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[ART] Give me some feedback on these sketches

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10-31-2006, 9:00 AM
Hey all, I'm new to this forum . Been busy with some modding for kotor , but now I just made some sketches / drawings . THeir mostly some loose character's .
I'm not sure what the story will be come ... I never wrote a fan-fic before .
And english is not my native language ( sorry if there are already writing errors ;) ) .

Anyway here are the pics :
Nr1 is just a sketch of a Jedi knight , he's like a zaabrak style kinda alien .

Nr2 is Female Jedi in action , Evil looking sith monster and some sort of Twi'lek .

Nr3 is a sketch of a small bounty hunter and a quick drawing of his space ship .

Nr4 another bountyhunter , booba fett inspired ( clones to ) and I always liked Desann from Jedi Outcast , so I invented this Dark Jedi / Sith Lizard .

Nr5 more practise on Desann / Chitori character .

Nr6 last page , again some sort of bountyhunter also a small sketch of an
older Twi'lek male.

Any critism is welcome , I've you absolutely hated what I draw and you got sick , say so . Most of all why !
Cheers lads , also I think anyone may write about some of the charecters , I like to see how you would flesh them out , or what their doing in the star wars universe .
10-31-2006, 10:27 AM
Excellent work man! Very creative and pleasing to look at. I don't have any real critism for you. I'm glad to see another artist has joined our ranks!
 Diego Varen
10-31-2006, 11:05 AM
Excellent work man! Very creative and pleasing to look at. I don't have any real critism for you. I'm glad to see another artist has joined our ranks!

Agreed. Good work. LF is becoming more arty everyday. Also, if I finish Echoes of Darkness Fic, I'll gladly write a Fic on one of your Characters.
10-31-2006, 11:41 AM
Hey , glad you guys liked it .
Just happens I found some other "art work" I used for a mod I'm working on .
Guess you could call it concept art ;) . Anyway its far from that qualty stuff they make for movies or games ofcourse .
Enough of the chatter here some links to new "old" drawings .

Enjoy !!
10-31-2006, 6:40 PM
Cool stuff! What mod were those for? It looks interesting.
11-01-2006, 6:19 AM
The mod name is : The TSL end game expansion .
Its still under construction , cause its a big mod , with whole new story to tell .
New levels and ofcourse a new Evil sith thread . THe sketches are some new robe design's (wich I'm making in 3D max , not easy and takes lots of time ) , the villian is that female , I'm working on the head ( the design changed a bit ) to . But its giving a lot of problems to get those things working in TSL (correctly).

Anyway thats Halowan Labotory stuff ;) , so far I'm now busy on some new sketches : more of the lizard and twi'lek girl ( no names invented yet ) . Their ship and some more practice stuff of sith soldiers / republic ( kotor era ).
11-01-2006, 10:29 AM
Sounds very interesting! I wish you luck with your project.
 Theone Thewayne
11-01-2006, 11:26 AM
Don't know much about Mods but your art looks great. ;)
11-04-2006, 10:50 AM
Hey , here some new drawings a made :
Some are ship design's , a nice study on my twi'lek force user , lizard man to ;)
And a try at a sith soldier of the Kotor era .
Here the links to the drawings :

And I've been thinking about name's for these two characters :
Lizard-man names:
- Arshar
- Zhagoth
- Vaur

Twi'lek names:
- Aayla
- Latiah
- Llyle
- Ashaiya

Give me some feedback about these names or if you know more or better name's even , post them here .
So I want to make a story about these two jedi/sith ( have to make up my mind about this ).
And what era the story should take place in ???
Not sure where to go in this vast universe ...
Any comments are welcome of course !!!
11-06-2006, 2:14 PM
No new art , just some try-out with color on two sketches .
Hope you people like it , any comments are welcome ;)
11-06-2006, 2:29 PM
noyce work moyt. mesa likes :D
11-06-2006, 2:32 PM
The new drawings look great! I should try coloring some of my drawings sometime.
11-06-2006, 4:45 PM
Just one new half finished work in progress . Its a pic for my up coming story .
Enjoy , I'm of to bed or in harelbeeks : k'ga in m'n duiker springen .
11-06-2006, 6:22 PM
Cool! I love Sith temples. If you illustrate your story as it looks like you will, we will have two illustrated fics.
11-06-2006, 6:25 PM
I didnt realise Lf was home to so many skilled people until i entered this place. Why have you been hiding from me? :P
11-07-2006, 3:43 PM
If you look like a rodian and have the " nice attitude" of rodian , I would be hiding , unless I was a bigger rodian . :nut: :roll2:

Cheers mate , your story seem to prove that rodians aren't always the evil spineless thugs as we usually see them in the star wars related things .
11-09-2006, 6:58 AM
Now, draw me a rodian :lol:
 Theone Thewayne
11-09-2006, 7:15 AM
Hey Quanon wie is het vierde beest?
Translation: Who's is the 4th beast?
11-11-2006, 9:34 AM
hahahaha , nooit gedacht dat hier iemand nederlands kon lezen :lol:
Never thought some on the forums could read dutch , unless he was dutch or in my case belgian bloke-head .

Don't now the answer Theone , I got that sentence of the back of a poetry-book.
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