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[RP] The Adventures of Shindalar

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 Daft Adidas
07-18-2007, 4:51 PM

Torsh gave the woman a weary look and she edged forward. He watched her feet and then she made one foot to close and he took a giant step forward running with a fast pace and the mkaing a jump. She rais her staff in a blocking position but instead Torsh jumped over swung round and made a swing for her back. She turned round and made a weak block and he managed to keep the collision going with one hand as he raised his other he pulled her staff out of her hand and he took it form her.

He threw the two staffs horizontally straight and they came crashing into her stomach throwing her poor body backwards onto the gravel.

Torsh wins!
 Empress Padme
07-18-2007, 4:56 PM
Natalia cheered as Torsh won." Good going Torsh!"
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-18-2007, 4:59 PM
Nero heard how the crowd cheer and yell for blood, maybe I should never have joined, its too fun, even for me! he tought to himself, and as his insecurities grew and began to cloud his mind, he got called out

"Hey you" said a man with a hard face,"you're up, hope you please he crowd more than the loser that went before you"

"That's why I'm here" Nero responded "to please the crowd" and in saying so, he took out a mask that he had been hidding, a charm of sorts, which was said to help the wearer fight better with all his senses, "It's showtime" he said, as he entered the arena, he put his mask on
 Daft Adidas
07-18-2007, 5:00 PM
Torsh nodded at Natalia. Het hen walke over to the hurt woman and put out his hand.

"I would never hurt a woman normally" he said smiling. Then gave her the staff and he left his arena watching Ferc and Nero fight different opponents. The next rounds was one before the quarters. So he has a way to go.
 Empress Padme
07-18-2007, 5:02 PM
Try not to get killed Nero.Pity for the ladies if you die" Natalia smirked.
07-18-2007, 5:14 PM
Ok, peeps, I've noticed quite a lot of one liners in this thread, so please try to be a bit more creative and descriptive and step up the quality of this RP. Not only are one liners (meaning one line across the page, not one sentence) a *huge* pet peeve of mine, they are also violating the rules of the DTC, not to mention downgrading the quality of your RP. I know you can do better. I've read some of your fics in the CEC. :p

Also for future reference, for any RP directions you put within the thread (such as "The reason all of us are at the Metri Lake is to buy weapins and see the Fighting Contest if your skilled like torsh you'll be entering") please use the double brackets and 'OOC' (which stands for 'out of character'). For example, ((OOC: The reason all of us are at the Metri Lake is to buy weapins and see the Fighting Contest if your skilled like torsh you'll be entering.))

Alternatively, you can use the Casting Call thread for any plot related issues or discussions.

 JoeDoe 2.0
07-18-2007, 5:18 PM
My armor is kinda like that

Nero stepped into the arena and heard the crowd roar with cheers, yep he thought to himself, they want to see blood and noticed that Natalia was watching, he waved his hand at her

"Now lets begin the sixth battle" said the announcer, and anoher gate opened, Nero took out his sword in slow motion and placed it on high guard, ready to counter an attack. The door fully opened to reveal two people! "This is a special round at request from a patron!' said the commentator "begin" he shouted, and the two figures charged at Nero
 Daft Adidas
07-18-2007, 5:22 PM
((OCC:Thanks Jasra. Ok People, please step up your quality or rping please. Think it will help us all. Uh Empress, please edit!"

Torsh saw that Nero had been approached by a man with a rude remark. This seemed quite rude but Nero seemed to take it in well and was already on the battle mark ready for anything but battle. Torsh turned his head to see Ferc also in battle.

"This should be interesting."
 Ferc Kast
07-18-2007, 5:37 PM
He blocked every swing of her sword; though by now, his wooden pole was split in two. He was currently using his sword. They clashed. Here's the turn of the tide. He thought to himself. He heard his uncle's voice in his head: "Use your sword to make her sword get out of her hand."

