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Journey Into Darkness

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 JoeDoe 2.0
07-20-2007, 3:45 PM
((OOC: Daft, are you a wizard or an Ogre??))

Erames looked at the newcomer, "Not you again" he said as he took out his sword out, ready to attack or defend, depending on what the man's action were. "Get behind me princess, I'll cover you as you leave"
 Empress Padme
07-20-2007, 3:53 PM
Lily didn't get behind him.She marched right up to the hammerhead wizard.

" You do not BUY a forest. The forest allows our presence ,if that." Lily huffed at the wizard.

" I would get a refund if I were you." Lily said . She then stumbled to the humans. ''Where's the nearest village?" she asked them
07-20-2007, 4:02 PM
Stermir’s sword rose up above his head and clashed with the crooked blade of the Anubi soldiers before him. The Anubi moved it’s head closer to The young Legionnaires and growled into his face, Stermir was briefly repulsed by the beasts breath but his head then sung back towards the Anubi’s. He head butted the Anubi with his helmet causing the creature to get knocked backwards and briefly stunned. Stermir then swung his sword around at the beast soldier’s neck instantly beheading it.

Stermir watched the Anubi’s head roll and then turned around to see his brothers in arms being equally as successful taking out their enemy. As the last Anubi fell to the floor the legionnaires all smiled with their success, but this was a tiny fight in a large battle and they could not linger on their victory.

The rest of the battle was unfortunately not going well, the Anubi army had broken through the gate, the slithers had began unloading from their ships and into the dock while the Orc and goblins had breeched the East wall. The City had been infested and every legionnaire had gone deeper into the city in order to defend the Crystal palace from the hordes of evil.

Stermir and his fellow legionnaires began to run towards the south of the city where they had heard the defending humans weren’t so successful their fight. As they approached and reached a courtyard , they were all stopped by the sight of Slythers feeding off of the fallen humans.

Slythers were perhaps the vilest creatures in the world of Lotherdell to be described as intelligent. They were like snakes with no legs and slithered along on their scaly tail, they did have arms with two fingers and a thumb. Their heads were also that of a serpent with forked tongues and enlarged canines. The creatures were intelligent and created some impressive weapons, but their instincts were still primal and liked nothing more to feast on the raw (and preferably live) flesh of other intelligent creatures.

“For the King!” Stermir shouted raising his sword above his head and charging at the reptilian creatures.

The legionnaires behind him also raised their swords and began to charge with him shouting their own war cries.
 Daft Adidas
07-20-2007, 4:19 PM
"Oi! You do buy Forest! And anyone who is under its tree belongs to the one named me! So lucky for you i am the romantic type!" He pushed his big brute lile lips out and shouted.

"Smooch me!"
 Empress Padme
07-20-2007, 4:34 PM
Lily looked at him like he was crazy.

" I bet these humans here would just love me smooching you. I'm not giving my first kiss to you." Lily told him.

Lily then flew up to the nearest tree. She then blushed.

" I just told them I have never been kissed. A 500 year old elf that's never been kissed.That's so embaressing."
 Daft Adidas
07-20-2007, 5:09 PM
The crazy old Clicny climbed the tree and shouted at her!

"This tree is property of me and I will not allow you to touch it! Dogdy Dez will be mad...." He whacked her of the tree and sat on it himself.

"I spy with my big eye and I see something beggining with Eee."
 Empress Padme
07-20-2007, 5:26 PM
" You should have your eyes checked" she yelled at him.

Lily then got off the ground and started flying to the nearest village.

" The nerve of some people" she spouted to herself as she flew.
07-20-2007, 6:06 PM
Man, Anubi, Slythers, Orcs and Goblins were being killed all over the city as the battle waged, the legion had so far managed to keep the dark hordes away from the palace. The battle was still not going well for the legion, they were outnumbered and being attacked from three sides, the legion fought valiantly killing more and more beasts. This was not to last as with each Anubi, Slyther, orc and goblin that fell to Mans sword was replaced by many more.

Stermir pulled his blade out of a now deceased Slyther, and swung it round at another who was coming at his flank. His blade sliced across this serpents midriff spilling its internal organs on too the stone floor. Stermir twisted around and saw one of his brothering being eaten alive by two of the vile creatures.

He charged holding his sword high and slashing down on to one of the feasting serpent, the blade pierced it's scaly hide and it green blood oozed from the mortal wound. “To the abyss with you.” He shouted pulling the blade from the Slyther body and hacking it back down on to the second one, almost cutting the body clean in two. Looking down at the cannonbalized man Stermir saw he was too late and the venom from the Slyther’s fangs had taken effect and had killed him.

