I am on the mission where u have to go with the Tyber, Uli, and the dark force lady. and i cant get past the dark jedi tht teleports. I have the mobile turrent things set up. but, the just keep shootin and the jedi never dies. Is there sum way to stop him from regenerating health. I have tried to do the dark lady drain health thing but tht doesnt work either. does anyone kno how to beat this?
Bring the mobile turret things out of the room and right near the pylons of the room where old mate dark jedi teleporter guy is. Build a ysalamiri cage and a turret of what even weapon you like. If you are overly cautious and dont come out far enough he will never engage you and you wont be able to kill him.
He was easy. Just build an Ysalamiri cage and 0wn him
Basically once you got him lizard up you can give him tander nibbles and snuggles with EvilGirl's little pet Cuddles.