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[K1 & TSL] Elite Dark Jedi Disguise

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08-03-2006, 6:18 PM
Elite Dark Jedi v1.0

This is the Elite Dark Jedi Disguise I had made for Mallux after I was done I was very satisfied with my work and I dicided that this should be a public release, so I am proud to announce them to you!

P.S.: These robes have been tested for both Kotor games and work equally as well, also I would like to give special thanks to Mallux on allowing me to make his mod idea a reality, Thanks!:D

Elite Dark Jedi V1.0 (;67221)

You can also find screenshots at that link to!
08-04-2006, 3:46 PM
Well as I said before, it is me who thanks you. Great job with the robes

I have tested the robes in Kotor 1 and i didn't found any bugs, however I haven't tested it through the entire game, but i don't think that's necessary. (Don't know much about modding)
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