He took this advice. He carefully got her sword knocked out of the arena. She grabbed half of the split wooden pole. He grabbed the other half and knocked her out.

He heard the announcer shout: "Ferc Kast wins and goes on to the next round."
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-18-2007, 5:42 PM
What is happening here? said Nero to himself, worried. "Two against one, how unfair!" he said under his breath, and readied for the assault

The first person attacked low, the other one high, and Nero was forced to draw out his knife quickly if he was going to survive this one, he braced fo the inevitavle imact with all the strenght his muscles would give him, and barely stop the enemy blades

They're good, taking the advantage in their numbers and trying to end me quickly, they must be in a hurry he though, then force the pair to step back as he forced their weapons outward from where they were attacking him

Just then, he charged at his maximum speed, and when the enemy was a few paces away, he stopped, but the enemy took the bait and attacked him, leaving themselves wide open for a counter attack, which Nero exploited, putting all his force in the swipe of his blade, cutting the arm of one of the attackers, who fell to the ground and yelled in pain, and who Nero quickly decapitated, A warrior deserves a quick death he said to himself, but it was never easy to kill

He then turned to the other one, who stared at the headless body of his comrade, hatred burning in his eyes, readying himself for Nero's attack
 Daft Adidas
07-18-2007, 5:49 PM
As the anwas decapitated the whole crowd gasped.

"The First death in this tournament ever!" The fat annoucner called out. Torsh stared in aww as once a joker was now killing away without a care in the world.

"Who is he?" he breathed. He then looked around. "Where is Audrey?" he asked aloud.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-18-2007, 6:04 PM
Nero stopped moving and took a look around, all the people in the arena were looking at him, the announcer said something about the first death ever....

The other enemy took the opportunity and attacked with all his fury and anger, Nero was fast enough to only parry one of the blows at the last second..

And his body screamed into pain, as the enemy sword found his way into Nero's shoulder, but luckily, his armor had stopped it a litle, so the wound was not deep, but it still was bad enough that it made Nero fall to his knees, the enemy, took out his blade and was ready to bring it down to do the same to Nero as what he had done to his comrade, when a weakened Nero used the enemy's confidence against him, and trusted his dagger with all the force his right arm could muster, into the enemy's stomach, which paralyzed him for one moment, and that was enough for Nero to get out of the enemy's blade range and raised his own

He looked into the eyes of his enemy, and in a single movement, pierced his chest, and ended his life

All the crowd sat motionless and speechless, and Nero felt lightheaded, and collapsed from the loss of blood
 Daft Adidas
07-18-2007, 6:19 PM
Torsh came running into the arena. "You helped me with my life and I, not letting go of yours!" he shouted angrily hoisting him onto his back and carrying him to the healing close by the arena.

"Oh and you Announcer those two men had it coming! That should be against the rules!" he shouted as he left the arena with Nero.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-18-2007, 6:47 PM
Nero woke from the commotion and realized he was on Torsh's back, and immediately pushed him away, which caused him to drop to the ground

"What do you think you're doing?" he said in a serious tone, "all of this was to get me into the hearts of all the ladies watching, and now everything is ruined" he said as he started to get up, holding his wound, then motioned to the arena's caretaker "sorry for the mess" and threw him a small pouch with money, "that should cover the clean up"

He then took out his masked and breathed deeply, "I'm in no form to continue the fight, if you want to talk about what happened, I'll meet you later at your camp, I have to wash up and heal myself first if you don't mind"

And with that said, he excited the arena, and everybody was talking about him as he passed by
 Empress Padme
07-18-2007, 6:52 PM
Natalia goes near the lake.She takes the protective necklace off. She looks at her reflection in the water. She sees her father's reflection, he draws out a machette.Natalia doesn't fight. She's tired of fighting. She's content, she had found unconditional love in Ferc." So this is how it ends." are Natalia's final words.So ends the life of Natalia Borger of the Cloves.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-18-2007, 7:03 PM
((OOC: anybody has an msn account and messenger? if so, how about we chat to plan this story? just a suggestion))
07-18-2007, 11:31 PM
(( Hey guys. Sorry I took so long. It's just that I've been busy. ))

Audrey was in the tent, afraid to sign up for that Fighting Contest. Sure, she knew how to fight... but fighting against the most dangerous people in the arena, well, that was different. She held her legs together, and rested her chin on her knees.

