." Roy smiled.

"That'll work." Lily laughed. She lunged and they began a heated duel.

" I guess when you need insperation in battle just picture them as Clickny ." a out of breath Roy joked. Lily was actually starting to beat him. He was amazed at her improvement with the sword. ' I guess she just needed the proper....encouragement.' Roy thought to himself.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-22-2007, 5:00 PM
Erames went to look for his companions. Where in the world are they? I though I left them on their rooms he searched the whole floor for them, but apparently they had left the inn. "Not good" he noticed, "I need to be able to locate them at any time, in case something happens."

He went down to the first floor, thinking along the way if he was being too strict on them, [i] But how can I not be? this mission is way too important, I should at least make them see that I'm a good guy" he carried his sack, with gifts for his three companions, when he noticed a fair maiden helping a man.
 Ferc Kast
07-22-2007, 5:38 PM
Owecyn went to the town's border. He went to stare towards the horizon. As the sun falleth, so shall I if I persue Lily. But, the sun does rise no matter what. Owecyn thought to himself

"If a tree falls in a forest and there's no one to hear it, does it make a sound?" He pondered aloud.
"You're mine. There's no one to help you now." A masked stranger said.
This stranger knocked Owecyn out. Good. Another job completed. He was less dangerous than they said. Time to go collect my reward. This masked stranger thought.
 Empress Padme
07-22-2007, 10:58 PM
Lily and Roy continued to fight.

" Your improving Lily, very good."

" What can I say. I have a good teacher."

They smiled at each other. Lily was about to take another strike when she slippedin mud.Roy tried to help her up but fell in mud. On top of her.
They looked at each other.Lily kissed him. Roy didn't kiss back.He looked at her.
" I thought you wanted a human.Prophecy remember.Your visions ,you see a human."
he told her.He tried to get up but she pulled him back down.

" All I see is you." Lily whispered to Roy.He gave into his passion and kissed her passionately.He then got up and grabbed her in his arms and took her back to her room at the inn.
As she lay in his arms in her bed she asks him."What happens when a Sky Elf and Forest Elf get together?"

He kissed her forehead." One of them must forsake their heritage and become either a Sky Elf or Forest Elf."

"Oh." was all Lily said.

" I will marry you Lily when I feel I am worthy of you.I will become a Sky Elf."

"No. You would hate it up there.It's not like the forest.When you are ready... I will become a Forest Elf. This is my wish,please." Lily kissed him.

" As you wish, Little Princess."
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-23-2007, 11:23 AM
Erames lost sight of the maiden as crowds passed, and decided to wait for everybody back at the inn. He thought he caught a glimpse of Lily's dress, and decided to go to her room to give her the present he had bought for her, it was not a magical weapon, but it will surely help her on the quest. I may teach her some combat moves I learned from an old swordmaster

He arrrived at her room, but noticed that the door was slightly open, and knocked once and open it slowly, "Urmmm, Lily, I bought a present for all of you, and I wanted to...." his words never came out as he saw a scene that would haunt his memory forever
 Ferc Kast
07-23-2007, 11:55 AM
Owecyn woke up chained on a dungeon wall. Where am I? I have to escape here. But, how? He thought to himself. He heard footsteps heading in his direction. He tried to break the chains, but his effort was is vain. A beautiful, young girl Elf had walked in the dungeon. "I bring greetings from my father, the Elf who raised you as a child." this Elf said. "My name is Lуmithiel Aranel. Quiet. I have temporarily caused the guards to go to sleep. Let me get those chains for you."

"Thank you." Owecyn said, gratefully. Lуmithiel used her magic to break the chains. "Hurry. We have to get you back to Lily and the others." Lуmithiel said. "I will escort you back to ensure your safety." They rode on a horse back to the inn. "Aren't you going?" Owecyn asked, when he saw that she wasn't leaving him. "My father thought it wise if I were to join you on this quest." Lуmithiel said.
 Empress Padme
07-23-2007, 1:51 PM
[OCC -Major changes will be happening,will explain in BCC.]

Lily was still in bed with Roy when the door to her room opened.
Erames came through the door and saw them. To say he looked shocked would be an understatement.

" Erames." was all she could muster. Roy thought 'This will not end well.'
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-23-2007, 2:01 PM
Erames stood as still as a statue, he could not believe what he had just seen. Ohhhh crap he thought to himself, I'll never forget this now, huh?

But still the shock was too much for him, and he closed the word without saying another word. Perhaps in the future I should just knock and call out names
 Empress Padme
07-23-2007, 2:17 PM
" Well that was uncomfortable." Lily said.

" He didn't try to kill me. Very happy about that." Roy replied.

" Now where were we." Lily kissed Roy.

Roy laughed and kissed her back.
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