Hello , just finished a blaster model and want it to import it in TSL .
It's been awhile since I did this kind of thing for TSL .
Should I follow the same step like in T7 tutorial for Lightsabre hilts ?
Or are guns and blasters treated differently ?
Here's a small spinning render I made of the blaster :)
http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o34/slazzir/th_Gun.jpg) (
Blasters, swords masks, basically any object without animations can be compiled by simply loading the model into mdlops and hitting the read write button.
Easiest way to rig a gun is to import a base blaster in gmax, then resize your blaster to fit over it, then delete the original blaster and link your blaster to the base. Export, and voila. Just don't forget to reset your xforms or you might wind up with a blaster bat. ;)
Thanks ! I just had bit of memory loss here :D
Does this lis of non-animated things include place-ables for in the maps ?
Yep, placeables should be the same. Of course with placeables you have to worry about clipping, unless you put them in an area the player can't reach anyway, but the basic rigging is the same.
The exceptions would be placables like loot chests, starmaps, ect.
Cause they have animations right ?
Just one more question , is there a website or forum where you can find info on the progress of mdlops , besides Lf ?
Just curious as I've seen it is possible to extract the animations and add one like Team Gizka did . I just want to follow it up . :)
As I like moddeling . ( still hoping we can build our own maps one day :p )