Suddenly, Tyla's voice spoke to her. "Audrey? Why aren't you entering the tournament?" Audrey shook her head worringly. "I don't know. It's just that... I'm afraid. Afraid of dying." Her grandmother understood her concerns.

"My dear child. When I was your age, I so afraid to defeat my enemies. But when my grandmother taught me courage... I used it." There was a moment of silence. Finally, Tyla said, "Look to your left." Audrey glanced at her left. And sure enough, there were two weapons there. "Grandmother gave me these weapons, so I'm passing it down to you now."

The weapons were a long sword with a golden hilt, and a whip with a long whipcord. Audrey gasped, and picked up the two weapons. "These weapons will keep you safe. Be careful, Audrey. And remember your duty." The young woman looked up and smiled.

"Thank you, Grandma. I'll enter that contest." With that, she got out the tent, placed her weapons on her belt, and she was ready. But as soon as she passed the lake... "Natalia!!" She ran to her friend, and rest Natalia's head on her arm. She looked up. There was man, standing in front of them.

Audrey narrowed her tearful eyes. "Y-Y-You're her father."
 Daft Adidas
07-19-2007, 6:00 AM
((OCC: Joe I'd prefer you dont't talk about the plot seeing that I am the threadmaster I decode the outcome:))

Torsh was quite hurt my the comment of Nero and shouted to him.
"I was doing you a favour! Also if I was a lady! I'd say your a monster! Being the first to kill!" Some people from the crowd looked at him. Some disliked his words, some agreed. Some didn't care and were still into gossiping.

Then he saw Audrey with two weapons standing outside. He thought about talking to her. But she let her alone. Suddenely he saw her talking to Natalia and a man ready to attack!

"Keep my space in the tournament!" Torsh cried to the announcer.

"Audrey wait, he looks dangerous!" Torsh came running at speed drawing his new bought Long Sword and took a swing an the violent man.
 Ferc Kast
07-19-2007, 8:51 AM
Ferc woke up with blood on his knees. It appears that I lost at the tournament. I might as well go check up on Natalia. He limped over to where he saw Natalia lying, with Audrey standing in front of her.

"What's going on?" Ferc asked. He then saw that she was dead. He drew out his sword. "Noooooo!!!!!" He shouted.
 Daft Adidas
07-19-2007, 8:54 AM
Torsh suddenly called to Ferc as he joined the outrage.

"She's not dead! She can't be! It was just a small blow, now concentrate on killing this man while someone gets here healed!" Torsh ran forward with extreme power side by side with Ferc and he jumped with a mid triple kick into the fathers face.

"I'll leave the rest to you Ferc!" He the nran to Natalia's side and rummaged around in his sack to find some Herbal Medicine fort he wound.

"This better work!"
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-19-2007, 9:49 AM
Nero sat down in the grass, his back resting on the trunk of a tree, pain screaming all over his body, he took a quick look at his wound and cursed at the man that had inflicted it.

"Why do these things happen to me" he said, frustrated, "seems that if I continue to bleed like this, I'll die this time for sure"

Luckily, he always had a small bottle of liquor in his pouch, which will come in handy now, he also took some bandages from his sack, a hoked needle and some thread to stitch up his wounded shoulder

"Here we go" he mumbled as he took a sip of the bottle, then closed his mouth as hard as he could as he took the contents of the bottle to wash his wound, trying not to scream as he did so. At least the pain means I'm still alive he said to himself, using some of the bandages to clean his wound

As he did so, he remembered what the foolish Torsh had said to him, I'd say your a monster! Being the first to kill!, and that sentence filled his mind

"Bah! what does he know of me?!" he said to himself out loud, "The decisions I had to make to get here, and I'm helping them and..."; but still, it was never an easy thing to do, kill somebody else, because when that person died, his whole future and past disappeared with him....

