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Star Wars The Rise of Desann

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10-01-2006, 4:52 PM
This is a new short fic I am starting but I am stuck for a second...Does anyone know the script for the scene of when Desann fights Kyle? Thanks.
ANyway this will be about if Kyle had lost to Desann...
 Jason Skywalker
10-01-2006, 4:56 PM
Wow, you sure like these Rise Shorties. :D And no, sorry, i never played JO so i cant help ya'.
 Diego Varen
10-01-2006, 5:00 PM
Which one? If it is the last fight, it is this.

Desann: Welcome Kyle Katarn. Welcome to the future.

Kyle: Your future is looking pretty grim Desann.

Desann: On the contary, thanks to you. The weakling Jedi who scorned me will soon be erased from history, replaced by a new race of warriors. Strong warriors. Warriors who know that the Force is not a shield to protect the useless, but is in reality, a weapon to empower the worthy.

Kyle: None of that's going to happen Desann. Most of your Shadow Troopers are being mopped up by real Jedi, ones who have been trained to use the Force. The rest blew up with your ship.

Desann: What a pathetic ruse *Gets out Comlink* Desann to Fyarr. Admiral? Admiral? Admiral Fyarr I order you to come in at once. I was wrong about you Katarn. Your failure as a Jedi hasn't made you weaker. It has only made you stronger. Come join me. You know in your heart, that you'll never truly be one of them.

Kyle: Maybe maybe not. How about you Desann, even now after all this pain it's not too late. Come join us.

Desann: *Gets out Lightsaber* You weak Fool!

Pretty close. Hope this helps. Also I agree with Jason, you love these Rise Shorties.
 Jason Skywalker
10-01-2006, 5:02 PM
Or you could the JO Re-edited way. :D Anyway, looking forward for this.
 Diego Varen
10-01-2006, 5:04 PM
I think this will be a serious Fic. Also I'll read this tomorrow, since I've got School tomorrow and I need to get to bed early.
10-01-2006, 5:06 PM
Thanks Pottsie^^^
Also jason:
"Jason Skywalker,Rise is our specialty."-Obiwan re-edited
 Jason Skywalker
10-01-2006, 5:07 PM
"But Master Kenobi, can't we just beat the kriffin' heck out of them and await for this fic?"

10-01-2006, 5:13 PM
LOL working on fic now...also Thanks again Pottsie:D
 The Doctor
10-01-2006, 5:22 PM
Gah! Name changes! I assume you're connor, correct?

Anyway, I look forward to it.
10-01-2006, 7:15 PM
yes Im Connor also I'll get it out soon...i hpoe...
 Diego Varen
10-02-2006, 2:08 AM
yes Im Connor also I'll get it out soon...i hpoe...

Hope not hpoe. Anyway Darth Grivis what will you do next? Will you do:

The Rise of Tavion
The Rise of Alora
The Rise of DS Jaden
The Rise of Rosh
The Rise of Jerec
The Rise of Yun
The Rise of Boc
The Rise of Boba Fett
The Rise of Malak
The Rise of Traya
The Rise of Nihilus
The Rise of Sion
The Rise of Revan

I could go on forever. I'm looking foward to this Short Fic. Perhaps all your Shorties could be a collection.
10-02-2006, 7:09 AM
ha no next is The Way of ******
10-02-2006, 8:12 AM
please tell me that isnt a swear word, because one fits it perfectly :p
 Jason Skywalker
10-02-2006, 8:21 AM
Nah, i think he's just hiding it. But it could very well be: Sith.
10-02-2006, 6:05 PM
no its not a swear word...and ^^^jason's a winner im hiding it but its not sith its Darth ******
 Jason Skywalker
10-02-2006, 6:10 PM
Bah, whatever, where's the fic?
10-02-2006, 6:41 PM
I'm about to finish it:D
10-02-2006, 6:50 PM
Star Wars: The Rise of Desann

Kyle used force speed to get past the moving walls. He zoomed past the walls before they could crush him. He then entered a huge chamber; he looked around and noticed Desann standing in the middle of the chamber.

