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[Fic] Heir of Darkness

Page: 2 of 3
 Diego Varen
07-18-2006, 11:05 AM
I liked this Chapter. And I agree with RC about the longer length. I'm looking foward to more.
07-19-2006, 6:59 AM
Chapter VI

Ralik's amphistaff was slightly shorter than Ralik himself, so whenever and whichever body part the Zann brothers tried to attack, Ralik was able to block both of their attacks. Unfortunately, that was pretty much all he could do, though he tried his best to turn the battle in his favor.

Valon swung his purple saber sideways from the right directly towards Ralik's neck, but Ralik managed to block it with his amphistaff, then Kelar swung his lightsaber towards Ralik's left leg. Thanks to the length of his amphistaff Ralik managed to block the attack by pushing Valon's saber slightly downwards, just enough to move the bottom end of his amphistaff upwards to stop Kelar's saber before it reached Ralik's leg. The brothers broke off and started again with a different set of moves.

Ralik was slowly running out of options. The Zann brothers have been effectively pushing him further and further from the Valley's entrance. Their attacks grew more and more complex and thus more and more difficult to block and he still didn't have the opportunity for a counter-attack.

Again that mysterious whispering voice addressed him: ''These two are too strong for you to defeat without the Force. Listen to me, concentrate on the brothers! Good. Now gather the power inside you and release it!''

Ralik obeyed once more and managed to perform a Force Push on the brothers. He threw them at least three meters.

''Excellent'', the voice continued, ''Now concentrate on the entrance and run towards it.''

Ralik obeyed and in mere seconds he reached the entrance to the Valley. The Zann brothers couldn't believe their eyes. A Vong Force sensitive. Still they had a task to perform, so they rushed to catch up with Ralik and prevent him from exploiting the Valley's power.

Ralik entered the Valley's inner sanctum and he saw the source of its mysterious power. The voice addressed him again: ''At last. Now, hurry. The Jedi are coming and you'll need your full power to destroy them!''

Ralik stepped into the well of the Valley's power. He felt as the mysterious Force started to fully flow through him. At one moment he thought he saw a woman in the chamber.

She said: ''My son, how could you have fallen so far?'' and disappeared.

The Zann brothers entered the chamber and saw that they were too late. As Ralik saw them, powerful bolts of energy were released from his torso directly at them. The brothers fell on their knees, screaming in agony. Moments later they were dead, gray smoke rised from their cindering corpses.
Ralik slowly approached the brothers' burned bodies. He couldn't stop staring at them. He was excited and terrified at the same time.

''What happened just now?'' Ralik asked.

''You.'' The voice whispered, ''You wanted their death and you gave them one.''

''But how?'' Ralik was still confused, though glad his enemies were dead.

''Your confusion is understandable.'' The voice replied, ''This was a bit too spontaneous, but you will learn to control it in time.''

Ralik emerged from the Valley, his full potential now unlocked and ready to be shaped.

''What now?'' Ralik asked the voice.

''Now you must come to me.'' the voice replied.

''Where do I find you?'' Ralik asked.

''That you must discover on your own. If you succeed in reaching me, I will know for sure that you are worthy of what I have to give you'' the voice replied coldly.

''And what is that? My true destiny?'' Ralik asked nervously.

''Yes. And the untold power it brings'' the voice whispered.

''Where do I start then? You can tell me that at least'', Ralik insisted.

''Very well. Only one ancient vessel has left your future destination in one piece. Find it and the coordinates it contains within its ancient navicomputer'', the voice replied and fell silent.
07-19-2006, 7:24 AM
awesome chapter igyman! the only thing was that the mommy bit was a little...jerky. kind of like "why did you do this" and then going away. but the rest of the chapter compensated :D
i liked the force lightning you put in there. (at least i hope its force lightning :D )
07-19-2006, 7:30 AM
It was, but as you've noticed it wasn't the classic lightning we've seen so far. About the mother, originally I planned a conversation between Ralik and her, but as I wrote the chapter I realized that there was no time for it, those two Jedi weren't going to wait until Ralik finished his little chat with mommy, so I just put that one-liner.
07-19-2006, 9:47 AM
That's okay, it'll give him something to ponder, as well as the readers.