"Need a hand with anything?" said Merky, who was sitting on a branch nearby, and who, for the second time, almost gave Nero a heart attack


How childish thought Merky in shame, his own boss acting like a spoiled teenager, "Sorry about that" he said, "Need me to patch you up?"

"Yeah, but be careful, the wound is still fresh and...AHHHHHHHHH! exclaimed Nero as Merky was already stitching his wound with the hooked needle and thread, "I TOLD YOU TO BE CAREFUL!"

"Just hold still boss, and drink some of this" said the henchman, as he passed Nero the liquor bottle, "I saw your fight, you gave them a quick death, why?"

"Even our enemies must not suffer by our hands, because that's what separates us from them" said Nero, his voice filled with regret and sadness, "others will not understand, but it doesn't matter"
 Daft Adidas
07-19-2007, 10:32 AM
The Annoucner called.

"Sorry but the Tournament has been cancelled due to dangerous men heard to be around and a death outside, would everyone PLEAS BE CAREFUL."

Torsh heard the Announcer and cursed.
"That's me with no chance of 10,000 Shipunds!" (currency) It seemed Natalia was not getting any better. If only someone with the right medicine could come along!
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-19-2007, 10:42 AM
"All done, I don't have to tell you to take it easy, but anyway you never listen" said Merky with a faint smile in his way, which disappeared as he got serious, "You have to train more boss! what happened to you was because you have lost your touch"

Nero stood up and put on his normal clothing in exchange for his blood smeared battle gear, "You don't have to tell me that twice" he said, a little bothered by the comment "how about you go learn if the men that attacked me were working with you know who" he said, sheathing his sword and dagger, and began to walk back to camp.

"Always on the move" said Merky under his breath, and did as requested

When Nero arrived at th camp, he noticed that Torsh and the rest where there, making a big commotion, and then he noticed Natalia's body on the ground, nearby was Audrey, tears flowing from her eyes...

Not again.. thought Nero, as he headed for them
07-19-2007, 12:02 PM
"Sorry but the Tournament has been cancelled due to dangerous men heard to be around and a death outside, would everyone PLEASE BE CAREFUL."

Jason heard the voice in the distance, and turned towards it.

"Dangerous eh? Let's see about this."

Jason headed off towards where the voice came from, and along the way, spotted a camp of travelers. Thinking they might know something, Jason walked over. Soon after entering the camp, he saw the majority of them were crowded around a wounded person. One of them turned around.

"Who are you?"

"A friend. Here, take this medicine. It's a mixture of herbs and potions that heal the body very fast."

The person takes it, and studies it.

"It's your call. Use it if you want." Jason says.
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-19-2007, 12:08 PM
Nero turned at the sight of the newcomer and studied him, at least he's not attacking us he thought, and saw how the stranger handed a small bag of medicine to Torsh

"Seems I have been beaten to it" he said under his breath, and waited to see what happened next
 Daft Adidas
07-19-2007, 12:09 PM
One of the people croweded round was talking to a man with medicine. He took the medicine and gave it to Torsh who then gave it to Natalia. It seemed almost instantly that the body was recovering but still Ferc was fighting on with her father.

Torsh stepped up to the man.

"Thank you so much. I am Torsh, what's your name? Would you like to join us on our quest to the Palace?"
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-19-2007, 12:12 PM
"You're pretty straight forward, aren't you Torsh?" said Nero,stepping out of the crowd. "do you even know who he is? do you give your trust to anybody you meet?"

Then he turned to face the newcomer, "Who are you? and why did you help us? do you want anything in return?" he said," sorry, but we're short on cash"
 Daft Adidas
07-19-2007, 12:15 PM
Torsh heard Nero firing questions at the newcomer.

