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Mod Skill Point Progession? KOTOR help please

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12-07-2006, 10:27 AM
Ok so I just recently discovered the wonderful world of KOTOR modding. Is there a way to change the skill point progression in KOTOR? I like the way TSL calculates skill points (both in initial build and level up) so much better. A 12 int gets +1 point, 14 is +2, 16 is +3, etc. There's actually a reason to take a 12 or 16 int, whereas in KOTOR only 14 makes a difference in points.

I'd like to simplify KOTOR's skill progression to something similar to TSL, such as making soldiers/guardians/combatdriod get 1 base point plus int mod (*4 at lvl 1), scouts/consulars/expertdriod get 2 (*4 at lvl 1) and scoundrels/sentinels get 3 (*4 at lvl 1). Of course the *4 need not apply to Jedi, but the game already takes care of that.

I've figured out how to edit several of my .2da files with the KOTOR tool, changing the way different characters gain powers, feats and skill points on level up. The classes file, however, only lets me change the base skill points per level. Maybe the formula is not a .2da file. Can it be done?
12-07-2006, 11:55 AM
well you could always use scripting. but i dont know the code for it :D
12-07-2006, 4:25 PM

Think the calculating formula is hardcoded.

Sorry. :D
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