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Into the Future

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 Diego Varen
08-06-2006, 2:48 PM
Hello all, this is a new Fic that everyone might not like, but I thought I'd do it anyway. This is a Fic where Revan ends up thirty two years before the Battle of Yavin and he stays there for a long time. This Fic will show Revan in the both Star Wars Trilogies, as he tries to find a way back to his era.

I'd like to credit another Fic like this. It is called The Phantom Menace ( and it stars a Female Revan. I'd also like to credit one of my favourite TV series, Life on Mars.

Anyway, I'll try to get my Fic up as soon as I can. I hope you enjoy it.

EDIT: This, Generals of the War and The Fallen Jedi aren't going to be continued, so there is no need for these to be reviewed. Thank you.
 The Doctor
08-06-2006, 3:26 PM
Sounds... different. I look forward to it. :)
 Jason Skywalker
08-06-2006, 3:29 PM
Yeah, real different, i also once thought of that. Good luck though.
 Diego Varen
08-06-2006, 3:30 PM
Here's the first Chapter, which is quite short. The first two Chapters will be introducing Revan to his new world, but I hope that the third Chapter will start TPM off.

Chapter I
Into the Future

The Ebon Hawk was approaching the unoccupied Planet of Korriban. Here the Jedi Knight, Revan hoped to make Korriban, a Planet for the Republic.

“Where shall we land?” Bastila asked.

“The Valley of the Dark Lords,” Revan told him, “That should be perfect enough.”

“Perfect?” Carth asked, “I wouldn’t call it perfect. I mean think about it, we’re surrounded by four tombs and…”

“Please don’t question me Carth,” Revan interrupted, “It is the perfect landing place for what we need.”

Carth typed in the coordinates and soon the Ebon Hawk would land on Korriban.


As soon as the Ebon Hawk landed on Korriban, Revan immediately leapt out of his seat and prepared to get off the Ebon Hawk. As soon as he left, he breathed in the warm air and looked around him. He could see the four tombs that Carth had mentioned and the many decaying bodies lingered still. It felt strange being on a Planet with so many tombs and bodies that should be left in peace. It was quite haunting, actually. Soon Revan smacked his hands together and called for Carth and Bastila.

“It’s okay!” He shouted, “Nothing out here to attack us!”

Soon Carth and Bastila came out of the Ebon Hawk.

“So where should we start?” Bastila asked.

“Well we could always start at the Sith Academy.” Carth told her.

Revan thought for a moment. Going into the old Sith Academy on his own would be risky, but with Carth and Bastila by his side, nothing would go wrong. Hopefully. In the end, Revan decided to go the Sith Academy.

“Come on,” He said finally, “Let’s get started.”


After a short walk up a steep hill, Revan noticed something strange. It was a shining dark blue sphere, which spun round clockwise.

“That’s strange,” Carth commented, “Who would have thought the Sith hadn’t noticed this.”

“Perhaps they didn’t notice it Carth.” Bastila told him.

Revan walked slowly towards it, just in case anything happened.

“Revan don’t!” Bastila told him.

“None of us know what it could do.” Carth told him.

Before Revan could approach it anymore, a small bolt of lightning grabbed onto Revan’s left arm. Revan tried to escape, but it held him tight. Carth and Bastila tried to pull Revan back, but it was no use. Another bolt of lightning grabbed onto Revan, this time on his other arm. The grip was stronger and it was pulling him into the sphere.

“Help me!” He shouted.

Carth and Bastila tried to grab onto him again, but somehow the sphere forced them backwards. Revan was falling into the sphere. There was nothing he or any of his friends could do. The sphere took Revan and all he could see was the vast darkness.

Stay tuned for Chapter II Who are you?
 Jason Skywalker
08-06-2006, 3:38 PM
Liked it. Also, Deja Vы. Yes, i saw that thing once. Dunno remember where though.
 Diego Varen
08-06-2006, 3:39 PM
I don't intend to copy the one, but this is similar. Yep, old Deja Vы. Anyway, the next Chapter will be longer.

