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Custom Placeable Model Q(?)

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02-01-2007, 4:02 PM
I've created a couple of custom placeables by loading up an area model(in Gmax) and deleting everything except the object I want. Every thing works fine except that I can now pass through the object.
Is there any way to keep this from happening? You can't walk through other placeables in the game.

Keep in mind I am not a modeler and only have basic Gmax skills.
02-01-2007, 4:19 PM
I've created a couple of custom placeables by loading up an area model(in Gmax) and deleting everything except the object I want. Every thing works fine except that I can now pass through the object.
Is there any way to keep this from happening? You can't walk through other placeables in the game.

Keep in mind I am not a modeler and only have basic Gmax skills.

You'll need to create a Walkmesh file for your placeable that defines where characters cannot move. The .PWK file should be named the same as the MDL/MDX files for the placeable model.

I'm not sure how easy it is to create new walkmesh files from scratch, so if you can find an existing placeable that has roughly the same shape as your new one you can recycle the PWK file from that model.
02-01-2007, 4:19 PM
You need a .pwk file (object walkmesh). You can make your own but if you don't want to go through the trouble, you could also pick one from an existing object that has about the same shape as your custom object.

Edit: meh...stoffe has beaten me to it :p
02-01-2007, 4:37 PM
Hmm.. I don't think anything in the game is as large as what I have. So how would I go about creating a .pwk file or editing the size of an existing one?
I have an ugly work-around but it makes my module take longer to load.

EDIT: It only needs to be a large rectangular area. Maybe enlarging a workbench .pwk.
02-01-2007, 4:57 PM
You'd need to do this in Gmax but I wouldn't be able to tell you the details but I think Oldflash and t7 made some. A large rectangle shouldn't be complicated.
02-02-2007, 11:44 AM
If you created a custom placeable, cant you just alter it, keeping the shape and export it as a dwk or pwk files?
02-02-2007, 3:55 PM
OR In the .Utp file there is a block PC box. Tick or untick that to see what happens ;)
02-02-2007, 4:43 PM
Actually the .pwk was not that difficult to make.
I was able to get one into Gmax but I didn't know how to export it back.
So here is what I did:

1. In Kotor Tool, I opened plc_reptab1.pwk with the PWK/DWK editor.
2. Save as ASCII.
3. Open my model in Gmax.
4. Open plc_reptab1.pwk(ASCII) in Gmax.
5. Open plc_reptab1.pwk(ASCII) in a text editor .
6. Under "verts"(in the text editor) I started manually changing coordinates
by small values then saving the file.
7. in Gmax I kept reloading plc_reptab1 to see the changes
until it covered the same perimeter of my model.
8. In Kotor Tool open the PWK/DWK editor an select "Open ASCII PWK"
and re-open my edited plc_reptab1.pwk(ASCII). And then I select "Save as Binary". Rename it the same as my model file, then save.
Note: While saving, when the PWK/DWK editor asks you for the walkmesh parent, just click OK for the default.

The only problem now is that my model is tall, so If I'm close to it(facing it), and I spin around, my POV will pass through it. At certain angles it's invisible.
I'm working on a new area and I'm using the placeable to block out certain part of the area model to sell the "Illusion" of a new area.
So hopefully someone might have an idea how to make it more like a wall or wall locker. Those force your POV foward when you spin your orientation and doesn't clip through them when your close to them.
02-03-2007, 2:42 AM
Let's see. You want a rectangle walkmesh.
Let's take a rectangle walkmesh, like one which is used for beds on telos station. Those beds are placeables and has walkmeshes and most important are rectangles.
So, start KotorTools and locate BIFs=>models.bif=>Praceable Object Walkmesh=>plc_bed1.pwk (
Doubleclick on that. By doubleclicking you will start PWK/DWK Editor (
Hit File menu and select Save as ASCII... (
A small window will prompt you for a custom file name ( but there just hit OK button.
Now start GMax (sorry, all tests are made under 3dsmax but shoud be the same for gmax), and under NWmax panel select plc_bed1.pwk (to see that file you need to select "All Files (*.*)" on "Files of type:") (
Now look at This picture. ( I've marked with 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 the intrested areas.
One reclangle plane will be imported. Select that one(1) and in modify panel(2) hit "Build WOK Data" button(3). Some values will show up in "Boxes".
Lick on first row with values ans some infos will appear(5). Bring again PWK/DWK Editor and have a look to values on "Verts" section(6).
As you see on PWK Editor there are 3 columns. Focus on first two columns.
There are 4 values: 2 positive and 2 negative (6)
Also in gmax there are 4 values (5) pretty much like those from PWK Editor.
On "Editable mesh" ( select vertex and move to another possition.
Hit again on AuroraWalkmesh, hit "BuildWOK Data", select first values row from "Boxes" and read the new values showed on "BL:" and "TR:".
Open plc_bed1.pwk with notepad and go to "verts 4". Under that there ar 4 lines with floating values (originals) which need to be replaced with the new values (in my example I replace -1.46323 with -2.2788).
Save the file opened with notepad.
Open again PWK/PDK Editor window by doubleclicking plc_bed1.pwk (under KT).
Now in file menu select "Open ASCII PWK...", select the one which was edited with notepad and again in same menu select "Save as Binary". (
Now there just 2 more important steps:
1 rename pwk file to have same name with your placeable model
2 put renamed pwk in override directory (folder).
That is all.
I case you want to know what is relation between placeable and walkmesh import plc_bed1.mdl ( and plc_bed1.pwk ( in same gmax session.
02-03-2007, 8:35 AM
I did notice the "Build walkmesh data" section, but I didn't know what those values were. That simplifies what I did, thanks for the tip.
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