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Placeable rotation in .git file?

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08-26-2006, 10:51 PM
I don't know if this has already been asked but I need help with the rotaion (a.k.a the way it faces) of a placeable in the .git file, if you guys could help me with that I would be extremely greatful thanks!:D

P.S.:Also I know you guys are probley going to ask yourself why am I putting placeables into the .git file? Well I am making an new module for a project that I am doing so that is why. I just wanted to give you guys a little heads up on that, so thanks for any help you can give me.
08-27-2006, 6:04 AM
Use Darth333's whereami armband to calculate the bearing from your orientation in the module. Then you should be able to input that into the .git pretty easily.

Failing this... you can take a note of your relationship to north (In angle format) and open up Fred's module editor on any map and position a placeable to that direction, before looking at the .git dump and copying the bearing across to your true .git.

Failing this... use trial and error.
08-27-2006, 5:01 PM
Well I have tried to use the whereami armband to calcuate the bearing, but when I am doing it next to a wall or barrier I can't turn around and face the other way so that my object (a.k.a: a piller) will face that way. The module editor might work but the placeable are positioned in a funny way so I might have problems with that. I guess you are probley right with the trial and error thing because that is about the only for sure way!:D So thanks for the help pavlos I will try a few of the things that you have said to try.
08-28-2006, 10:52 AM
Well I have tried to use the whereami armband to calcuate the bearing, but when I am doing it next to a wall or barrier I can't turn around and face the other way so that my object (a.k.a: a piller) will face that way.
Can't you just move away from the wall? As long as you are facing in the same direction as your placeable, you can get the orientation/bearing.

Otherwise, if you happen to already have the orientation from another source, then the answer is in the armband source code:

//If the orientation is less than 180°:
Orientation * (PI/180.0);
//If the orientation is more than 180°:
Orientation * (PI/180.0)-(2*PI);
08-28-2006, 1:12 PM
You know what I never really thought of that, and now I feel REALLY dumb. Thanks for the advice D3!:D
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