Giving credit/citing your source (which you did) for ideas or quotes from other works that you have incorporated into a story is Good. I already know you wouldn't do this, Pottsie, but I have to say it anyway, copying someone else's work, especially without giving credit, is Bad. Thanks for remembering to include the citation. --Jae

Will do Jae *Edits first post now*
 Diego Varen
08-06-2006, 5:21 PM
Just to add, Revan is full Light Side (Though he sometimes says things he shouldn't) and he has a yellow Lightsaber. The reason is because then he would be like Mace. He would have a different Lightsaber colour from everyone else. Anyway I'm writing the next Chapter now.
 Diego Varen
08-06-2006, 6:10 PM
Chapter II
Who are you?

Revan woke up. He felt strange and he was surprised he was still alive. He thought he was dead for sure, when the sphere had taken him. The room Revan was in, looked like a medical bay. Revan knew he had to find Carth and Bastila and leave here. Or wherever here was. Near Revan was a window. He got out of his bed, but he immediately felt a sharp, stabbing pain in his right leg. As soon as the pain went away, Revan limped over to a nearby window. He looked out. He was in space and he was over the Planet, Coruscant. Carth and Bastila must have took me here, Revan thought, how nice of them. Revan heard the door open and a man around the age of sixty entered the room. He was dressed in what looked like Jedi robes.

“It is nice to see you up,” The man started, “I thought you were dead for sure.”

“Who are you?” Revan asked.

“I’m Qui-Gon Jinn,” The man told Revan, “A Jedi in service of the Republic.”

It was nice to know that this man was a Jedi. Revan had never known any Qui-Gon Jinn.

“I found you on Korriban,” Qui-Gon continued, “You were dying there, so I brought you here. This is a medical station, where many are healed if they are injured in any way.”

“I appreciate you for saving me,” Revan told him, “But I must leave now.”

Revan was about to leave, when Qui-Gon stopped him.

“Why must you leave in such a hurry?” He asked.

“I don’t want to be rude, but my friends, Carth Onasi and Bastila Shan are waiting for me.”

“There was nobody with you, I assure you.” Qui-Gon told Revan.

Revan stopped. Carth and Bastila weren’t with him? They would never abandon him. Ever.

“What is your name?” Qui-Gon asked.

“I’m Revan.” He told Qui-Gon.

“Revan?” Qui-Gon asked, “The same Revan who fell to the dark side in the Mandalorian Wars and returned to the light, five years later?”

Revan nodded.

“But how is it possible?” He asked, “Nobody has lived for at least four thousand years.”

Four thousand years? But how? Somehow, Revan was in the future. That would mean Carth, Bastila, everyone he knew was dead now. But how did he survive? Unless…

“Revan?” Qui-Gon asked.

“I’m sorry Qui-Gon,” Revan told him, “It’s just that the last time I was on Korriban, I was with Carth and Bastila and I… we encountered a blue sphere.”

“I’m sorry, but I saw no sphere.” Qui-Gon joked, laughing slightly at his own joke.

“That sphere must have brought me to the future.” Revan told Qui-Gon.

He returned to the window and looked out.

“Why?” Revan asked out loud, “Why am I here? I should be rotting in a tomb or something.”

“Surely you don’t mean that?” Qui-Gon asked.

Revan turned away from the window and looked at Qui-Gon.

“Do you know a way back to the past?” He asked.

Qui-Gon sighed.

“I’m sorry Revan, but I don’t know anything that could do that.” He told Revan.

The door opened again and this time, there was a younger man around the age of twenty-five. Like Qui-Gon, he also wore Jedi robes. Revan also noticed a Lightsaber, hooked onto his belt.

“So our guest is awake then?” The man asked, rudely.

“Watch your tongue,” Revan told the man, realising he sounded like his old friend, Jolee Bindo. He then turned to Qui-Gon, “I must see the Jedi Council.”

“Now?” Qui-Gon asked.

