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[WIP] Nacommy Studios Presents: 2007 Ultimate Gameplay Mod

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12-02-2006, 9:52 AM
Well I would like to say that this mod is still in beta and well juss to give you an iadea of how big it is... It is currently a staggering 274MB in size. Second of all this mod is really none of my work besides a few .2da tweaks here and there.

The mods I used are:
High Level Force Mod
High Level Force mod update
Combat Arena v3
Redhawkes Exile items and booster pack
Redhawkes Prestige class items and booster pack
Redhawkes and svoshes mods for robes (all robes covered)
Krieas assorted robes
Influence bug fix
Roleplay speed fix
HIde weapons in animations V2

NOTE: I have mixed together achilles balence mod, Beancounters hardcore mod (hard setting) and the improved ai patch together for perfect balence

Ebon Hawk Reskin .this is a big reskin 16mb
found it on filefront didn't have a author name sorry

Ultimate Sound mod
Remote Influence
Ultimate sabers Mod
Redhawkes Krieas prestiege pack mod
envidias complete mod
Redhawkes beginning items mod
All in one head pack (agian no author name)
Dantooine Jedi Merchant
Redhawke workbench robes mod
Skip turret minigame mod (peragus turret minigame)
HK-47 Part bin mod
More feats mod
More Force Powers mod

Those are all the mods I have used so time I will prolly be putting it all into one big TSL Patch file for convience but thats not for awhile

this mod drasticly improves and changes gameplay...makes the gamemore challenging but still remains balenced has a bunch of goodie items and stuff
And far more interesting.... lol

if anyone wants to add more items to this mod that do not require a console cheat that are acctuallyplaced somwhere ..gimmie a yell
My apologies for not adding al the authors name I wrote this at a friends house and I dun't have the list of authors i used on this comp My deepest apologies instead I have listed the mods i have used but there is prolly a lot more to come in terms of content....aka quests and stuff...

If you see your mod listed I thank you and give you credit

my msn is Please PM me instead
12-02-2006, 10:12 AM
Nacommy a couple of things...

it is against our Forum Rules ( to post your email address, so I am removing that. Please use the Private Message (PM) System to exchange that info instead. Saves us all from those spam bots. ;)
Also according to our modding forum rules ( you will need to secure mod usage permission from each and every modder whose mod you want to use before you can release your mod to the public. It is a respect issue and also helps to save any ruffled feathers.
This thread belongs in Holowan Labs as that is our modding forum... the Unknown Reigons is for the discussion of the potential KotOR III game... moving. :)
12-02-2006, 10:41 AM
ok redhawke can I use your mods since your mods are listed
and sorry didn't know where to put this thread.....
Sorry I am fairly new to this forum...not so new to modding though

My post was not an endorsement for you to be able to use my mods in your pack, it was as a SWK Moderator. Sorry for any confusion. -RH
12-02-2006, 1:51 PM
Mmm. A few thoughts.

Here's hoping they'll be constructive. ;)

1 - Did you TRY killing the bosses with hardcore, Achilles and USM???
No freakin' way you can beat the Sith Lords legit.

This isn't to diss Achilles' mod, but the HardcoreMod has more features and enemies' HP do go up without needing insane Constitution bonus. In this case, less is more.

2 - About the hideanimations mod. I'd put it in an *optional* folder. Just... It rocks for most of the game, but just remember that Mandalore won't have any on the Ravager. Which IHMO totally ruins one of the coolest scenes in the game.

3 - Not sure which feats/mods you speak of, but most of the ones I saw were overpowered. 1 feat for every level for EVERY class is not cool.

IMHO, most of the games' original feat gain make *a lot* of sense except for Bao and HK, who should get 1 every 2 levels. *shrugs*

4 - This one's a question: How exactly are you *putting together* the few mods that aren't TSLPatcher friendly? A custom-made changes.ini file? Or you just installed it all on your hard drive and just copied the override's content? Remember that not everyone digs hunting files just to remove mods they don't want.

Well, not much else to say about it, really, since it's more of a compilation than an actual balance mod.
12-02-2006, 2:35 PM
This thread is closed due to Nacommy's last post.(of which I deleted)

Flamming other members and disrespecting this forums rules will not be tolerated.
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