Great chapters, igyman. This is turning out to be a very enjoyable read.
 Diego Varen
07-19-2006, 11:07 AM
Another great Chapter igyman. Looking foward to more.
07-19-2006, 1:15 PM
Thanks people, glad you liked it. The next one will be posted some time tomorrow.
07-20-2006, 7:23 AM
Chapter VII

Supreme Commander Xerx was unusually happy this day. The news of Ralik's disappearance as well as the disappearance of one of their Yorik-Stronha's had spread through the Warrior caste. Some speculated he was sent on an undercover mission and others that he betrayed the caste and went to join their enemies. In the end only Xerx's opinion mattered and Xerx didn't really care why Ralik left. He couldn't wait to charge Ralik with treason.

It was only a matter of hours before every Yuuzhan Vong unit in the galaxy was alerted to report the traitor's whereabouts directly to the Supreme Commander. In the enormous spaceport above Yuuzhan'tar a worldship, Raktajorr, was prepared for immediate departure, should the traitor be spotted. Xerx wanted to dispose of the half-breed traitor personally, which is why he moved his entire base of operations to the Raktajorr. For some inexplicable reason, Xerx even moved all of his trophies to his new office onboard the massive worldship. Maybe he wanted to feel like home, maybe those throphies gave him extra confidence, who knows? The only important thing was that he was ready and eager to ''end Ralik's pitiful existence'', how he liked to put it.

A messenger hurried to Xerx's new office. It wasn't anything like the office he occupied on Yuuzhan'tar. This one was significantly smaller and instead of the bright green walls with black bone-like supports coming from the corners his old office had, the walls of this one were almost completely dark brown and, again unlike his old office that had a huge window overlooking the planet's surface, this office had no windows at all.

''I'm sorry to barge in, Supreme Commander, but the analysis of the missing craft's hyperspace signature is complete'', said the messenger nervously. He knew that the Supreme Commander is not a person he should cross.

''Well?'' Xerx asked anxiously, ''What do the results say?''

''Well, sir...'' The messenger paused. Little drops of sweat were running down his forehead.

''What? Speak!'' Xerx shouted, he was getting nervous.

''It appears, sir, that the vessel was headed for Ruusan'', the messenger replied.

''Is that so?'' Xerx said a little calmer.

''Yes, Supreme Commander.'' The messenger replied, ''The hijacked vessel's hyperspace signature points in that direction.''

''Ruusan? Why would he want to go there?'' Xerx talked to himself. The messenger stared at him, confused, waiting for an order.

''You may go'', finally Xerx replied. The messenger left with great relief.

''Ruusan?'' Xerx repeated to himself, ''Of all the planets in this abominable galaxy, why did he choose Ruusan?''

Xerx hated when there was something he didn't understand, but his hatred for the half-breed prevailed. Soon all that mattered was to track Ralik down and kill him. Ralik's agenda became completely unimportant to him.
Moments later, the intercomm passed Xerx's order to the Raktajorr's crew. They were departing for Ruusan.


Ancient vessel. Those were the words that kept going through Ralik's mind as his ship rushed through the vast and seemingly empty darkness of space. He immediately assumed that the voice was referring to an ancient Republic vessel and there weren't many places where he could find that kind of information. It was too dangerous to return to Yuuzhan'tar and infiltrate the former Jedi Temple. Half of the Warrior caste would swarm on him in a matter of minutes, which is why Ralik decided to pay a visit to the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV. ''It must be easier to infiltrate into a backwater place like that'', Ralik thought, ''regardless of its Jedi occupants.''

Five hours later the ''Rebirth'', as Ralik named his hijacked Yorik-Stronha, was in orbit of the Red Giant and its forrest moon. Ralik landed about two miles from the Academy, hiding his ship deep in the jungle and continuing on foot. The weather was cloudy, a rain was bound to follow soon. The night had just fell when Ralik reached the Academy walls. It was the perfect time for infiltration, since most of the Padawans and Masters were asleep and besides, Ralik was part Yuuzhan Vong, which made him almost completely immune to Force attacks and detection. He sneaked in through the hangar. He was surprised by the lack of security inside the Academy. ''The Jedi have obviously put too much trust in this Force, since they thought they didn't need tighter security in a compound of such importance to them.''