“If that is okay with you.” He told him.

“Fine,” Qui-Gon told him, “Oh I forgot to mention, that this is my apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi.”

Revan nodded.

“I must speak with the Jedi Council now.” Revan told Qui-Gon.

“Right away,” He told Revan, “I’ll prepare a shuttle for us.”


Coruscant looked the same as ever. It was a large city, with its enormous buildings sticking out in every direction like hundreds of needles. When the shuttle arrived at the tall Jedi Temple, Qui-Gon stopped and told Revan and Obi-Wan what they were going to do.

“Obi-Wan, wait out here,” Qui-Gon told him, “I will need to talk to the Jedi Council, along with our new friend.”

Revan was glad that he didn’t tell Obi-Wan his name. He didn’t want to have to explain himself. He would save that for the Jedi Council, whoever they were.


The Jedi Council chambers were located at the top of the Jedi Temple. The glass walls of the circular room overlooked Coruscant. It was a nice view. On this Council were four members. A Human, a Kel Dor, a Cerean and a short green master. The short green Master spoke.

“Introduce ourselves, we will,” He told Revan and Qui-Gon, “Master Yoda I am.”

“Master Mace Windu.” The Human told them.

“Ki-Adi-Mundi.” The Cerean told them.

“Plo Koon.” The Kel-Dor told them.

“Master Qui-Gon? Friend of yours?” Yoda asked, his long pointed ears twitching.

“Yes Master Yoda,” Qui-Gon told him, “I rescued him when I was on Korriban. Like us, he is a Jedi and he is a very special Jedi indeed.”

Yoda’s eyes lit up in excitement.

“Special eh?” Yoda asked, “How can this be?”

“He is Revan, the ex-Sith Lord who was in the Mandalorian Wars.” Qui-Gon told Yoda.

“Revan?” Mace asked, “I disagree. How can you be sure?”

“Master, I think he would be telling us the truth,” Qui-Gon told him, “The injuries he suffered were unnatural and these injuries brought him four thousand years into his future.”

“But it isn’t possible.” Plo Koon said.

“Anything can be possible,” Ki-Adi-Mundi told him, “This is just unusual.”

Everyone was extremely quiet for a short while. Everyone was looking at Revan, as if they were expecting him to say something.

“I’m sorry, do you want me to say something?” Revan asked.

“No.” Mace told him.

“Believe you are Revan, I do,” Yoda told Revan, “Become part of the Jedi Council, you shall.”

Revan was surprised. He was expecting the Council to hate him, but instead they were fine with him. Other than Mace, everything was fine for now.

“So what do I do now?” Revan asked.

“A mission you shall go on,” Yoda told Revan, “With Qui-Gon and his apprentice, Obi-Wan, you shall.”

“What is this mission?” Revan asked.

“I shall tell you the details,” Qui-Gon told Revan, “For now, we need to get to our next location.”

“This meeting is over.” Mace told them.

“Thank you masters.” Qui-Gon told them, bowing. Revan decided to do the same, just in case.


Revan was preparing to leave. His old robes were replaced with the ones that the new Jedi wore. Instead of a tunic style robe, he now wore a light long brown robe, very much like Obi-Wan’s. He had his Lightsaber in his belt and several Thermal Detonators as well. He was about to go to sleep, but he could hear Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan talking. Revan hid inside the cruiser, just so none of them could see him, listening into their conversation.

“Revan?” Obi-Wan asked, “The same Revan who…”

“Yes Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon told him, “I want to make sure he is okay being here, so we must be nice. He is a great Jedi, I assure you.”

“Have you seen him in battle master?” Obi-Wan asked.

“I don’t need to,” Qui-Gon told him, “We shall see how well he does in battle, if we fight anyone.”

Revan decided not to listen anymore and he went to sleep. He wondered what the mission was.