He was broken from his grief by the sound of a large bellowing sound coming from the center of the city and the rooftop of the Crystal Palace. “The horn of the King.” The legionnaire whispered to himself.

“Fall back, the king is in danger!!!” A Captain of Arothrif ordered.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-20-2007, 6:15 PM
Erames was amused at the scene in from of him, an ogre trying to get an elven princess no less, to kiss him. Yeah, like that's happening soon , and at the same time, he let out a little laugh from his lips. But then he noticed the embarrasedment on the face of Lily and decided to stop.

"What should we do now princess?" he asked her
 Daft Adidas
07-20-2007, 6:22 PM
"I'm not an ogre! I'm a hammerhead wizard for your information! I can also read your rather small mind! I'm far more evolved than you!"

The hammerhead laughed at the little follower.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-20-2007, 6:29 PM
"Saying that you're more evolved and laughing at the matter like an immature girl means you're not" replied Erames, "power crazy is more like it"
But he had no time to have an argument, as he sensed something in the air, perhaps it's my imagination he told himself, "Princess, I think we should move out of this forest"
 Empress Padme
07-20-2007, 7:10 PM
" Yes, Erames I think we should. Roy will find us don't worry.Let's head into the nearest
town, pronto"

As they walked away ,well in Lily's case flew, Lily asked Erames some personal questions.
"Erames have you ever been kissed? What does it feel like?" she blushed as she asked this." Were you in love with the person you kissed?"
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-20-2007, 7:29 PM
Erames reflected heavily on her questions.

"I used to be married" he said plainly, "I loved my wife so, and I kissed her everyday", he looked at the ground as he finished talking. "She died of an illnes she had since before I married her, the years that I spent with her where some of the best of my life"

He looked at Lily, "Have you ever been in love princess?" I'm sure you have, you're very beautiful"
 Empress Padme
07-20-2007, 7:40 PM
Lily blushed.She felt bad for him." I have never loved. In all my years I haven't even been kissed. I'm pretty sheltered, I guess. Your very handsome. When I first saw you I was taken aback. I began to understand why elves leave their 'immortal life' for humans. I...wanted to kiss you. Silly me. Why would a wordly widower want me? You probably are to practical to believe in love at first sight." she grew terribly red in the face, anticipating rejection.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-20-2007, 8:23 PM
"Don't be so hard on yourself, princess" he told her with understanding, "in time, love will come to you, and you will be very happy". But this was not time to talk about such things, for their journey had already begun, "As expected, this mission will be a long one, we should seek shelter on the nearest village, and continue to search for other members to add to our little group, don't you think?"
 Ferc Kast
07-20-2007, 8:48 PM
Owecyn had been following them. They didn't see him. He was trained to follow people so stealthy that even an Elf wouldn't spot him following them. He thought he saw the fair Elf talking with Erames.

He jumped down from a tree beside the fair Elf. "So, I don't think I caught your name. Might I say, coming from one who has dwelled with Elves for most of my life, you look beautiful? Surly, your name must be as beautiful." He said, truthfully. He kissed her hand.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-20-2007, 8:54 PM
"Is the power hungry Ogre!" exclaimed Erames as he took out his sword "get back princess, this could be dangerous" he said to get, while getting ready to defend her, he also tried to think why he was following them. Could he be one of the followers were looking for? he though, while at the same time, getting ready for any sudden attack
 Empress Padme
07-20-2007, 9:04 PM
" Umm,Erames... he's not an ogre.. he's human not the hammerhead wizard." Lily tries not to laugh.

" I'm Lily. Forgive my friend we have been attacked... a lot. He's a little on edge." Lily
says to Owecyn. She's blushing from the kiss on the hand Owecyn gave her.

" You are?''
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-20-2007, 9:11 PM
Seems I made a fool of myself though Erames, well, at least I lifted the princess's spirit a little, it's all fine by me

"Sorry for the confusion" he said, sheathing his sword "as the princess mentioned, we have been attacked a lot, so I must be on my guard to guarantee her safety" but despite all the words, Erames stood on high alert, because he had not sensed the newcomer closing in on them
 Ferc Kast
07-20-2007, 9:33 PM
"Owucyn Edain's the name." he replied to Lily. He turned back to this stranger. "As for you, her safety is not your concern. An Elf named Roy asked me to keep her safe. Hence, I attempted to put the hammerhead wizard into a net. There's no need to be on your guard." Owucyn said, bluntly.

