I DID IT! Thank you very much, tk102!:emodanc:
Kotor Tools loads the dialogues with the english sign set.
You may have more luck using DLGEditor, a different dialog editor (also works for TSL), that you can download from
http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php). I suggested using KotOR Tool to begin with since it's less overwhelming when you're first starting out.
My questions are:
Whats the difficult way to go to spawn a npc (module-generated I guess)?
The basic steps:
1. Extract all the files from the *.rim and the *_s.rim module that you want into a folder (eg. end_m01aa.rim and end_m01aa_s.rim).
2. Create a new .utc file that you want to add and put it into this folder (like you did previously.)
3. Use KGFF to edit the .git file from the module. You will be adding a new Struct to the CreatureList -- this info will contain the creature template's filename (i.e. TemplateResRef), its coordinates, and its orientation.
4. Repackage all the files into a MOD file named the same as the .rim (eg. end_m01aa.MOD) and place this file into the Modules folder (not the Override folder)
If I talk to Bastila she (of course) has all the lines when first talking to her on Taris. What must I do to create my own dialogue (or where can I look up those things)? I assume its wise to strip the utc (?) file of all Bastila-related stuff.Specifically, you'll want to change the Conversation field of the .utc file. You can create a new dialog tree using DLGEditor or KotOR Tool. Dialogs can be basic or complex so you might want to read some of the tutorials or the readme that comes with DLGEditor. You'll save the dialog as a *.dlg file into the Override folder with a name 16 characters or less and try to make it unique. Then place the name of this dialog (without the .dlg extension) into the Conversation field of your custom .utc file.
Just for curiosities sake:
What does nss/nsc (file) stand for?
"NWScript, Source" file and "NWScript, Compiled" file. NWScript is named after Neverwinter Nights, whose Aurora game engine was the predecessor to the Odyssey engine used by KotOR.
What does utc (file) stand for?"Uniform(?) Template, Creature"
As the scripts are object oriented (I assume), what does "Void Main" do/mean?The scripts are very similar to C programming language. "void" describes what the function returns -- that is, nothing. Main is the name of the function, and is always the entry point for normal, non-conditional scripts. Conditional scripts used in dialogs begin "int StartingConditional()" because they return an integer value (interpreted as true or false) to tell the game whether certain responses should be available or not.
For more information you can also read Bioware's documentation here (
http://nwn.bioware.com/developers). :)