I want to permantly put a few models, textures and other mods into my Kotor game files. But, I don't want to use the override folder. I want to hardcopy them if you will. Is it possible to do this?
I know the warnings, and I've backed up my entire installation. I'm just thinking, if it's so easy to extract them (kotor tool), then it should be just as easy to add them. Any and all help is welcomed! If there is a tutorial on this please share, if not, feel free to make one for all to use. Below is a small example of one of the many things I would do.
Perfect example:
I dl'd oldflashes saber pack replacing all the default sabers with movie sabers for K1. I could just drag and drop them all in my K1 over ride or use my kmm to install them. But I want to make it a permanet part of my gaming experiance without the override folder cludder. How would I 'Hardcopy' them into the .bifs and other files!
Thx once again!
Blaze :twogun:
Well, unfortunatly i dont think it is possible to permantly put them in the game, as thats what the override folder is for, but i did read on here somewhere that the TSL patcher could patch those files, but i think it just puts it in the override folder, so i dont think it can be done, sorry.
Nope, as far as I know that cannot be done. The TSLPatcher does not support putting files into BIFs and I don't think there is really any program that does. Now you might be able to put the mods you want have show up in the BIFs in the "working" directory of Kotor Tool but that is about as close as you will get to having it actually show up in there and that might not even work. Sorry that I could not be of more help.
I don't think there currently is a utility that can write KEY/BIF files, not because it would be difficult to create one, but because there hasn't been any need for one. There is usually no advantage to manipulating those files rather than use the override folder. I can only think of one case when there would be any point in doing so. Why would you want to put modded files in the game data files?
Keep in mind that the override folder takes priority, so any modified files you put back into the BIF game data files would be ignored if another file with the same name was put in the override folder by another mod. The currently available mod installers also won't do anything to make those files compatible with those you've packed in the game data, as far as I know.
So unless you plan on only using those mods and no others there are only disadvantages to doing it.
thx for the help and the clearification on this subject. You guys are helping expand my modding knowledge day by day!
Thx again
Blaze :twogun:
I am glad we could all be of assisstance to you!;)
Can't be much of a help here, but about textures - I have one mod that changes Dark Jedi/Sith Marauder's clothes in Trayus academy and this mod's files are made in (MOD) extension and should be put into "Modules" folder. Mod works perfectly, and it seems it is indeed possible to put some textures in game (at least the textures that exist in game already) using the "Modules" folder.
There used to be a utility called KISS that appended BIF and KEY files however the community that produced this utility has dropped off the map and never really provided much help to our community on it's usage. So if you find a copy you could play with it and try to get it to work for you.