Ralik had little trouble sneaking through the Academy and finding the Jedi archives. Now all he had to do was find the information on the vessel the voice told him about. He sat in front of a terminal and connected his pad to it. First he searched for ''Old Republic vessels'' and the terminal's viewscreen showed a particularily long list and an option to sort the ships by category. Ralik activated that option hoping it will speed up his search. The viewscreen now showed categories in the following order:

Old Republic Starships
Old Republic Freighters
Old Republic Transports
Old Republic Fighters
Known Smuggler ships of the Old Republic

... etc. Ralik glanced at the name of each category and then under a subcategory called ''Jedi vessels'' he found a ship matching his requirements. The ship was called the Ebon Hawk. The file said that this vessel, although used by various people, was remembered by one owner – Revan, the ancient Jedi Knight who turned Sith Lord, who turned Jedi Knight. The file said that the vessel was last seen in the vicinity of Vjun and though the Jedi of the Old Republic searched for it quite a few times, it was never found. Ralik quickly downloaded all the data on the Ebon Hawk to his pad. He was just about to leave when two Jedi Masters entered the room.

''Intruder'', one of them shouted.

Ralik wasn't really up for another battle, especially in a building filled with Jedi Knights, so he simply applied what he had already learned – he quickly Force pushed the two Masters against the wall and stormed out of the compound and towards his ship. Rain started to fall and as Ralik went further and further away from the Academy the weather was getting worse.

After a long run through the jungles, despite the hard rain and strong winds of Yavin, Ralik finally reached his ship. He managed to escape unscaved. Now he knew where he needed to go – next stop Vjun.
07-20-2006, 8:06 AM
oooh, perfect spot for a dark sider, the tension mounts! :D
good job on this chapter, igyman, though i noticed a few spelling mistakes. nothing much, but it would be better if you proof read before you post it :)
07-20-2006, 8:35 AM
Fixed, I think. Thanks, RC. I can't believe I've missed those after all that editing and checking. When it comes to spelling and grammar, I'm a lot like Hallucination - I hate that kind of mistakes.
07-20-2006, 10:32 AM
Good chapter. I figured that it was the Ebon Hawk. :D
07-20-2006, 10:43 AM
Glad you liked it. Here's a little teaser about the next chapter: a certain Jedi we've seen in SW movies will make a guest appearance in it. :D
 Diego Varen
07-20-2006, 11:51 AM
Glad you liked it. Here's a little teaser about the next chapter: a certain Jedi we've seen in SW movies will make a guest appearance in it. :D

I liked that Chapter. Let me guess? Is is Master Luke Skywalker?
07-20-2006, 12:15 PM
Damn. How did you guess? :D
 Darth Nexus
07-20-2006, 12:17 PM
I think so,
good story igyman. but like it was said before, you should try to be more descriptive in your writing for future chapters and stories.
07-20-2006, 12:19 PM
Yeah, I know. I just try to put the action before the description, it's important to me that my chapters aren't boring to the readers.
 Diego Varen
07-20-2006, 1:12 PM
Damn. How did you guess? :D

Well it's a bit obvious when this is set after the Star Wars Movies and the only Jedi I could think of from the Movies is Luke. Anyway I'm looking foward to the next Chapter.
07-20-2006, 1:23 PM
I know, the smiley at the end means it's a joke. :D

Anyway, the next chapter will probably be posted tomorrow, check my sig and you'll know when it's posted. :)
 Diego Varen
07-20-2006, 1:27 PM
Looking foward to it. Also, when you finish this Fic, you could do a HK Fic. Unless RC beats you to it. :lol:
07-20-2006, 1:31 PM
If I think of a good story, I'll gladly do a HK fic, but as you said I'll think about it when the final chapter of this fic is posted. :lol:
07-21-2006, 5:22 AM
Chapter VIII

The Raktajorr approached Ruusan's orbit. Supreme Commander Xerx was once again glowing with satisfaction. He would finally rid himself of the half-breed pestilence known as Ralik. Little did he know that he was five hours too late. Ralik had already left for Yavin. None of the crew dared deliver that news to the Supreme Commander in person, instead they informed Xerx through the intercomm. He was so furious he nearly broke his amphistaff. Sounds of various objects flying through the air and hitting the walls of Xerx's office echoed from the comm. A hysterical angry scream followed and then silence.