“Welcome, Kyle Katarn. Welcome to the future.”

“Your future is starting to look pretty grim Desann.”

“On the contrary, thanks to you. The weakling Jedi who scorned me will soon be erased from history, replaced by a new race of warriors. Strong warriors. Warriors who know that the Force is not a shield to protect the useless, but is in reality, a weapon to empower the worthy.”

“None of that's going to happen Desann. Most of your Shadow Troopers are being mopped up by real Jedi, ones who have been trained to use the Force. The rest blew up with your ship.”

“What a pathetic ruse” Desann said as he gets out Comlink. “Desann to Fyarr. Admiral? Admiral? Admiral Fyarr I order you to come in at once. I was wrong about you Katarn. Your failure as a Jedi hasn't made you weaker. It has only made you stronger. Come join me. You know in your heart, that you'll never truly be one of them.”

“Maybe, maybe not. How about you Desann, even now after all this pain it's not too late. Come join us.”

“You weak fool! Desann finished activating his saber.

Kyle also activated his saber. The flashes of the sabers filled the room as they clashed them together. Desann laughed as he shot out lightning at Kyle knocking him to the ground. He picked Kyle up with his hand chocking him. He through him across the room making him grunt trying to control his pain. Kyle finally gaining control got up and charged at Desann. Though the fury was great in him, Desann thought. Kyle’s had built up high enough to even beat his. He blocked Kyle’s saber in a strong saber lock.

“You have great fury Katarn, you just don’t use it.”

“I never will Desann.”

“Then you are weak.”

Kyle slashed at Desann. Desann ducked to the side and stabbed his saber into Kyle’s leg. He yelled in pain as he fell to the ground. Desann raised his saber and brought it down through his other leg. Before Kyle could even wince in pain Desann stabbed his two arms. Kyle screamed in pain, as Desann once again prepared to stab him. The saber came down into his stomach exactly were it would cause pain but not kill him. Ignoring the screams from Kyle, Desann used the force to take boulders to put them on Kyle’s arms and legs crushing his bones and pinning him down. Desann laughed as he left the chamber leaving Kyle to die.

Desann reached for his comlink.

“Desagg, I order you to come in at once”

“Yes brother.”

“Fyarr has failed; bring your army of sith here.”

“As you wish…my brother I-.”

Desann ended the talk by rudely shutting off the comlink. Now he would go after Luke.

Desann ran into the big quarters of Luke Skywalker’s academy. There sat Luke killing off the last of the Stormtroopers in the room.

“Desann, but Kyle”

“Kyle’s dead and soon you will be also.”

Desann activated his blood red saber planning to strike as he moved into his battle stance. Luke also activated his saber and stood in a similar but a defensive battle stance. Desann charged preparing to break Skywalker’s stance. But look parried to the side and brought his saber down removing Desann’s lightsaber emitter. In fury Desann jumped back thinking fast. He threw his saber handle, sending the spikes on the bottom into Luke’s chest. Then Desann jumped and grabbed his saber and thurst the green blade into his head, killing him. A shocked Luke died a second later. Desann grinned he would now rule the galaxy.
10-02-2006, 6:55 PM
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Thanks To all who read this short fic! And the rest of the Rise Trilogy
 Jason Skywalker
10-02-2006, 6:58 PM
Not bad, but perhaps could have been worked better, and i hardly think Luke would die that way, Anakin was powerful, and Luke had the strength Anakin would have had he reached his full potential, and stay on the Light Side.
10-02-2006, 7:03 PM
Good point I change it a little bit.
 Diego Varen
10-03-2006, 1:23 AM
I didn't think this Rise Fic was that good, considering I had to wait two or so days waiting for this Fic. It was alright though, I just think both Kyle and Luke died quite fast. As Jason said, Luke had strength from Anakin, so he would of put up more of a fight. Desann wasn't that powerful for me in the game. Anyway, I'm looking foward to the rest of Darth Yoda, since that is your best work so far.
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