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Item modeling?

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08-23-2006, 11:09 AM
I just wanted to ask if there was a good tutorial on how to model items, to be more specific I want to know how to build a mask. If somebody could help me with doing this by giving me a good tutorial, or running me throught the steps to make one I would really appreiciate it, Thanks!:D
08-23-2006, 2:25 PM
Do you need to know how to model, or simply how to rig it? If you just want to rig it, it's nearly the same as making a gun or a sword. There should be tutorials in the stickies dealing with items, or you can certainly convert one to easily work with a mask.
08-23-2006, 4:10 PM
Do you need to know how to model, or simply how to rig it? If you just want to rig it, it's nearly the same as making a gun or a sword. There should be tutorials in the stickies dealing with items, or you can certainly convert one to easily work with a mask.

Well which one would be easier to do? Also I am not very good a modeling I have basically never done it before so which ever one is easier would probley be the best choice!:D
08-23-2006, 11:17 PM
Hehe I think you misunderstood. A model must be rigged when it is completed. I was asking if you just needed help with rigging, or indeed needed help with the whole process ;).

Rigging a non-animated item (with the exception of lightsabers, which I find rather more complicated) is actually very easy with KotOR. The key is just to make sure you reset your transforms before you export, or you'll end up with some interestingly-sized models. Now I know that probably sounds like gibberish if you're not an experienced modeller, but if you want to get into it you'll pick it up.

The first thing you need to start out is some software. There should be links to gmax, NWMax (the MDL export plugin), and some decent tutorials in the stickies here. If you want detailed assistance I'd suggest finding an experienced modeller in the community and attaching yourself to their leg in a non-obnoxious way and learn the ins and outs from the masters ;).
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