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[FIC]Star Wars: CSI vs. CSI: Pilot Episode

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12-12-2006, 4:49 PM
That's a da** good question. I don't know...I have a final today, so I don't think I can post today, I think tomorrow, hopefully.

When will you post your upcoming fic, Unsatisfied Hunger?

And Jae, please leave a comment instead of crawling around and editing our post count. May the Force Be with You.
12-12-2006, 5:05 PM
Jae will post when she can. She has to mod for off topic discussion that's why she edits post count. Besides she's a mom and has a little Jae and jimbo and a job. You know LIFE.

That was one of your better chapters. I enjoyed it quite well. I know I make spelling erros on my posts but usually I am tired or typing too fast. Any way, I enjoyed this and look forward to the next of the CSI Coruscant series. I wonder what you could do with the episode 'Who Are You?' :D
12-12-2006, 5:18 PM
Jae will post when she can. She has to mod for off topic discussion that's why she edits post count. Besides she's a mom and has a little Jae and jimbo and a job. You know LIFE.

That was one of your better chapters. I enjoyed it quite well. I know I make spelling erros on my posts but usually I am tired or typing too fast. Any way, I enjoyed this and look forward to the next of the CSI Coruscant series. I wonder what you could do with the episode 'Who Are You?' :D

I'll watch "Who Are You" before I write a new story, okay? And thank you for your compliment.
12-15-2006, 4:13 AM
[Off topic: It's a very long chapter. So be patient.]

Chapter 10

On the Corwin’s house, Revan and Mira hit the ground pretty hard. The repulsor worked very hard to relieve the crash effect.

“That’s not the most comfortable landing I’ve had,” Mira commented, “We might need a more reputable pilot.”

“Let’s cut the chatter,” Revan answered and pointed at the limo speeder which Deno Fre’lar drove.

“No one’s answering inside.” Revan and Malak both ignited his lightsabers.
Then Revan came to the door, and posed a Soresu stance: “Nar Shaddaa Security Force!”

No one answered.

Revan and Malak entered the house cautiously.


Malak took the stair. Bastila, with her lightsaber ignited, was behind him.


Revan and Mira took the living room. They found the room was empty. Revan noticed the balcony and raised his lightsaber. Then he Force jumped onto the second floor and landed quietly.

“Slowly.” Revan said after Mira landed quietly.

Turning to the wall, Revan noticed there were lots of photos. One of them showed Corwin’s private jet.


Malak and Bastila, at the staircase to basement, reported: “Found a blood trail here…leading to the garage.” Then they entered the dark garage.


In the empty bedroom, Mira put on her gear and began to process the bed. She gently rolled cover and sheets up and found a piece of plastic wrap.
Mira took a look.

Anash Corwin was fighting for life on the bed. The murder killed her then wrapped her into plastic wrap.


In the garage, Malak followed the blood trail, which stopped in the garage, “He dragged her body to here…and put her in that speeder.”
“Nine Mil.” Bastila reported.

Malak turned around in astonishment, and saw Bastila was observing the hole, with a lot of blood splatter on the wall.

“One shot’s a through-and-through. Scalp hair.” Bastila observed, “He fired this one first.” She pointed at the hole without any blood on it, “I don’t know. To terrorize her.” Then she indicated the second hole, with blood, “This strikes here.”

“That one is all business.” Malak replied.


At the bathroom, Revan retracted his lightsaber, and suddenly noted some sticky substances on the wall of the shower. He approached the shower room and a flashback appeared:

The murderer wrapped Anash, dragged her into the shower room, and put a blaster on her forehead, then put on the substance all over her.

Mira caught up with Revan and her eyes were wide when she saw this. After a few seconds, Mira showed Revan the plastic wrap: “He wrapped her in plastic by the bed…”

“Then dragged her in here and cornered her like an animal.” Revan finished.
“If Deno’s true to form, he’s going to kill the Corwins.” Mira replied.

“You guys should take a look at this.” Mical appeared behind them.

Revan and Mira followed him out to the backyard and Mical began: “People don’t usually buy these houses for the view. It’s a place to put a million-dollar speeder.”

“But what’s your point?” Revan asked.

Mical said nothing and showed him the empty dock.

“The speeder is missing, and that’s where he’s killing them right now.” Mira added.

“Mical, get on that thing right now. Put the birds in the air and call the Security Force,” Revan commanded, “Right now. Do it.”

“Birds, this is Mical.” Mical shouted into his intercom, “I need you to be the lookout for a speeder—T-45. R.O. Anash and Maraan Corwin.”

“Commandeered by one Deno Fre’lar.” Revan added, “Deno Fre’lar.”

“Commandeered by Deno Fre’lar…” Mical added to the intercom.

“Deno Fre’lar.” Revan added.


In the night. The Nar Shaddaa.

Tons of Security Force Special Ops surrounded the landed speeder. A captain reported: “Security Force found her here! No radio contact! No response!”

“Infrared is up, blue means dead, red means alive.” Mical introduced.

“Pink. Body heat’s fading. Person’s dying.” Bastila noted on the screen.

“Identify the other players.” Mira added.

“Mical?” Revan asked.

“Red. Is that our suspect?” Malak suddenly said and pointed on the screen.

On the screen, a person’s figure showed up.

“I’m not sure.” Revan said.

“I’m sure.” Cleric said.