''Where is he then!?'' Xerx shouted through the intercomm, terrifying the unprepared crewman.

''Sir...'' the crewman reported through the intercomm

''Where!!??'' Xerx's hysterical voice echoed through the comm.

''According to our long range sensors, the traitor left for Yavin, sir'', the crewman nervously responded.

''The Jedi Academy?'' Xerx said to himself, ''What would he want there?''

''We... are not sure, sir'', the crewman replied, utterly confused.

''I know that, you moron!!'' The Supreme Commander's voice sounded through the comm once more, ''It was a rhetorical question!''

''Yes, Supreme Commander. I apologize.'' The nervous crewman replied. He was shaking with fear. He was fortunate that Xerx didn't see him in that state, for he would have surely killed him for showing that kind of weakness.

Minutes later Xerx's latest order came through the intercomm - the Raktajorr was to follow the course of the traitor, but not to get too close to Yavin, lest they be detected by the Academy's sensors. A battle with the Jedi was not what they wanted now, only to find their fugitive.


About an hour after Ralik escaped the Jedi Academy, Jedi Master Anduil Wrynn reports to the head of the Academy, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Luke was in his meditation chamber that overlooked the Academy's training grounds. He watched the Academy courtyard as the Padawans performed tasks, both physical and mental, that would eventually shape their minds and bodies into those of a Jedi.

''Master Wrynn. Have you come to inform me of the intruder?'' Luke said calmly.

''Well, yes, Master Skywalker.'' Anduil replied as he entered the room with obvious confusion in his voice.

''I already know who he is and what he wanted from us.'' Luke continued with the same calm.

''I knew before he even came here.'' Luke continued.

Anduil Wrynn was surprised and confused. He wondered why Master Skywalker didn't warn the Academy's security, since he knew the intruder would come. ''Had Master Skywalker warned the security, the intruder would now be in our custody and we would be interrogating him, instead of wasting time on meaningless speculations.''

''I felt him through the Force.'', Luke finished.

''Through the Force, Master Skywalker? But the intruder was a Yuuzhan Vong. I thought they are not a part of the Force.'' Anduil was utterly confused. ''What is going on here?''

''He was interested in the Ebon Hawk data, correct?'' Luke asked, interrupting Wrynn's trail of thought. He knew how confused Wrynn was about all this, but it wasn't important to him at the moment.

''Yes, Master Skywalker. He obviously wants to find and destroy a valuable piece of Jedi history. We must stop him!'' Anduil insisted.

''His motives for searching the Ebon Hawk are not known to me yet, but I sense a dark influence in his quest.'' Luke continued, ''Take one of the Academy's shuttles and follow him. Let him find the Ebon Hawk for us, but do not attack him until you learn what his intentions are.''

''As you wish, Master Skywalker.'' Anduil replied and left.
07-21-2006, 8:49 AM
good chapter once again, igyman. and Luke's lines reminded me of JKII-JO when Kyle meets Luke :D. great work.

Looking foward to it. Also, when you finish this Fic, you could do a HK Fic. Unless RC beats you to it. :lol:

i think i've beaten him to it, because i've already started pre-writing a HK fic :D
07-21-2006, 8:55 AM
You go right ahead and if you need help with HK's lines, feel free to ask. :lol:
07-21-2006, 10:10 AM
Good chapter, igyman. The plot is really good.
07-21-2006, 11:48 AM
You go right ahead and if you need help with HK's lines, feel free to ask. :lol:

you think I need help with HK? HA! :p
anyway, ive made a slight change in something. i'm not sure if everyone will like it, but i'm not telling. :D
 Diego Varen
07-21-2006, 12:19 PM
Another good Chapter igyman. It was nice seeing Luke in there. Anymore Star Wars Movies Characters we might see?

