Our mascot is a Turtle Frog Panda with laser vision. It is mostly panda cause we won the animal wars. It's also psychic and named Raz.
Our mascot should be...a G-Man that says "I am a mascot. I represent the members of the Razputin's Domain Cult." And his name will be Horatio.
Your mascot is awesome, Darth. Copyright issues, perhaps?
I can fix that.
G-Person. :D
I like the turtlepandafrog thingy. AND IN THAT ORDER!!!
How about a mammel named Ana Ng AKA driver, she's an angel who has bangs, lives in New York City, has gone out with Dr Evil, Partical Man, and Dr Worm, she's actual sized, works minimum wage with your racist friend, plays the guitar while doing the cyclops rock and twisting, she lives in a snail shell and was a hotel detective and a spy, she's also quite S-E-X-X-Y, participated in a robot parade while yelling "No!" and "I Should be Allowed to Think!", drives a boat of car, wears a nightgown of the sullen moon, is always thinking "Man, It's so LOUD in here!" when attending nightclubs. She often complains about how the statue got me high and how she's older than Ondine. She also loves They Might be Giants.
Anybody who can tell me how many TMBG song titles were in there, and I will support everything they say forever.
G-person riding the turtle frog panda holding a sign saying RD while saying I'm a mascot.
Our mascot should be a ninja perhaps. Like Ninja ForPrez.
Or ... I do a lot of painting, maybe I can whip up some mascot sheets and logo's while I'm at it.
How about Caboose from RVB saying "RD FTW!!! What ever that means."
^ LOL , that will be cool, can we do that?
Just as long as it has a turtle in it.
Fine he is holding a turtle.
No. RVB is insufficent and nobody in your family loves you.
I vote whoever can solve my riddle.
How about a mammel named Ana Ng AKA driver, she's an angel who has bangs, lives in New York City, has gone out with Dr Evil, Partical Man, and Dr Worm, she's actual sized, works minimum wage with your racist friend, plays the guitar while doing the cyclops rock and twisting, she lives in a snail shell and was a hotel detective and a spy, she's also quite S-E-X-X-Y, participated in a robot parade while yelling "No!" and "I Should be Allowed to Think!", drives a boat of car, wears a nightgown of the sullen moon, is always thinking "Man, It's so LOUD in here!" when attending nightclubs. She often complains about how the statue got me high and how she's older than Ondine. She also loves They Might be Giants.
Anybody who can tell me how many TMBG song titles were in there, and I will support everything they say forever.
....uhhh yeah.
Just guessing, Ave: 30?
A G-Man, er Person, with a turtle shell, panda body, dragon wings, and frog legs all while holding the aforementioned sign and wearing Coach Oleander's Prussian helmet (sans cork) with brain insignia on it. The other hand can be touching its head with that "psychonauts 'combat stance.'"
^ O_o
I still think Caboose will be a great mascot, dressed as a panda and holding a turtle.
Nope martmeiser. If Mashi were here, she would get it. Mandy would in 1 reading of it.
Then go get Mashi!!! Stop this torment!!
Mashi only comes here on a weekend every 2 weeks because her mom nazi'd the computer.
So in other words, one does not simply yell "hey mashi translate ave's retarded they might be giants ramblings" into Mordor.
Mashi only comes here on a weekend every 2 weeks because her mom nazi'd the computer.
So in other words, one does not simply yell "hey mashi translate ave's retarded they might be giants ramblings" into Mordor.
Agree with the last part. Poor Mashi.
Cool a cult sounds inviting!
Tabby, you should join Les Enfants du Sang!
Singing a French song? Berets are one thing, but that's just drawing the line. Something more taunting, like this one. (
You just have to say, '_______ is now in the cult, bitches!' to get in.
Hey Poopdog, the last pic needs a chicken in there.
The Last one looks better than all of them, and you know ninjas rule, so it's fine by me.
That ninja is so effing awesome, Ross.
Poopdog all of those pics are fan-freakentastic!(=
My ex fiance can draw. Will you draw me a picture of your clone for my birthday, Ross?
Yeah, I dig the ninja rocker.
Yea, i missed the chicken in the ninja one. I'll have to fix em all up someday. But thanks everybody. U R 2 nice.
As for the birthday thing for you Ave, I'd be delighted. I a;ways like giving out presents that people want and or like. But it wont be you and him making out. He takes too many liberties with my body. Is the big day coming up soon?
Happy 40th birthday Ave!! :lol:
>_> My birthday's March 12th. And I'm turning 14. :D I'm throwing a pimpass party with DDR and pizza.
Sounds pretty good. Wish my 14th b-day was as pimpass
Wow. I might just be the oldest person on here. And I'm stilll pretty young I think. Thank you again for re-iterating that fact.
A side note: I think my sister's birthday is March 13th.
TechnoTabby is now in the cult, bitches!
Welcome to the gang. You like my new look?
No you've already gone through that phrase.
Ave, got tired of Wil Wheaton/Gordie Lachance? Who's the new avatar?
Go back to your previous avy, Ave, it looked better, this one looks like a nerd, I want to punch him.
No you've already gone through that phrase.
I used a different avatar, and that one lasted about 2 weeks.
Ave, got tired of Will Weaton/Giordi LaChance? Who's the new avatar?Wil Wheaton/Gordie Lachance, thank you. Spell better, and this is Jason Shwartsman's character Max Fischer in the second best movie ever, Rushmore.
Go back to your previous avy, Ave, it looked better, this one looks like a nerd, I want to punch him.you keep your hands off Max. He'll shoot you like he shot Magnus. and don't even talk about what he did to Herman during the revenge scene.
Oops, my bad with the spelling (corrected). How can I forget Wil's name after ST:TNG?
Well, the avy is not very bad after all, it looks like a nerd at my school.
A nerd at your school looks like Jason Shwartsman???
Post a picture of him.
I got it! Our mascot should be a ninja ... with a beret ...
I'll post my idea for a logo soon.