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Script for equip screen, and leveling up puppets(TSL)

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01-03-2007, 9:52 PM
1. How do you make a script bring up the equip screen for a character? I'm making a puppet and want to include a choice in it's dialog to go to it's equip screen.

2. Also, in the "[TSL]Creating Puppets" thread it says to set the MultiplierSet to 2. What would I set it to if I wanted to level him up manually?

3. Can you/How would you make a script run every time T3-M4(and only T3-M4) levels up?

Once these questions are answered I shouldn't be too far from completion.
01-03-2007, 10:24 PM
1. How do you make a script bring up the equip screen for a character? I'm making a puppet and want to include a choice in it's dialog to go to it's equip screen.

As far as I am aware you can't do that. You can only access the inventory of party members. A couple of workarounds I can think of that would accomplish roughly the same thing (though not as smoothly):
Briefly add the puppet as a party member. This requires that there is a free party member slot, and some juggling of the creature in and out of the party and puppet tables.

You could make a script that spawns an invisible container placeable and automatically make the player character open it, and then allow the player to put items into it that a script then will give to the puppet and equip in the appropriate slots.

2. Also, in the "[TSL]Creating Puppets" thread it says to set the MultiplierSet to 2. What would I set it to if I wanted to level him up manually?

Set the MultiplierSet to 0 to deactivate the auto-adjustment of the character's power. The number here is a line number in the autobalance.2da file, which contains the multiplier values used to boost the character. Line 0 has no multipliers, and thus will not adjust the power.

3. Can you/How would you make a script run every time T3-M4(and only T3-M4) levels up?

You can't do that directly since there is no event hook for when a character levels up, unfortunately. You'd have to run a script that continually checks if the character has leveled up (by keeping tack of the level last time it checked and comparing it to their current level). This can be done via a custom heartbeat script.
01-03-2007, 11:25 PM
Thanks a lot stoffe, but now I have two three two more questions.

If I equip a puppet with upgradeable weapons will I be able to upgrade them at a workbench like when you upgrade weapons that party members are equiped with?

Would it be possible to use ActionEquipItem and ActionUnequipItem on a puppet to equip items from/unequip items to your party's inventory?
In void PopUpGUIPanel(object oPC, int nGUIPanel); what value would I need to set nGUIPanel to to bring up the equip screen GUI?

Could you use ShowLevelUpGUI on a puppet to level it up manually? If you can I think I might just make a dialog option that ties to a script to check T3-M4's experience, set his puppet's experience to the same amount, then open the level up GUI for the puppet if it has enough XP to go to the next level.
I figured out a way to do the leveling up, I just need to know the GUI panel number for the level up GUI. In void PopUpGUIPanel(object oPC, int nGUIPanel);what would I set nGUIPanel to to bring up the level up GUI? I already set it in a loop to run until the puppet's level is equal to T3's level, I just need to know what value to pass in as the second parameter to get the Level Up GUI.

Thanks for all the help.
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