He decided it would be best for him to follow them where they could see him.
 Empress Padme
07-20-2007, 9:37 PM
" Erames.It's okay.It gave me a much needed chuckle." Lily smirked.

She went over to Erames and patted him on the shoulder.She looked at Owecyn.

"Erames is very protective of me. Considering what we must face I will need all the protection I can get." she told Owecyn.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-20-2007, 9:49 PM
"Not only that, princess, imagine what the high elves would say if I let an elvish maiden get hurt under my protection, for I'm a friend of them" said Erames with pride. But this stranger is too bold for his own good, I hope he would not cause us trouble in the future he thought to himself, observing Owecyn, sensing that he would take part in their team

"But I forgot my manners" he said to the stranger "I'm Erames, protector of this fair maiden and friend of elves. I though you say that Roy had asked you to keep her safe, have you seen him?." The last time he had saw Roy, it was when the orcs attacked, "I hope he's alright"
 Ferc Kast
07-20-2007, 9:58 PM
"I last saw Roy just after I left from the 'apple' incident right when the Orcs were attacking. Friend of Elves, are you? Nay, I am a true friend of Elves. I was raised among Elves. I was then taken among Men when I turned 12. But, I decided to go back to the Elves." Owecyn said.

He stared into Lily's eyes. How beautiful she is; yet, would she be willing to forsake the immortal lives of her kin? No. She is an Elf, though beautiful. You are a Man. It has only happened in rare cases. Don't think about her. He thought to himself.
 Empress Padme
07-20-2007, 10:04 PM
Roy made his presence known.

" Yes , I asked this man to help us. He is a friend of the forest elves. He will be helping us in our battles ahead." Roy told Erames.

" Princess, the Sky Elves believe you. They our gonna allow you to continue your journey - reluctantly. I will be protecting you among others.That is all I can say at this moment. They see this as an oppertunity for you to expeirence life....basically grow up a little. Since you have been letting it known up there that you feel trapped. Here is your chance to fly free ....pun intended." Roy told Lily. Lily gave him a dirty look for the 'flying' commment.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-20-2007, 10:08 PM
"Whoa there, easy fella!" said Erames to Owecyn, "I just happen to know some elves, they were very kind to me, I also trade with them once in a while, I consider them my friends and they think about me the same way as well" he looked at the princess, "Is he one for our quest then?"
 Empress Padme
07-20-2007, 10:23 PM
" Yes i believe the flirt will be joining us." Lily looked at Owecyn and blushed." I hope you are as quick with a bow and arrow as you are with words."

Lily smiled. Roy groaned ' This is gonna be a LONG journey 'he thought to himself.

" Well if everybody is done talking I suggest we head to the village nearby and get some food and supplies." Roy told them.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-20-2007, 11:14 PM
"You stole my words princess" exclaimed Erames, "the nearby village of Esse should be around here, it's a cozy little town, but I may suggest that you do not fly there, because that will draw attention to ourselves." He took out a long cloak from his traveling pack, "I suggest you wear this my lady, to keep a low profile on the village"
07-21-2007, 3:35 AM
Stermir ran up the great marble steps towards the palace doors, he ran behind a few other legionnaires who would on occasion turn and fire an arrow. They were being chased by the dark hordes that had almost fully infested the Capital city of man. Stermir turned and launched an arrow at the hordes following him, his arrow hit true between the eyes of a large Orc.

The gate to the Crystal Palace was open letting in all the Legionnaires it could to better protect the king. Only when Stemir had reached the top of the Marble steps and entered the palace had the gates closed. “What are you doing? There may still be men out there.” Stermir complained looking at one of the Captains.

“If we open the gate now, the very palace will become tainted by those creatures very presence.” The Captain replied.

Stemir looked around the large lobby of the palace, there must have only been one hundred legionnaires to have made it this far. Some had already begun to brace the gate while others stood or sat trying to make sense of the situation. The Captain stood atop some steps to make himself more Noticeable to the other men and looked at the soldier.

“You lot over there, go don to the basement and protect the refugees.” The Captain of Arothrif ordered and turned to look at Stermir and the legionnaire around him. “You ten follow me to the thrown room. The rest remain here and do not let those beasts pass you… For the king!”