Also RC, will you finish the Galactic Conquest Trilogy?
07-21-2006, 1:01 PM
Nope, no more SW movies characters.

@RC: I don't know, but I said if you need help.
07-21-2006, 1:41 PM
Another good Chapter igyman. It was nice seeing Luke in there. Anymore Star Wars Movies Characters we might see?

Also RC, will you finish the Galactic Conquest Trilogy?

yes, i'll finish it, then post the HK fic, or maybe i'll post the third GC fic and the HK fic together, depends.

@RC: I don't know, but I said if you need help.

yeah, i know, i was just kidding :)
07-21-2006, 2:32 PM
:lol: I know you were kidding, I was just being a smart-ass.

Anyway, as before, the next chapter will be posted some time tomorrow.
07-21-2006, 9:38 PM
Comedic work in action and the master has just returned to witness it. I read the latest chapters and I have noticed a great improvement. It will be interesting to see how you will tie the past and the future together.
07-22-2006, 7:27 AM
how sad that you never witness any f my fics :(. i'm always looking for comments and critics to write better, you know. and i've noticed you give pretty good ones too, any help? ;)
@ igyman: well, because i became a pompous dummy, i am suddenly in need of your help :D. could you PM me the lines that HK says in K2? i guess you could use KotOR tool and find them. if you can't do it, no problem at all. i'm not forcing you :).

good luck with the next chapter!
07-22-2006, 12:30 PM
Chapter IX

Eight hours after his departure from Yavin IV, Ralik reached Vjun's orbit. He was quickly approaching his goal and he couldn't not feel a slight satisfaction. He entered the Ebon Hawk schematics and composition data into the Rebirth's computer (although he, or any other Vong would never call it a computer, since it had technological connotations) and commenced to scan the planet. He also included the search for faint energy readings as one of the search parameters. Ten minutes later he got the coordinates most likely to contain his search query.

At that moment something happened that can only be explained as a vision. Ralik couldn't recognize his surroundings, white light glowed from every direction. Suddenly a woman in Jedi robes appeared before him.

''You! The woman I saw at the Valley of the Jedi'' Ralik said as he stared at the woman, ''What do you want from me?''

''We must talk, my son.'' The woman said gently.

''Son? What do you mean?'' Ralik already knew the answer to that question, but he couldn't believe it.

''I am your mother, Ralik.'' The woman explained, again in a very gentle tone.

''I see. And what do you want?'' Ralik asked coldly. He could believe that his mother looked like that, but he wasn't completely convinced that the person he was talking to was indeed his mother, or maybe he just didn't want to admit it.

''You are playing a very dangerous game, my son. You are being pulled into darkness.'' The woman said, her voice showing great sadness.

''Power can never be gained by playing it safe, 'mother'.'' Ralik responded, slightly offended.

''Is power truly all that matters to you, my son?'' The woman asked with great fear of the answer.

''Of course it matters to me. Power means strength and strength means respect and fear.'' Ralik responded proudly.

''Then you have truly fallen beyond redemption.'' The woman said with tears in her eyes.

''Fallen? No, mother, I have risen! I have unlocked the legacy I got from you and I will use it with great pleasure on any who oppose me!!'' Ralik replied fiercely, his eyes started to turn red.

''You have unlocked the gift I passed on to you, son, but you are using it for the wrong reasons and for a dark and selfish purpose!'' The woman shouted in despair.

''And what would you suggest I do? Trade one master for another? Join the Jedi? Fight my own kind? Never!!!'' Ralik was offended and disapointed with his mother.

''You broke my heart, my son.'' The woman said and disappeared.

Ralik awoke from the vision to find himself still in the safety of his ship. He immediately set down at the coordinates the Rebirth provided for him.

The surface of Vjun was a wasteland where acid rains and earthquakes were perfectly ordinary things. During the time of the Galactic Empire Darth Vader had a fortress here, the dreaded Bast Castle. It managed to outlive its Empire, but was finally turned to ruin by Jedi Master Kyle Katarn and one of his apprentices, though the fortress still holds secrets to be discovered in the future.

