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Making a new equipable body part?

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07-28-2006, 7:32 PM
I was wondering if it was possible to modify the equip screen to make a new body part equipable, like let's say I wanted to make the feet equipable with shoes how would I do something like that if it were even possible?
07-28-2006, 9:22 PM
Unfortunately the GUI is hardcoded into the game engine and cannot be modified without messing with the .exe file or the source code of the game (either KOTOR or KOTOR2), which in turn would be illegal and isn't allowed to be discussed on lucasforums.
Even if you did manage to revamp the interface screen, it would take some major modifications to the source code in order to make more equip slots useable.
So basically, no.
07-28-2006, 9:26 PM
Are you sure, because I went into what looked like the GUI for the equip screen using kotor tool and it looked like it could be edited, " mind you not easliy", but still it looked as if something could have been done with it.
07-28-2006, 10:55 PM
We can't do anything with it legally. That basically means it's impossible. Sorry.
07-28-2006, 11:02 PM
Well I was wondering another thing, is there maybe a way to do it through a 2da file?
 Emperor Devon
07-28-2006, 11:38 PM
No. As others have stated, when it's hardcoded, nothing can legally alter it. That includes 2da files.
07-29-2006, 12:11 AM
Well thanks anyway guys.
 Lit Ridl
07-29-2006, 5:28 AM
I have known just yesterday (Thanks for Kaspian) that *.gui files can be easily modified, extract them with Kotor Tool and edit with gff-editor.
But slots are hardcoded anyways, even don't try this.
07-29-2006, 7:05 AM
Are you sure, because I went into what looked like the GUI for the equip screen using kotor tool and it looked like it could be edited, " mind you not easliy", but still it looked as if something could have been done with it.

The GUI files only allow you to change the position, dimensions and transparency settings of user interface elements, they cannot alter what those elements are actually used for. So, even if you could seemingly add another slot to the inventory screen it would just be a nice little box, it wouldn't actually do anything, or let you drag any items to it. The game engine wouldn't know what your new box was supposed to be used for. :)

The number of equipment slots are hardcoded in the game engine and cannot be modified.
 Lit Ridl
07-30-2006, 5:31 AM
The GUI files only allow you to change the position, dimensions and transparency settings of user interface elements.
May you point us how to change pos/opa/dim of GUIs?
07-30-2006, 6:09 AM
May you point us how to change pos/opa/dim of GUIs?

Hi, Lit

Under the CONTROLS field. Choose any STRUCT and expand it, then you have the HEIGHT (Changes the actual height of the object), LEFT (Changes the distance from the left hand side of the screen), TOP (Changes the distance from the top of the screen), WIDTH (Changes the actual width of an object).

You may delete controls but from my experiments, you cannot add them at all - not even as a non-interactive feature as stoffe suggested. Although, I remember a discussion about the party selection screen and how someone had added a button (nonfunctional) to it, so I could be mistaken with regards to this.
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