Split posts from this thread New Sith Armor Colors (
http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=122147) to prevent thread ressurection of that long dead thread.
Grabstein the last post in that New Sith Armor Colors thread was over 2 years ago, it is better to start a new topic about your issues instead of ressurecting a long dead thread, unless the thread is the exact same issue you are having. Make note of the dates of the last post and if it is years old it is a better bet to start a new thread and possibly post a link to the older thread. Thanks. ;) -RH
I'm having the same issue. (Refrence to the last post by Darth_ToMeR (
http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?p=1517365#post1517365) in that thread) I've tried reskinning the dancer's outfit (I don't like the red), but I can't get my .tga to work in the game. I've read the tuts, and done what's mentioned above, but it still won't work. Can anyone help?