Vjun was a perfect place, if you wanted to hide something. The coordinates Ralik got were the location of an underground web of caves. Under those precise coordinates was a huge underground cave, large enough for the Ebon Hawk to fit in. But Ralik knew the ship couldn't have landed underground, there simply isn't a single opening on Vjun's surface that the Ebon Hawk could enter. Either the ship was intentionally buried afterwards, or it was buried as a result of an earthquake, or some other natural catastrophy. Whatever the cause, Ralik was determined to find that ship. The weather couldn't have been worse, acid rain was falling from the sky and the winds were so strong that they could lift a small animal.
''That's just perfect.'' Ralik said as he saw the weather, ''Ah well, I never expected this to be easy and I've come too far to be stopped by a little rain.''
In order to avoid being burnt by the acidic rain, Ralik had the Rebirth's ''computer'' calculate which cave is the one with the largest probability of leading to the huge underground cave that was presumably hiding the Ebon Hawk. After he got the results he concentrated at that cave entrance, as he was taught in the Valley of the Jedi, and rushed towards it. He reached the cave in just a few seconds, successfully avoiding almost every raindrop. He entered the cave and started to descend to the Ebon Hawk.

Just as Ralik entered the cave, a small Jedi craft entered Vjun's orbit. It was Jedi Master Anduil Wrynn. ''I have you now, Vong. Master Skywalker may have wanted me only to observe, but I know a Vong can't be up to anything good with an important ship like the Ebon Hawk. I shall follow you to the Ebon Hawk, evil one and then I shall destroy you.'' Anduil immediately tracked down Ralik's vessel and minutes later he followed into the caves.


Approximately four hours before Ralik reached Vjun, the Raktajorr emerged from hyperspace near Yavin IV. Xerx was slowly catching up to his prey. The massive galaxy-shaped worldship was holding position on the other side of the Red Giant, the sun's radiation effectively hiding it from the sensors of the Jedi Academy, but still enabling the ship to search for hyperspace signatures.

''Perform the long range scans'', the order sounded through the intercomm.

''Long range sensors report that the stolen vessel has left for Vjun, Supreme Commander'', the crewman reported through the comm.

''Then that's where we are going, but increase hyperspace velocity! I don't want to lose that traitor this time.'' Xerx replied.

''Yes, sir'', the crewman replied and did as was ordered.

''You will not escape me again, Ralik.'' Xerx said to himself. He wasn't sure of the validity of that statement, but it was enough to feed his anger.

''One more thing, Supreme Commander'', the crewman said, ''A Jedi vessel is following the fugitive.''
07-22-2006, 12:35 PM
RC, I can't promise anything, but I'll try my best to help you. Are there any specific lines that you had in mind? (I mean some specific points in the game)
 Diego Varen
07-22-2006, 12:37 PM
Mama's boy :lol:. Good Chapter and it is nice to see the Ebon Hawk again.
07-22-2006, 12:48 PM
Well, I thought I should still put that conversation between Ralik and his mother that should have originally ocurred in the Valley of the Jedi somewhere in the fic. Thanks.
07-22-2006, 2:50 PM
Good chapter. Also, the length is pretty good.
07-23-2006, 1:11 PM
Chapter X

After an hour of wandering through the seemingly endless underground tunnels filled with various deadly beasts, Ralik had finally reached his destination. He stood before the ancient Ebon Hawk at last. The ship's exterior didn't look as deteriorated as one might think, though there were clear signs of corrosion as well as old bumps. Some were from space battles, but there were some caused by explosives. It was now clear to Ralik that the ship's owner burried it here intentionally, obviously to hide the coordinates Ralik himself was looking for, or simply to keep them hidden for the right person to find.