“How?” Mira complained, “We haven’t even identified the other players!”

“He’s going back to finish off the job. Sniper!” Cleric ordered.

“Getting a head on him, sir.” The sniper answered calmly.

“M.O. on this guy says husband’s already dead.” Cleric replied, “He’s going back to finish off the wife.”

On the screen it shows a person is bending down on the pink figure.

“You’re good to go.” Cleric ordered.

“Body language doesn’t look like an attack.” Bastila shouted back, trying to get louder than Cleric.

Revan noticed the speeder had a name of “Cor-winds”.

He recalled on the photo, there is a private shuttle and a boat.

“Wait a minute, wait a minute. Don’t the Corwins have a private shuttle?” Revan asked Mical, “The Corwins have a shuttle, right? Deno Fre’lar left them here to die! Abort this, sniper, abort this!” Revan shouted.

“Interstate case. Not your call! Proceed!” Cleric shouted back.

“Stand down!” Revan walked to the sniper.

“Take him out!” Cleric shouted to the sniper.

Revan approached the sniper and patted his back: “Sir, I know you want to impress your boss, but there is an innocent man on the boat. Now if you take this shot, I’m going to be in your grille for the rest of your natural life. I want you to think about what that might be like.”

The sniper gulped.

“Think about that.” Revan repeated.

Cleric looked at Revan, and then looked at the sniper.

The sniper frowned and thought for a while. Then he took his index finger off the trigger.

“Thank you. Mical, the Corwins have a shuttle. Find the shuttle. Call the Spaceport, and ground the shuttle by authority of Planet of Nar Shaddaa!” Revan ordered.

“You got it, Revan! Give us 30 seconds!” Mical responded really quickly.

Cleric looked at Revan in astonishment.

Revan and Mira boarded the speeder, and ignited their lightsabers.

“Mr. Corwin!” Revan shouted out.

“I tried to save her.” Maraan Corwin, full of blood, answered and began to sob: “It’s too late.”

Revan sighed and said into the intercom: “Get me Rescue!”


“In a few minutes, sir, we’ll be on our way to the Manaan.” Pilot of the shuttle said to Deno Fre’lar, who raised his glass and said: “Cheer.”

After a sip, he heard lightsaber ignition.

Revan entered the shuttle: “Good evening, Mr. Fre’lar.”

“Deno Fre’lar, did you drive your limo here?” Mira searched his body for weapons, then said, “He’s clean.”

“The Corwins…” Revan smiled when he heard Deno Fre’lar said, “are my friends. They lent me this plane.”

“Like they lent you their speeder?” Mira added.

“Speak to the pilot. Maraan Corwin called him personally. Directed the pilot to Manaan.” Deno Fre’lar smiled and took another sip.

“I’d rather call Maraan at the hospital to confirm.” Revan said.

“The husband didn’t die.” Mira added.

They can see Deno Fre’lar’s hand, holding the glass, was shaking.

“They left us a witness and the evidence to convict you in two states.”

“Rich Bothans don’t go to jail.” Deno Fre’lar replied.

“You’re not rich, Deno.” Revan replied.


Disembarking the shuttle, after saw Deno Fre’lar was booked by two officers, Revan said: “I’m going to book this guy, you coming?”

“No, you got it.” Mira added, “I’ll let my SF to call your SF.”

Revan chuckled: “Sounds good, sounds good. Uh…Thank you for your help on this.”

“Thank you for yours, actually.” Mira answered.

“Right. You take care of yourself.”

“I always do.”

They smiled and shook hands.
12-15-2006, 4:14 AM

In the park on Nar Shaddaa, Revan approached Savcen, who was protected by two officers.

“Hey,” Revan sat down and smiled.

Savcen thought for a while. “My mommy and daddy are dead, aren’t they?”

“Well, your aunt is flying in to talk to you.” Revan found this question uneasy to answer.

“That’s a yes.”

A long pause.

“I lost someone once.” Revan finally looked up and said.

“Who?” Savcen asked.


“Did you feel sick?”

“Still do…Still do.” Revan paused, “Savcen. People are going to say many things about your mom and dad, and some of them are going to be true, but I want you to remember, is that they fought like heroes for you. Will you remember that for me?”

Savcen said nothing but nodded.

“Good. Good for you.” Revan looked toward the sky and smiled.



“Hello.” Mira knocked Nihilus’s door.

“Hey.” Nihilus, who was wearing a tie, turned around, “Nice tan.”

“Nice suit.” Mira shrugged.

“Yeah, well, I knew you were coming back today, so I dressed up.”

“Yeah. Right.” Mira rolled his eyes.

“What?” Nihilus looked at Mira.

“Nothing. It’s just…unusual to see you dressed like that.” Mira replied.

“I had to go to the chief’s funeral.” Nihilus replied.

“Missed me that much, huh?” Mira joked and left his office.

“Mmm…” Nihilus replied behind her and shook his head. Then he hurried back to his book.

~~~THE END~~~
 Diego Varen
12-15-2006, 11:57 AM
Good Chapter and good Epilogue CSI. I'm looking foward to whatever you plan to do next (I'm guessing Nar Shaddaa Episode 2 or Coruscant Episode 2, or my unfinished Fic, Knightfall). Anyway, I'm looking foward to this going in the Archives.
12-15-2006, 12:13 PM
Third one. Knightfall. CSI series will be paused for a while.
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