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[FanFic] SW: Talk about a Vacation.

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08-07-2006, 6:23 AM
Hullo again people, this is an idea what just popped into my head and i don't think this has been done before, but i decided to do it anyway. This is just something to take my mind off things, and for those who read it, just something different from my other Fic: The Second Coming Of Evil.

Anyway without further ado, i give to you :D


The Galaxy was calm, for a time. Nothing stirred in the distance of planets, the stars glittered brilliantly, and all was fine as the ship known as the Ebon Hawk drifted through the far reaches of space.
Revan and The Exile looked out the front view screen in the Pilot and Co-Pilot seats as the slipstream tunnel whirled this way and that as they travelled through Hyperspace.

“I’m lovin’ this” Said Jonas The Exile “No Sith Lords to tackle down and destroy, peace is truly a blessing” as he let out a long sigh.

“Hmm” said Revan, It was great to be honest, thought Revan, but it was also disturbing. The Dark Side could have been destroyed. Could it? No, it couldn’t have been … There is always something, or someone wanting to take over the Republic, but the gap of two years, which as no much of a whisper of the Sith, was troubling.

“Cheer up Rev” Said Jonas “A vacation is good once in a while. Takes the edge of things and gives you time to relax. You know what that is don’t you?” He said as he gave Revan a wink and a smile “ It’s where you sit back and do nothing at all. Nothing” Finishing off with a cheer and wide grin

Suddenly, the Ebon Hawk gave a great jolt and both Jonas and Revan were knocked out of their seats and onto the floor.

“I hate it when that happens” Said Jonas he they got back onto their feet “What the hell was that anyway” But Revan wasn’t listening, he pulled the Ebon Hawk out of Hyperspace and what they seen was unbelievable.

“What is it?” asked Jonas as he looked over at Revan. But Revan was just as god smacked as he was, as wide open and mouth slightly open, Jonas took his eyes of Revan and looked back at what was in front of them.

Purple and blue … clouds? Infused with … Electricity? Jonas did not have any idea of what it was but he sure it could not be good.

“Ahh ... Rev?” he said as he looked back at Revan and Revan looked at Jonas


“Uhh, don’t you think we should turn back and like... Get the hell out of here!” Jonas shouted, as there was a thundering noise and the ship started to vibrate.

Revan ran to the controls but it was too late. There was a split second slow down and the Ebon Hawk was lurched forward into the Unknown Substance.

* * *

“Hold on!” yelled Revan as they spun out of control. Revan and Jonas were both strapped in to their seats as the Ebon Hawk spun in circles and flipping in every single direction possible.

Then there was stillness.

“I – “ Jonas began

“Think im gonna be sick” finished Revan

“Yeah ... “

“Where the hell are we?” Said Revan

“I don’t have a bloody clue” Said Jonas looking around. In front of them was a planet was reminded them very much of Dantooine, but had much more water, and ice on the top and bottom of the planet. They flew the ship toward the planet and they felt a small jolt as they entered the atmosphere.

“Is there any record of this planet in the holo maps?” asked Revan looking at Jonas

“This planet … “said Jonas “ I have never seen it before, and no I just checked …”he fell silent and looked to be in deep thought, until he finally spoke once more “Revan ... “


“I – “he stammered, “I think that we are in a different galaxy all together”

They then looked at each other with faces of shock.
“How is that even possible? … It’s not,” said Revan

“Anything is possible Revan, surely being a Jedi has taught you that much” Said Jonas looking at his companion.

They landed in a small open space, on what looked to be a large island. The lowered the loading ramp and they both walked out, bathing them both in sunlight. Hey were greeted by a small boy, who looked to be no more than 13 years of age.

“G’day there” the boy said “Is that a real Space Ship?” he asked, eyes widening.

“Why, yes it is youngling” Said Revan “Our names are Revan, and Jonas” gesturing towards The Exile “What is yours?”

“Me?” said the boy “ Me name is Tom, what kind of a name is Revan anyway? Are youse Aliens?” he said all this very quickly, his eyes widening with every question.

“Can I ask you a question first Tom?” Asked Revan, looking down at the boy.

“Sure” said Tom

“What planet is this?” Revan asked

Tom’s eyes widened with surprise and his mouth hung open.
“You are Aliens?” he whispered

“Beg your pardon?” asked Jonas

“You don’t know?” he said, “Really don’t know?”

“Really, Really” said Jonas

“This … “He stammered” This is Earth Mate”

Haha, bet you didn't see that one coming! lol, anyway ... tell me what ya think :D
 Diego Varen
08-07-2006, 6:27 AM
Earth? Oh well, interesting start.
08-07-2006, 6:33 AM
Yeah, i just thouht it would be fun and stuff ... to mix our own galaxy with the SW one ...
08-07-2006, 10:50 PM
Hello Admins? I just read the guide lines again and i realised i didnt even stick to the first guideline sorry :(, so i have no problem if you shut this thread down :D

You're using a character from Kotor (Revan) and it's SW related, so this is fine. Thanks for checking the guidelines to make sure everything was OK! --Jae
08-08-2006, 6:32 AM
oh ok then .. Thanks Jae, i wasn't going to continue this, but seen as though its alright, i may :D .. see what the people think, if they like the idea of it, hell .. i'll do it :D
08-08-2006, 7:25 AM
Might be interesting to see where you go with it. You've piqued my curiosity :)
11-17-2006, 5:42 PM
Cool idea Mr_Bfa , lol :p , At first I thought they would meet you , the writer and fan of Revan and Exile . That would be really weird interwhirling of realitys , time and space . Hmm , should be less drinking ;)
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