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TSL Warp Console

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08-22-2006, 6:15 PM
The TSL Wrp Console wont work for me. It is in my new items menu in game but I can't equip it. I have redownloaded and reinstalled and still nothing please help.
08-22-2006, 7:03 PM
You cannot equip it, the warp console should show up in the armband slot!

hope this helps!:D
08-22-2006, 7:04 PM
it doesnt i dont know y i did the auto install and manual and it wont show up in the arm band folder
08-22-2006, 8:29 PM
Do you have the english version of the game? If not, you will need to convert the .dlg and the .uti files with dlgconverter:
08-23-2006, 5:45 PM
ya its the english version but it is the updated version idk if that helps?...
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