"Leave him be" Torsh said turning round. "Cash> I've got some and threw Nero a bundle holding 100 Shipunds.
07-19-2007, 12:41 PM
Audrey threw herself in Torsh's arms. "Oh, Torsh! It's... it's awful. That horrible father of hers killed my friend and his own daughter!!" Tears fell down from her eyes. She sobbed in Torsh's chest, hoping that Natalia would feel better again. "What are we gonna do? She was like a sister to me."
07-19-2007, 1:09 PM
"I don't need cash, but tell me of this murderer you speak of."

Jason kept a hand near his katana, just in case.
 Daft Adidas
07-19-2007, 1:17 PM
Torsh suddenly had Audrey sobbing into his chest.

"Oh, Torsh! It's... it's awful. That horrible father of hers killed my friend and his own daughter!!"

"Audrey" he sighed. "He's an evi lman there's no doubt about it. But looks, she's not dead this medicine is healing her... um i think" he said now sounding a little less confident as he looked at the body. He gulped.

"She'll be fine" he said now tears coming in his eyes.

He then turned to the new man.

"He's over there" he pointed. "He's fighting Ferc and to be honest I think Ferc is going to lose by the look of things."
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-19-2007, 1:21 PM
((OOC: did Ferc and Natalia died?))

Nero felt insulted when Torsh threw him money, "I didn't meant that I needed cash!" he said, anger and embarrassment in his voice, "I have all the funds I need right here!" and showed Torsh his checking account, which had a LOT of zeros in it
 Daft Adidas
07-19-2007, 1:31 PM
(OCC: Can't have done. DBalatro didn't say his character did))

"I said give the cash to him dummy! Bet you feel real stupid now don't ya know?" he said with a joking voice. He looked over to Ferc battling and couldn't stand it.

"I don't know about you Nero but I'm gonna teach this Father A LESSON!" Torsh came running back into action Long Sword at the ready.
07-19-2007, 1:54 PM
"Torsh is it? Please stop, before you fall into his trap."

Jason pointed to a tree near the fighting. Jason threw a shuriken, which triggered an arrow to be fired.


Jason moved, and fast. Within seconds he as next to Torsh.

"I'll handle him, to prove me trust. Is that acceptable?"
 Daft Adidas
07-19-2007, 2:02 PM
Torsh glared at the newcomer.

"Yes its Torsh. Ok prove yourself" he said and watched him go into battle. Torsh turned to Nero and spoke up.

"Don't worry, I've so far been good to judge people and my judging senses don't go too good for you."
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-19-2007, 2:04 PM
Nero just watched, because he thought those two could handle the enemy by themselves
and went to help Audrey take care of Natalia, who seemed as if she was dying

"We need to stabilize the wound" he told Audrey," we also have to get out of here, theres too many people, and we have to save her quickly, he led Audrey away to the tent, carrying Natalia's body as he went
 Daft Adidas
07-19-2007, 2:10 PM
Torsh didn't trust Nero with his loved one so he followed them into his tent since newcomer had gone of to prove himself worthy of joining us.

"Nero that Herbal Medicine will it help?" he asked hoping he'd not given wrong medicine.
 Ferc Kast
07-19-2007, 2:14 PM
((OOC: Sorry; Had to help my brother.))

Ferc ran Natalia's murderer to the borders of the lake. Ferc saw him jump onto a nearby cliff that overlooked the lake. Careful. If I take a wrong step, she will not be avenged. This man was pushing Ferc towards the edge of the cliff. Ferc started to turn the tables on Natalia's murderer.

Just then, he saw a bright light ov'rlooking him. It gave him strength. He thought he heard Natalia's voice from above in the heavens. "You alone can deal with him." Newly inspired, he took his last move: he threw his hidden dagger at her murderer. To ensure this death, Ferc tossed and drowned Natalia's murderer. Afterwards, Ferc fell off the cliff. Then, Ferc's body started to float downstream to where Natalia's body lay. Ferc was unconscious.
07-19-2007, 2:19 PM
"Torsh, use that medicine I gave you. It will work."