Ralik entered the ship and started looking for the navicomputer. The ship's interior was dark and dusty and showed the same signs of corrosion as the exterior did. As he was passing through the ship's briefing room, Ralik saw two ancient droids, both long since deactivated. One of them was clearly an old Astromech droid, but Ralik didn't know what to think of the other one. It was a biped droid, holding a blaster rifle in one hand, his plating, though rusted, still showed bits of his old red color. Ralik continued towards the cockpit. He had found the Hawk's navicomputer. It was voice-locked, obviously an attempt of the owner to protect the information stored within. That protection might have been enough at the time it was placed, but today it can be easily bypassed. Ralik hacked in and retrieved the coordinates to his pad. It was time to go.

Ralik left the ship and moved for the surface, but a silhouette appeared in front of him. Jedi Master Anduil Wrynn had tracked him down.

''What do you want, Jedi?'' Ralik asked arrogantly, ''Are you another guardian of the ancient Jedi's dark secrets?''

''I am here to stop you, evil one!'' Wrynn replied in a tone filled with anger, very uncharacteristical for a Jedi Master, ''You have made a perversion of our galaxy, our great temple on Coruscant is now defiled by your perverse technology! The once glorious Jedi Temple now serves as a factory for your armor, weapons and body... upgrades!''

''Perverse!?'' Ralik was disgusted by these claims, ''We have transformed your vile, machinery-infested planet into a masterpiece of nature! Just as we will do with the rest of your galaxy! And when I return to glorious Yuuzhan'tar and assume command, the Yuuzhan Vong will be unstopable and I will lead them to their greatest victory!!''

''Not if I can help it.'' Wrynn replied and ignited his green lightsaber.

''There is nothing you can do to stop me, but you are welcome to try'' Ralik replied.

''It is said that the Ebon Hawk has information that can make a person extremely powerful and when I defeat you and learn that information, I will banish your entire race from our galaxy.'' Anduil thought to himself, he completely forgot about the danger such thoughts could bring.
Ralik took his amphistaff and assumed the battle stance. Anduil attacked.

Anduil was extremely skilled with a lightsaber, but Ralik was more than a match for him. The fight was flowing very fast, both fighters showing the best they've got. Anduil was showing an enormoous amount of anger, the Dark Side was taking over, but that didn't affect his skills yet. Ralik was fairly calm, he successfully blocked every Anduil's attack, but Anduil was just as sucessful in blocking Ralik's attacks. The victor would not be decided easily.

Wrynn was swinging his saber with great speed. He relied on swift and strong attacks. Ralik held his amphistaff with both hands, each hand was about ten centimetres apart from the middle of the staff. That way he could swing it sideways and also successfully block Wrynn's attacks that mostly went for the middle of the staff.

Wrynn swung his lightsaber at Ralik, but as before, he hit the middle of Ralik's staff, Ralik then pushed Wrynn back, turned his amphistaff diagonally and swung its left end downwards at Wrynn who, unfortunately for Ralik, managed to block it with his saber. Ralik kept pushing the staff to distract Wrynn for a moment and then he kicked him in the torso. Wrynn moved back a few steps, holding his stomach with his right hand. ''You will not defeat me, Vong.'' Wrynn rushed towards Ralik, swinging his lightsaber with only one hand.

Suddenly Ralik saw a weakness in Anduil's tactics and he immediately exploited it and knocked Anduil's saber out of his hand, after which he stabbed Anduil through his left leg. Anduil fell down, but was not about to surrender.

''I will not let such untold power fall in the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong!!'' Anduil shouted furiously, ''I shall gain that power and destroy your damned race once and for all!'' Anduil fell to the Dark Side and wasn't even aware of it. A poor end for the Jedi Master.

''You can shout about it all you want'', Ralik replied, ''but you are still going to die now!''

