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Mandalore gets a Gizka

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 Princess Artemis
07-17-2006, 2:37 AM
This mod is just out and out silliness I did for a challenge. But it's cute silliness! It's fun!

Get the wee little .zip file from PC Game Mods (
or My site (

Basically, this mod gives Mandalore a love-struck and stary-eyed gizka named Cati who will accompany him where ever he goes to protect him...whether he likes it or not :) When the party returns to Dxun from the first visit to Onderon, Cati will show up and attach herself to Mandalore. She 'hides' while on the Ebon Hawk.

A side effect is that you can decide if Mandalore will wear his helmet or not by talking to Cati.

Cati's stats are about the same as Remote's; she acts like a melee Remote, so she might get hurt more often as she's more likely to get in the way.

The puppet scripts are pretty much right out of stoffe -mkb-'s Puppet tutorial, for which I'm very thankful. The other two scripts used have sources included. Cati is not my invention--she's based on a gizka in a fanfic by Lady Revan...but Cati's adventures transcend fanfiction.

It's a drag n' drop into Override affair.
07-17-2006, 2:44 AM

That's funny! :D :nut:
 Kainzorus Prime
07-17-2006, 8:07 AM
 Ghost Down
07-17-2006, 8:56 AM

- Dream Evil :vamp1:

Btw, this is a bit off-topic, but Princess ..How did u do this? ..Did u just rename Dustil's face texture?
 Kainzorus Prime
07-17-2006, 9:19 AM
Thats Carth's head with Dustil's texture.
 Ghost Down
07-17-2006, 9:26 AM
I know, but did he/she just rename the file? ..Or change Carth's texture too look like Dustil's ? .Thats what i want to know ..

- Dream Evil :vamp1:
 Princess Artemis
07-17-2006, 11:55 AM
On topic: Hee. It is pretty cute watching Mandalore fight Sith Lords with a gizka : D Good to hear the fun got across.


- Dream Evil :vamp1:

Btw, this is a bit off-topic, but Princess ..How did u do this? ..Did u just rename Dustil's face texture?

Oh, I extracted Dustil's texture as a .tga and renamed it so it would override Carth's. Looks awful, so the next time I went musical textures on them, I used the .tcps, which looks much better. The differences in their textures is almost negligable, it's just coloring and facial hair really.

I also changed Carth's texture name to Dustil's and used KSE to make Carth look like Dustil just for kicks. Go poke around my site, there's a bunch of screen shots I took of it in Telosian Archives. Since I used the .tcps, I didn't change anything about the textures except filename.

Oh, and s/he is a she :)
 Ghost Down
07-17-2006, 11:59 AM
Cool, could u perhaps make it a mod and release it? ..And while your at it ..Could u then perhaps give Dustil Carth's beard a remove Carth's one ..And could u also include a portrait?

- Dream Evil :vamp1:
 Princess Artemis
07-17-2006, 12:15 PM
For K1? For clarity, lemme make sure I got it straight what you want. You want Dustil's texture (with a bit more scruff) to be Carth's texture, so basically Carth has darker eyes, darker hair, and paler skin? And for Dustil to have Carth's texture, except without scruff?

Dustil texture, Carth model:

Carth texture, Dustil Model:

Except with different facial hair. So that when you meet Dustil on Korriban, he'll have his own head model but Carth's texture, and Carth will have darker hair, lighter skin, and scruff, with a portrait for Carth?

If that's what you're looking for, yes, I could do that--the only time consuming bit would be getting a beard on Dustil's texture.
 Ghost Down
07-17-2006, 12:21 PM
Yep, thats what i want ..And yes it is for K1

- Dream Evil :vamp1:
 Princess Artemis
07-17-2006, 12:25 PM
OK, I'll get something together then. It'll take me a bit, though, for painting.
07-17-2006, 7:45 PM
:lol: very funny mod
07-19-2006, 4:55 AM
Very Creative Mod Princess Artemis! :thumbsup:

I really like mods like this... ones that take an entirely different direction than one would expect. Plus just the thought of the Rough-n-gruff Mandalore having an 'adorable' gizka as an involuntary (to Mandalore) sidekick is funny enough to make this mod really work and stand out.

Great Job! :D
07-19-2006, 9:30 AM
This is perhaps the best mod I have seen in a long time. I'll probably never use it, but awesome! :)
07-19-2006, 9:44 AM
Yah Cati! :3heart:

Glad to see you brought Cati (and Candalore's grumpy) over here PA! ;)

This is just the cutest and funniest mod everyone! Give it a try. :thumbsup: :lol:
 Princess Artemis
07-19-2006, 11:53 AM
Hee, thankyas. I hope anyone who decides to use it gets a kick out of it--Cati's really too cute hopping after Mandalore, or even better, hiding between his feet when you go to a new area (better than the Remote goiter Bao-Dur gets, anyway ; )
07-22-2006, 10:06 AM
Congratulations PA!!
This mod is great and Cati is so lovely!! Poor Canderous... LOL!
07-22-2006, 11:09 AM
Okay im not one for fluffy wuffy stuff.

..But this won me over ^_^
 Mellow jedi
07-24-2006, 3:20 PM
lol funny mod
07-24-2006, 5:41 PM
Cute little mod, Artemis :). I like little things like this... just for the novelty. You get five golden stars.
08-05-2006, 4:13 AM
Hee. Poor Canderous.
 Liberi Fatali37
11-11-2006, 10:55 PM
Uhhhh since PCGameMods is down, can you upload this to filefront?
 Princess Artemis
11-11-2006, 11:05 PM
Go to the top of the thread. Click on the link to "My site" right under the one to PC Game Mods. Or you can click the link to Telosian Archives in my sig and find it there.

Edit: Sorry, both links on the first page aren't working, but the link on my site is, so is the link to LucasFiles from my site. ::goes to fix link::

Edit 2: Link to my site on first post works now.
 Liberi Fatali37
11-12-2006, 1:36 AM
Oh... sorry... -slaps self-
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