With that, Jason ran off to the fighting. The two were engaged deeply into fighting. Jason stood, spectating the fight, analyzing their moves. Jason soon saw their repetive moves; strike, block, dive, repeat. Jason gripped his katana, and withdrew it. With one lunge, Jason struck the father, wounding him. The other man looked, amazed. Jason returned his sword, and stood over the man.

"You lose."
 Daft Adidas
07-19-2007, 2:22 PM
Torsh was starting to feel sick from all the commotion so he popped his head out of the tent for a breath and saw a body floating in the water.

"Oh crap, who's that!" He ran out and found the father of Natalia dead on the cliff and Ferc floating down the stream!
 Ferc Kast
07-19-2007, 2:31 PM
((OOC: Umm...Did you read my post carefully?))
 JoeDoe 2.0
07-19-2007, 2:41 PM
Nero placed Natalia down and examined the wound, "it's deep" he said plainly, and opened up his small sack, his shoulder wound still bothered him, but he had other priorities first

"Okay, I'll do my best", he told Torsh, who had followed them inside the tent, "but she hjas lost a lot of blood and her pulse is weak", as he explained the situation, he took out bandages and some medicine Torsh had given him, along some that he had made

"Hold her down" he said to the other two, "if she wakes up, this is going to hurt"
07-19-2007, 2:58 PM
((OOC: Umm...Did you read my post carefully?))

Me? If so, I was in the middle of typing my post and I was distracted. Sorry, I'll edit it then.
 Daft Adidas
07-19-2007, 3:02 PM
Torsh for once did as Nero instructed and held her down firmly.

"Newcomer said use this medicine" and he handed it to Nero. "He's off to prove himself or something blunt."
 Ferc Kast
07-19-2007, 3:05 PM
((OOC: No; that directed towards Daft.))

While still unconscious floating down stream, Ferc heard his uncle's voice: "Help is on the way."

Ferc's clothes were still getting extremely soaked. His body continued to go downstream in the lake.
 Empress Padme
07-19-2007, 3:06 PM
Natalia woke up and sprinted to the lake where Ferc was drowning, since HE was the one who fell of the cliff into the water and was now unconscious.
She revived Ferc." I came back for you ,to save you, my love"
She smiled and kissed him.
07-19-2007, 3:10 PM
Ok, I'm sorry, but what the ****. I thought you were on the verge of dying, and then you just wake up?
 Daft Adidas
07-19-2007, 3:12 PM
(OOC:Edited But lets get on with the RP))

As Torsh saw everyone now happy and alive he started to cry.

"It's all my fualt" he said falling onto his knees. "It's my fault for letting Reskhi die! Then he would have gone to the Palace before the reign of darkness and I knew he could of saved us! Now everyone is comign with me and so many timest hey have been close to death!"

Torsh carried on crying. Then he stoped and made a weak smile.
"It's over though" he laughed tears chocking him.

"We are safe, no more battles until we get to, we get to the Dwarve Lands. I want to avenge the one Dwarve who killed Rehski."
 Ferc Kast
07-19-2007, 3:12 PM
Ferc woke seeing Natalia's smiling face. He stared in unbelief. "How? This is inconceivable; I heard you from the heav'ns. How...How is this done?" He asked. "But, you were dead. Yet, you are alive."

He still couldn't believe his eyes. Yet, proof of her existence was Natalia kissing him.
 Empress Padme
07-19-2007, 3:20 PM
{ at Reclaimer , I was dead , in fact with no head but I forgot to put that in. Was reading and saw noone saving Ferc. So I thought some divine intervention was needed.}

" My love you killed my father.My tormentor.My killer. This makes me queen. Will you be my king, dear Ferc, Will you marry me?" Natalia asked Ferc. She looked at him for an answer.
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