“For the King!” All the Legionnaire called in unison as they did what they were told. Stermir and the other nine legionnaires ran up the stairs to follow the Captain and protect the King of men.
 Empress Padme
07-21-2007, 3:51 AM
Lily took the cloak." Thank you , Erames. You are right a flying elf would draw attention."

She paused and went over to Owecyn and whispered." You say you know elves, then you know that we can hear thoughts every now and then. Yes I would forsake my immortal life if I fell in love with a human. For love ,I would give up all eternity for a short time , if it was a Man. Life as a Sky Elf is lonely so detached from the rest of the world. It is very likely I will mate with a human.It runs in my family. My favorite aunt fell for a human. I know it is hard for an elf when a human mate dies. She died of heartbreak not long after her male husband's death. Thats why I was so sheltered they don't want history repeating itself, espicially in this age of war. But I must and will follow my heart. Who knows it may be you, Erames , or someone else on this journey. Not that hammerhead wizard though...scary." Lily then headed for the village of Esse. Roy and the men followed behind her.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-21-2007, 4:05 AM
"This very much reminds me of the journey my late father when on" said Erames all of the sudden to the princess, "he always said 'A real man needs to fight just once in his life for something he truly believes in, and only if he's ready to die for it', I can now say that I fully understand what he really ment" he looked at the sky,"when I was younger, I thought he was a little crazy, and didn't pay much attention to what he used to say..."
 Daft Adidas
07-21-2007, 4:20 AM
"No don't leave me!" shouted Clickny all of a sudden as they walked on.
"I've lived in the boring Forest all my years! Dodgy Dez gave it to me! For a nickle! He said it'd be alllllll mine! Guess not! Let me come with you! I'ma wizard! I can do all special stuff and help you! Please I'm begging you!"

Then he begged on his knees.
 Empress Padme
07-21-2007, 4:26 AM
Lily allowed the wizard to come much to the annoyance of the men. Lily gave Erames her full attention all the way to Esse.It was night when they arrived.
They stayed at a local inn.

The next morning Lily got up early.She went outside in the halls.She was determined to walk without falling. Nonetheless she kept stumbling.

Then she stumbled right into the arms of.....
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-21-2007, 4:34 AM
"You have to be more careful princess" said Erames with a smile on his face " I might not be able to save you everytime you need me"

He helped her to stand up, "seems that you're really determined to do your best" he said with encouredgment. "I'm off to secure some supplies that we may need on our mission, like weapons, have you ever used one before?"
 Empress Padme
07-21-2007, 4:44 AM
" I used magical sleeping dust to make the guards sleep while I escaped ,but I don't think that counts. I know a little sword-fighting. " Lily said to Erames." Erames is this a suicide mission for you? So you can be with your wife." Lily frowned.She liked Erames but his thoughts troubled her.They were so sad.
 Daft Adidas
07-21-2007, 4:45 AM
Clickny was up extra early in his room excited by the new surroundings. Everyone could hear him practicing around the Inn.

He pointed his staff at the wardrobe and shouted.

"Hocus Pocus Trinkly Locust!" Some Locusts started crunching on the wardrobe. He then made them disappear and he jumped gave the wardrobe a kick and it crumbled to pieces.

"I am indestructable!"
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-21-2007, 4:49 AM
The princess' question striked Erames deeply

"I believe we are born for a purpose, and in order to fullfil mine, I decided to go in this journey" he said plainly "I owe a debt to this land that has given me so much, to the people that have become my friends, I really want to protect them from whatever that may harm them, even if it costs me my life"
 Empress Padme
07-21-2007, 4:56 AM
" I still feel you have death wish, which is sad for one as hot as yo-" Lily was about to finish her sentence when she heard noises from Clickny's room.

' What in the name of Sky Elves is he doing in there' she wondered to herself. Trying desperately to tell Erames of her feelings for him but the noise from Clickny's room was becoming very distracting.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-21-2007, 5:00 AM
"Seems the EVOLVED individual isn't acting so high and mighty anymore, but instead like a child. Somehow I feel that the whole group's image has degrated a little" he said with a sigh at the end

He then noticed a peculiar word at the end of the princess sentence "Were you refering to me princess?"
 Empress Padme
07-21-2007, 5:08 AM
Lily , doing her trademark blushing, said." Yes, I was Erames. I think your ... hot."

She played with her hair as her face kept getting redder.
07-21-2007, 5:12 AM
The Captain, Stemir and the other legionnaires walked into the Great Throne room of the Crystal palace, it’s roof was high with a large chandelier suspended from it. The walls were covered in artistic stained glass windows and tapestries showing the history of the empire of man.

