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Question: Free Camera Method?

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01-30-2007, 11:04 AM
Hi there!

I was wondering, if there is any method or function that activates the free camera mode in k1. Since i'm doing with some friends of the Filmaking Academy, a short movie with kotor, i would really like to use it, cause the free look mode, it always in a normal height, i can't do some low cameras, and that my friends, it essential in any movie... and more in one, that has so much powerfull characters in it

I know a lot of C++ and Java, if its gonna need some coding, that wouldn't be a problem...

The question is, did any of you guys, tried, or know something about the free camera?

Cause in the xbox version there is one method to do it... and it would seem very strange that BioWare change their framework to the pc version...

Thx Anyway

PD: I don't want to buy a Xbox... i mean, it a pc game, we sould have the advantage of Scripting over the xbox... but if there isn't another way....
01-30-2007, 1:15 PM
Well the free roam camera's code for the xbox is Y,Left,A,Y but if you look at it the Y key's funtion it is "Delete action from action queue" which unfortunatly is not in the PC version of the game. So that right there would hinder it. Now you could try inputting this code on the computer "F,R,Z,F" while in the messages GUI and it might do the same thing but I am not certain. Sorry I couldn't be more of a help.

Oh yeah by the way welcome to LF!:waive1:
01-30-2007, 2:29 PM
I'm not sure I understand what is meant by "Free Camera", but if you mean camera views that are detached from the player controlled character this can be done using placeable cameras in a dialog. This requires you to alter an area to place the cameras in the locations you want to view from though.

In KotOR2:TSL you can have animated cameras that move as well (like the panorama scene when you first spot the ruined academy on Dantooine, or in one of Kreia's sequences by the central pit in the Nar Shaddaa hub). I'm not sure if those exist for KotOR1 though.

(If you mean Free Look mode, where you go into first person perspective from your currently controlled character, you activate that with the Caps Lock key, where you can adjust the camera positioning in camerastyle.2da.)
01-30-2007, 3:19 PM
Certanly, i didn't try the code from xbox on pc... i will, but don't have too much hope on that

Right, the Free Look is cool, you can do a pan shot very nicely, even the hightlights names dissapear, and that's great...
The problem is however that you can't change the height of the camera, cause its adjusted to the height of the player, and that makes you imposible to capture a low camera shot, for example: Camera on the floor (In the player's foot, or something) aiming up to the face of Revan, that kind of shot give's you the sensation of power, of might... if you know what i mean...
The placeables cameras only work in dialog thougt, so even if i try it in an action scene won't work... Maybe if i mod some char, to make it very very shorty and deformed will work :D

I didn't known of the free camera on K2, i'll search for that, Is it a command? or a script?
01-30-2007, 3:25 PM
You might want to check this tutorial if you haven't already: :)
01-30-2007, 3:34 PM
The problem is however that you can't change the height of the camera, cause its adjusted to the height of the player, and that makes you imposible to capture a low camera shot, for example: Camera on the floor (In the player's foot, or something) aiming up to the face of Revan, that kind of shot give's you the sensation of power, of might... if you know what i mean...
The placeables cameras only work in dialog thougt, so even if i try it in an action scene won't work...

I think you can change the camera height either in camerastyle.2da, or by editing the player model to lower the camerahook helper. The 2DA solution is quicker and easier if that works. :)

As for placeable cameras, if this is for film-making you could use them if you stage the action scene as a cutscene, where the combatants are script controlled and placeable cameras have been positioned around the battle area.
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