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[K1] Bothan SpyNet Agent Gear

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 Agent Xim
08-30-2006, 8:45 PM
Bothan SpyNet Prototype Gear v0.1 BETA
Author: Agent Xim

A collection of useful equipment developed for the art of espionage by the Bothan SpyNet. Each item mildly useful, but combine them all to reap the benefits of advanced Bothan technology!


The equipment is left behind by Agent X49 in his apartment on Taris...

Bothan SpyNet Items:
Battle Gloves (melee combat)
Security Infiltrator (droid utility)
Cloaking Device (stealth)
Interface Visor (ranged combat)
Medical Implant (regenerator)
Phase Rifle (disruptor rifle)
Exoskeleton (armor)
Energy Shield
Recovery Kit (unlimited use medpac)
Exoskeleton Accelerator (increase movement rate with exo)
Upgradeable Vibrosword
Agent X49's Datapad

Spawns in a metal box in the South Apartments of Taris (where your PC starts on Taris after coming out of the hideout). Includes clues to help finish Taris faster... and a set (actually 2 sets - just in case you don't get the other set on Taris) of Sith Armor to bring with you on your way to other planets - and shortens Taris slightly. (Note: Sith armor will be required for my Dreshdae Underground mod)

Copy all files to KOTOR overide folder and start a new game or use giveitem cheat and the above item codes if you're not starting a new game.

To use the speed_band you must copy the new spells.2da file to the overide folder or it won't work. If you are already using a custom spells.2da then you will need to add a line to your existing spells.2da AND adjust the properties of the speed_band using a GFF editor to point to the correct line number.

There are a few things I still have to fix (couple custom icons not working & still need to finish armor textures), but the equipment works great for me at least!

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