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Quanon's Art

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 Diego Varen
12-29-2006, 8:08 AM
Very good Quanon. I think the middle one is the best.
12-29-2006, 9:22 PM
So do I. The edge lighting makes it very dramatic.
12-29-2006, 10:50 PM
Same here. The Middle one is best.

I take you mean "variations".

More of Sion , in small variations ( ow spelling !!!) :

Quickly, before Hallucination finds out.
 Diego Varen
12-30-2006, 5:13 AM

If it is possible Quanon, if you know how to, could you resize that picture to Avatar size, so I could use it as an Avatar? If you can do this, thanks. If not, I'll ask someone in the Avatar/Sig Request Thread to do it for me. I would be honored to use it as my next Avatar for 2007 and I'll give you credit too in my Sig.
12-30-2006, 7:22 AM
Ow thanks Pottsie , cool , I'll look it up the sizes for the avatar pics .
It shouldn't be difficult to do that .

I think my next drawing will include HK and Mira in a shoot-out :D .
It'll be some different then all that neon saber fighting ;) .

EDIT : Mini version of Sion :D
 Diego Varen
12-30-2006, 8:13 AM
Ow thanks Pottsie , cool , I'll look it up the sizes for the avatar pics .
It shouldn't be difficult to do that .

I think my next drawing will include HK and Mira in a shoot-out :D .
It'll be some different then all that neon saber fighting ;) .

EDIT : Mini version of Sion :D

Thanks Quanon and I'm looking foward to the HK/Mira shoot-out.
12-30-2006, 8:59 PM
Yeah, and count me in. I'll look into HK/Mira Shoot-out, too.
12-31-2006, 6:29 AM
Pretty amazing!
To be honest, I didn't find your sketches that impressive, but after you colored it, it looked really neat.

I like your style. It's unique. One thing though: Lightsabers are white in the core, with color around them. But your lightsabers seem to fit really good into your art.

Nice work. :)
12-31-2006, 6:47 AM
Thanks for the replys people :D .

Yeah , lightsabers look simple , but they can be a pain in the a§§ .
Their straight and all ... I think Sion's one of the best so far . On previous picture I must admit their not that great , especially those from the Jedi .
One's to slim , the green one has a nice glow , but is a bit fat .
Well the more I train the better I should get , right ?

Anyway back to work here !
01-02-2007, 9:50 AM
Just a small in between . Its a drawing I made of my character I use on the DTC part of LF . But I just wanted to hear what you people think of it and could help me point out what sort of cross breeding of species created him . Let the comments come !!! ( do mind its coloured in very quickly so its not my best job )
 Diego Varen
01-02-2007, 10:02 AM
Looks good. It looks similar to one of Bane's costumes.
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