The King sat on his throne with his head in his hand, a lone Hand maiden stood by his side looking as distraught as the king himself. The king raised his head from his hands and looked up at the approaching Legionnaires. “My lord we have come to protect you.” The captain announced approaching him.

“Protect me, You’ll merely postpone the inevitable.” The King informed. “The Evil that has swarmed my city has an insatiable hunger for death and chaos.”

“Sir if you fool all hope will be lost.” The captain reminded standing before his lord. There was then a large bang, the sound of the palace door finally succumbing to its bombardment. The legionnaires all took out their swords.

“Captain I order you to aid those in the lobby.” The king demanded.

“But sir you must be protected.” The commander pleaded.

“Here or there, it will still meet with the same results.”

“But sire what if one breaks through.”

“I am not feeble, I can defend myself but leave a lone man if you must.” The king compromised.

“Aye, m’lord.” He replied turning to Stemir. “You stay, the rest follow me.”

The legionnaires then began to leave leaving Stemir the King and his handmaiden in the throne room. The handmaiden approached the king and kneeled by his throne. “Please My lord we must use the tunnels to escape.”

“I shall not leave my dear Jenomden, I shall not flee while my soldier die.” The king replied taken the girl’s hand and patting it reassuring it.

At that moment a stain glass window shattered and three Anubi came through it, including the albino leader. The king raised his sword from a sheath within his throne and stermir held his own sword out ready to defend him self and the king as Jenomden ran back away from the beasts.

The albino pointed his sword at Stermir and howled ordering his companion to attack Stermir, he wanted the king to die by his own blade. The two Anubi leapt into the air and towards Stermir raising their swords and slashing them don towards the legionnaire. Stermir moved to one side avoiding one blade and raised his own sword to deflect the others, he pushed the clashed blade upwards then quickly counter by stabbing the blade forward into the beasts heart.

The second Anubi had corrected himself and began slashing wildly at Stemir, he could only jump back and loosely block the strikes. The Legionnaire then spun on one foot coming to the flank of the anubi soldier and swung his blade into the vile creature back. Spinning once again he turned to look at the king, he was in a struggle with the Albino. At that moment the Anubi commander struck at the Kings chest, the king fell to the floor gasping for air.

“Nooooo!!!” Stermir screamed running towards the King’s attacker, With a single strike Stermir beheaded the Albino Anubi with seemingly little ease.

Both Stermir and Jenomden kneeled by the Kings body, Jenomdens eyes welled with tears, The king used what strength was left in his body to stroke the girls face.

“My dear, I have no heir to lead my people, but you have been like a daughter to me, you shall be queen of man.” He then looked at the legionnaire. “You sir knight shall protect her escape through the tunnels and help her find a way to end the war and banish evil from these lands. Protect her with your life this is my last wish.”
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-21-2007, 5:17 AM
"Well, I take that as quite a compliment coming from you, princess" said Erames and patted her in the back (he's a good warrior and all, but when it comes to love he's naive), "I have to get those items now, so I'll be gone for a big part of the day, if you wish you can go with me to the town market, or you could stay here trying to get to know our new members, its you choice" he said as he carried a larged bag on his shoulder, not doubt for the items, "either way I woul recomend that you put on a different type of clothing and that you don't fly if you don't mind"
 Empress Padme
07-21-2007, 5:27 AM
" No, I will stay here.Walking up and down the stairs without falling is my next goal." Lily said to Erames.
'' Out of mer curiousity.Did your wife make the first move cause you don't take hints very well. " she said bluntly.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-21-2007, 5:34 AM
"Excuse me, did you said something Lily?" said Erames, "I was thinking if I needed to buy some upgrades for my current armor because we may enter heavy battle with amny enemies, what kind of things to buy fo the others and for you" he said simply

"If you want to stay and try to survive those two you have my condolenses" he said with a laugh, then he went of to the market
07-21-2007, 5:37 AM
The king’s life had finally faded leaving nothing more than the empty shell, the new Queen of man gripped the deceased kings hand against her face crying for the loss. Stermir rose and looked over at the door, he could hear the sounds of battle screaming, the clash of blades and the fall of warriors. He turned back to Jenomden. “Come m’lady, we must leave.”

“We can’t just go.” The queen cried still clutching the kings lifeless hand.