Stay tuned for Chapter III Short Negotiations
 Jason Skywalker
08-06-2006, 6:16 PM
Good, i liked it. This promises.
 Diego Varen
08-06-2006, 6:19 PM
Thanks Jason. I shall finally introduce the Trade Federation Battleship now. I'm looking foward to writing this as a long Fic.
08-07-2006, 2:02 AM
I'm liking it very much :D.
08-07-2006, 3:26 AM
waah! you stole my idea! :D j/k
very nice, Pottsie! i cant wait to see how this goes out. just one thing, will this be set in an alternate universe?
and Revan's inception into the council was too quick, IMO. i would have thought they would discuss it in plenty before making such a desicion. and im pretty sure the Jedi Council at that time had more than just four members. ;)
 Diego Varen
08-07-2006, 5:02 AM
waah! you stole my idea! :D j/k
very nice, Pottsie! i cant wait to see how this goes out. just one thing, will this be set in an alternate universe?
and Revan's inception into the council was too quick, IMO. i would have thought they would discuss it in plenty before making such a desicion. and im pretty sure the Jedi Council at that time had more than just four members. ;)

The Council does have more than four members, but the main members of the Jedi Council are Yoda, Mace, Plo and Ki-Adi. The others are unknown, so I didn't add them in.

Yes this is an Alternate Universe, for Revan anyway :lol:.

The Council's descision was quite quick, but they had to be quick, because they intended to send him with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to Naboo, etc. Mace doesn't like Revan though and they will deal with that later.
08-07-2006, 5:04 AM
Im looking forward as to how you place Revan into the events of the trilogy and such. :D
When's the next chapter coming?
 Diego Varen
08-07-2006, 5:09 AM
Im looking forward as to how you place Revan into the events of the trilogy and such. :D
When's the next chapter coming?

Well I've wrote up to the part where Revan, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan run away from the Destroyer Droids. Hopefully soon. I don't want to spoil anything but:

Also in the fourth Chapter, I will put a part that was never seen in the movie. Ever wondered how Obi-Wan was being attacked by the Droid on the STAP? That is on here and Revan and him have to run through the Swamps, until they find Qui-Gon and Jar Jar.

I'm really enjoying writing this Fic.
08-07-2006, 5:15 AM
Sounds good. Yeah, to tell you the truth, i was wondering as to how this would turn out and stuff, but you have really done well with it all, as i said, i'm enjoying it.

It's a very interesting idea and you have presented it brilliantly.
 Diego Varen
08-07-2006, 5:42 AM
Chapter III
Short Negotiations

The cruiser dropped out of hyperspace finally, giving Revan a good luck at the Planet of Naboo. He had never been to Naboo before, nor had he even heard of it. Naboo was a nice Planet and it could’ve been an even nicer Planet if there weren’t any Trade Federation battleships surrounding the Planet. They were fat battleships that were a horrible grey colour. According to Qui-Gon, the Trade Federation had blocked access to Naboo. Even Revan could sense that something was wrong. Qui-Gon had also told Revan that the battleships weren’t important. The important thing was the beings in the battleship and the Droid armies inside.

“Captain!” Qui-Gon said aloud.

“Yes sir?” The captain asked.

“Tell them we wish to board at once.” He told the captain.

The captain turned on a view screen, which showed a Neimoidian with grayish-tanned skin and big dull orange eyes. He wore a three-pronged headdress. This must’ve been one of the Neimoidians that Qui-Gon was talking about, Revan thought.

“With all due respect,” The captain started, “The ambassadors for the Supreme Chancellor wish to board immediately.”

“Yes of course,” The Neimoidian replied, “As you know, this blockade is perfectly legal. We’ll be happy to receive the ambassadors.”

Revan could sense the cruiser approaching the battleship. Both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan prepared to get up.


“Aren’t you coming?” Obi-Wan asked.

“I don’t think so,” Revan told them, “Besides, someone has got to protect the captain.”

“I’ll be fine master Jedi.” She told Revan.

“Besides, the Viceroy is expecting three ambassadors, not two.” Qui-Gon told Revan.

