Jawa Ion Rifle v1.0
Often in their travels, Jawas need a reliable weapon to keep droids from wreaking havoc on scavenging runs. The Jawa Ion Rifle will make short work of most droids!
This custom item is received on Tatooine after helping Iziz... or cheat if you just can't wait :D
Jawa Ion Rifle stats:
-Damage Bonus vs Racial Group: Droid 2d6
-Attack Bonus vs Racial Group: Droid +5
-On Hit Properties: Stun DC 18
-Damage Bonus: Electrical 2d6
-User Limitation: Human
Copy the following files to your K1 Overide folder...
g_w_ionrfl49.uti - item file
iw_ionrfl_049.tga - icon file
k_ptat_jreward_s.ncs - new script to give ion rifle
k_ptat_jreward_x.ncs - old script that executes after above
w_ionrfl_049.mdl - model file
w_ionrfl_049.mdx - model extension
w_ionrfl_049.tga - texture file
w_ionrfl_049.txi - extra texture info
To uninstall Jawa Ion Rifle, delete the above files from your overide folder.
Note: I realize the gun skin looks a tad dark, but the rifle that inspired this mod really is pretty dark ;)
Download from my site:
or from PCGM:
Agent Xim