“We must, those were the last order of the king.” He reminded her. “And those are divine and can not be contested, not even by his predecessor.”

She reluctantly let go of the elderly mans hand and rose off the ground, she turned to walk towards a candlestick on the wall. Pulling it downwards the wall next to it began to shake and open like a door into a dark tunnel, Stemir grabbed a candle from the wall and walked into the tunnel with Jenomben.

It did not take them long to appear out of the basement of a stable just outside the northern wall of the City. Stermir walked out and checked if any of the Evil creatures had came this far north. There were no signs so he went back and helped the queen out of the stable. Both humans approached the nearby horses and mounted them quickly.

“No what do we do?” The young girl asked her protector.

“We travel through the forest heading for the town of Esse, and prey it is still there.” Stermir replied with doubt in his voice.

“Still there?”

“This will not be the only place evil will attack if it wishes to destroy man.” He informed bringing a realisation to her new queen.

“How far will it take to get there?” She continued questioning.

“Three hours if we ride hard and don’t stop for rest.”

“Then we ride Esse.” She turned her horse around and whipped the reigns quickly followed by the legionnaire.
 Empress Padme
07-21-2007, 5:41 AM
[ gin to sleep after this so if you wonderin where i am... asleep]

'Yeah , she must have made the first move. Cute but not that smart when it comes to women.' Lily thought to herself.

" Have fun.I'm gonna stay here." Lily said to Erames.She turned around and saw Roy.Roy was trying not to laugh.

" What you laughing at ?" Lily huffed as she went inside her room.
 Daft Adidas
07-21-2007, 5:53 AM
The hammerhead wizard now realised he had not thanked the sky elf properly.
He left his room found hers and knocked on the door.

"Exuse me, may I come in?, I'm Clickny, the one nobody likes" he laughed.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-21-2007, 5:56 AM
As soon as Erames left the inn, he relaxed the princess sure scared me with that revelation he though to himself, she needs to stay focus on our objective, as so do I, and that was the hard thruth for in a world of peril, people could not have the luxury of love as long as other people suffered, thats what he believed.
Esse was a beautiful city, surrounded by two stone walls that protected the entire city, it's people enjoyed peace, a rare commodity these days. He went to the city's mani market, bought some medical herbs, arranged for horses to be ready when they were bound to departs and bought a beautifully made sword with a very shiny blade, which had a magical indentation on it, a gift for Lily
07-21-2007, 6:46 AM
((OOC- I’m presuming that Esse is a town of man within the same empire as Arothrif.))

The two riders came to the gates of Esse, they were already open and ere allowing people through, word of the attack on Arothrif and the death of the king had not spread beyond the city yet. They trotted their horses through the outer all and quickly found a stable to leave their horses while they go about their business.

Stemir and Jenomden walked up to the guard who stood by the inner wall, the guard examined Stermir and smiled. “We don’t get many from the legion around here. What’s your business with Esse?”

“I’m here escorting this handmaiden of the king.” Stermir lied “She is here to find some of the town legendary wine.”

“Aye. That’s fine, you may enter.” The guard replied as he rung a bell, The bell was a signal for the gate keepers to open it. The large wooden doors slowly opened and the two travellers from Arothrif entered the town when they were out of ear shot of anyone else Jenomdem approached Stermir.

“Why didn’t you tell them about the attack.” She asked.

“At this time it will do more harm.” He replied. “Word of the fall will cause hope to fail and fear to dominate, and if you are too accomplish your task we must not use our hope. Furthermore you must tell them of your status as queen, word of this could send the armies of darkness our way.”

“Then I am thankful you are here to stop me making such errors in judgement.” The queen said softly.

“No thanks is necessary, I’m merely doing my duty, to you and the former King.”

They both walked into an inn and decided to take a seat and discuss their next move.
 Empress Padme
07-21-2007, 10:41 PM
Lily pushed Roy in front of her .

"Why don't you and Roy go downstairs and have a couple drinks get to know each other." Lily said to Clickny.She then flew out of the nearest window.

'' Forgive her , I think you scare her....a lot.Lets go have that drink." Roy said to Clickny.
 Ferc Kast
07-21-2007, 11:07 PM
Owecyn was leaning against a pillar outside the inn. He was staring towards the sky. I feel there's a reason that I need to be traveling with them. I just don't know why...

As if it were a sign to show the necesity of him on this journey, Lily fell on top of him from up in the sky. "I didn't think you felt that way about me." Owecyn said, jokingly.
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