“Fine, I’ll come,” Revan told them, sighing, “But don’t expect me to be the greatest Jedi ever.”

As soon as the cruiser landed, Revan noticed many Droids looking at the cruiser. These must be the Trade Federation Droids, Revan thought. Both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan put their hoods up and Revan did the same. Qui-Gon led them both, with Revan being on his right and Obi-Wan to his left. Revan noticed a Protocol Droid waiting for them.

“I’m TC-14 at your service,” The Protocol Droid told them, “Please follow me.”

TC-14 walked off slowly. Revan, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan followed behind. Soon they arrived a small conference room.

“I hope you honoured sirs will be most comfortable here,” TC-14 told them, “My master will be with you shortly.”

Revan doubted that. He knew Neimoidians. They always liked doing business from a distance. This Neimoidian was no different. Revan, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan pulled their hoods down. Revan immediately sat down, leaving Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan together.

“I have a bad feeling about this.” Obi-Wan commented.

“I don’t sense anything.” Qui-Gon told him.

“It’s not about the mission master,” Obi-Wan said quickly, “It’s something elsewhere. Elusive.”

“Don’t center on your anxiety Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon warned, “Keep your concentration here and now, where it belongs.”

Obi-Wan nodded, “Yes master.”

Revan noticed them walk over to several slanted windows, which overlooked Naboo.

“How do you think this Trade Viceroy will deal with the Chancellor’s demands?” Obi-Wan asked.

“These Federation types are cowards,” Qui-Gon told him, “The negotiations will be short.”


They had been in the conference room for a while and the Viceroy still hadn’t shown. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon had joined Revan, by sitting down. Qui-Gon sat opposite Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan was next to Revan.

“Is it in their nature to make us wait this long?” Obi-Wan asked.

“Exactly what I was thinking.” Revan told him.

“No,” Qui-Gon told them, “For I sense an unusual amount of fear for something as trivial as this trade dispute.”

TC-14 had returned with a plate of drinks. Revan took one and took a large sip out of it. He wondered when the Viceroy would show.


Ten minutes later, Revan, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan sprung to their feet, turning on their Lightsabers. Lights from Revan’s yellow, Obi-Wan’s blue and Qui-Gon’s green Lightsabers lit up the room.

“Sirs!” TC-14 screeched, spilling all the remaining drinks.

Revan had felt all the deaths on the cruiser. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had also sensed it.

“Thank the Force I came with you,” Revan told them, “Otherwise I would be a dead man.”

However there was something more serious at the present time. Gas was pouring through the room.

“Gas.” Qui-Gon told them.

They put their Lightsabers away and walked over to the door. Revan could sense several Battle Droids on the other side. He nodded to both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to use their Lightsabers. Soon they were shooting at all three of them. They deflected the shots and cleared out the room of Battle Droids. This is easier than battling Sith Troopers from four thousand years ago, Revan thought. More Battle Droids arrived, but Revan decided to let Obi-Wan deal with them. Qui-Gon ran to a nearby door and put his Lightsaber through it. Revan went to defend him, along with Obi-Wan.

“You’re doing well.” Revan commented.

“Thanks,” He told Revan, killing yet another Battle Droid, “I’m a fast learner.”

After several minutes, two rolling Droids came out to fight.

“Master Destroyers!” Obi-Wan shouted.

Qui-Gon immediately turned around and prepared to defend himself. The Destroyer Droids, as Obi-Wan called them, had shields that protected them from shots.

“They have shield generators!” Obi-Wan said.

These were much harder than the Battle Droids. Revan was blocking every shot he could.

“It’s a standoff, let’s go!” Qui-Gon shouted.

Revan, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan sped down the hallway and escaped through the vents.


After a short trek through the vents, all three Jedi arrived at the hangar. Qui-Gon leapt down, along with Obi-Wan. Revan followed them, as they hid behind three boxes. Revan saw many Multi Troop Transports and H-shaped landing craft.

“Battle Droids.” Qui-Gon whispered.

“It’s an invasion army.” Obi-Wan told his master.

“I’ve never seen such a large army.” Revan told them.

“This is an odd play for the Trade Federation,” Qui-Gon told them, “We’ve got to warn the Naboo and contact Chancellor Valorum.”

“Let’s split up,” Revan told them, “We each sneak aboard one of those ships and reunite on surface.”

Both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan nodded. They liked the idea. For a while, all three of them watched the Battle Droids preparing to board the Troop Transport ships.

“You’re right about one thing master,” Obi-Wan whispered slyly, “The negotiations were short.”

Both Revan and Qui-Gon smiled.

“More battle humour.” Qui-Gon told Revan.

“We best get to a ship, before they take off” Revan told them.

Qui-Gon snuck to the left, Obi-Wan to the right and Revan went straight for the one in front of him.


When Revan got on the ship, he had to be with thousands of Battle Droids. If any of them noticed him, he would be dead for sure. Not even a four thousand year old Jedi would be able to handle all these Droids. Revan hid in a shadowy area of the ship and waited. It was going to be an uncomfortable ride.

Stay tuned for Chapter IV Locals
 Jason Skywalker
08-07-2006, 5:56 AM
Liked that last one alot. You really know your Star Wars. :)
 Diego Varen
08-07-2006, 6:10 AM
Why thank you. I've liked Star Wars since I was about five. Star Wars is one of my favourite things. Also, to save watching the films all the time, I've got all six Star Wars films in books. I just read from the books and since they're sometimes wrong, I take stuff from the films.
 Jason Skywalker
08-07-2006, 6:13 AM
Ah, so that's why it's always like the movies. Well done. Hope the next one is as good.

08-07-2006, 6:27 AM
Another great chapter Pottsie :D
 Diego Varen
08-07-2006, 6:31 AM
Thanks all. I haven't started writing the next Chapter yet. I think The Phantom Menace will be the easiest Episode to write Revan in. I wonder how I'm going to do Attack of the Clones or Revenge of the Sith. Anyway, I hope to get the next Chapter up soon.
08-07-2006, 7:02 AM
haha, i'm waiting impatiently for RotS.

Obi Wan: You were the chosen one!
Revan: Excuse me? I'm the chosen one!
Anakin: No, you're not.
Obi Wan: No, you're not.
Revan: *crys*

08-07-2006, 7:07 AM
haha, i'm waiting impatiently for RotS.

Obi Wan: You were the chosen one!
Revan: Excuse me? I'm the chosen one!
Anakin: No, you're not.
Obi Wan: No, you're not.
Revan: *crys*

HAHAHHA!!! .. .yeah ... that has to be in there lol, you can't not have that .. but yeah .. only the author can decided that lol
 Diego Varen
08-07-2006, 7:28 AM
I doubt that Revan will help Obi-Wan with the duel with Anakin. He will fight some Clone Troopers or something.
 Jason Skywalker
08-07-2006, 9:51 AM
Nah, Revanh should fight a Sith Lord that made the sphere or Sidious. Pottsie doesn't want to ruin the Kenobi/Skywalker fight. ;)
08-07-2006, 10:33 AM
this is a greats fic pottsie,if your lucky it might turn out better then TSL!
 Diego Varen
08-07-2006, 1:06 PM
this is a greats fic pottsie,if your lucky it might turn out better then TSL!

Thanks connor, nice to see you back (So many Fics for you to read...)

Jason: You're right, I don't want to ruin the Obi-Wan/Anakin Duel, but I was thinking of Revan fighting the Sith who created the sphere. I won't reveal it yet.

Also, I may just do The Phantom Menace (Why do I keep changing my mind), if there are other ideas I come up with. Don't worry, I may do more. I shall finish The Phantom Menace first, before I do anything else.
 Jae Onasi
08-13-2006, 6:35 PM
Pottsie, please don't delete threads with other members' posts in it, because this affects post counts. Please contact me or another moderator to lock it instead. Thank you!
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