Anduil attempted to fry Ralik with lightning, but in his anger he forgot that the Yuuzhan Vong cannot be harmed by the Force. Ralik plunged his amphistaff into the fallen Jedi's heart, just then his eyes slowly started to turn red, just like they did in his vision. As the fallen Jedi exhaled his last breath, the expression of Ralik's face turned into a dark smile, filled with satisfaction. Ralik pulled out his amphistaff from Wrynn's body and left for the surface.
 Diego Varen
07-23-2006, 1:33 PM
Another good Chapter igyman and the description was great. It was better than what I could do.
07-24-2006, 2:09 PM
Whoa! Intensive battle there. I liked how you describe the dusky interior of the Hawk. Still how is it possible to bypass a voice lock? I know that it is 4,000 years later but you know and don't you need a power source?
I wonder what will happen to HK and T3?
07-25-2006, 5:57 AM
excellent description, igyman. this was a very good chapter. i liked the battle sequence. poor Anduil, though :|
great work. cant wait to see more :thumbsup:
07-25-2006, 7:19 AM
Still how is it possible to bypass a voice lock? I know that it is 4,000 years later but you know and don't you need a power source?

I improvised, it just didn't seem to me like Revan to leave the ship hidden and the navicomputer's data unprotected, but Ralik had to get it somehow and he certainly couldn't impersonate Revan's voice. :)
When it comes to HK and T3, they were there just to make the atmosphere complete, they won't have any role in this story. :(

The next chapter will be posted in a few minutes, so check it out.
07-25-2006, 7:27 AM
Chapter XI

At that moment the Raktajorr entered Vjun's orbit. Scans were showing that the stolen vessel was still on the planet. Supreme Commander Xerx couldn't suppress the satisfaction. Ralik was finally in his grasp.

''Triangulate the traitor's position'' Xerx ordered through the intercomm. He was walking back and forth with impatience.

''We have his coordinates, Supreme Commander'', the crewman replied two minutes later.

Xerx sat down in his chair and set the viewscreen on his table to show that location.

''Excellent. Commence bombardment of that position!'' Xerx ordered with untold pleasure.


Ralik was halfway to the surface when the ground started to shake. ''What now?'' he wondered, then he heard an explosion. He realized that this was no earthquake, someone was bombarding the planet.

He ran as fast as he could and reached the exit, luckily unharmed by the tremors. Bombs were falling over the entire area, Ralik realized that this wasn't just anyone that was bombing the surface. His former comrades have tracked him down. He hurried into the Rebirth and lifted off. He punched in the coordinates from the Ebon Hawk's navicomputer and as soon as he left the planets orbit, he engaged the hyperspace drive. The Raktajorr followed.

Ten hours later the Rebirth had reached its destination, a Dark Planet at the outer edge of the Unknown Regions, just outside the galaxy. One enormous structure could be seen on the planet's surface. It was obvious where Ralik had to go. Just as he prepared to land, the Raktajorr arrived.

Supreme Commander Xerx opened a comm channel to Ralik: ''There you are, traitor. I always knew it would come to this, half-breed, I knew you couldn't be trusted and that you would betray us, now I have the satisfaction of killing you for it.'' Xerx wanted Ralik to know who his executioner was.

''You old, arrogant fool!'' Ralik replied fiercely, ''I have gained power you can only dream of and here I shall reach my full potential! No one will stop me, especially not you!''

''And how do you intend to stop me in that little ship? I shall destroy you and then I shall finish off this dead planet! All guns, open fire!'' Xerx ended the transmission. The expression on his face soon showed an evil smile.

Hundreds of plasma cannons simultaneously fired on the Rebirth. Ralik engaged in evasive maneuvers but he knew he couldn't withstand that kind of firepower for long.

The whispering voice from his dream finally returned: You are so close! You must not be stopped now!''

''But how can my small craft resist the power of the worldship?'' Ralik asked the voice.

''It cannot, but you can. The worldship is more of a creature than a ship. That means it can be killed. Use your power, use the Force. Concentrate!'' The voice replied.

As before, Ralik obeyed the mysterious voice. He felt the creatures the worldship consisted of. The Coralskippers, the Dovin basals, the wormlike Dread Weapon and the Rikyam, the central brain of the Raktajorr He thought it and they died, one by one. The enormous worldship bursted into bright green flames and slowly started to fall apart. The hated Xerx was dead. Ralik watched the ship burn with great satisfaction, he almost smiled as he plotted a course and started his descent to the Dark Planet.
07-25-2006, 7:48 AM
wow, that was quick. great work! :) the length is much better and your skills are improving :thumbsup:
07-25-2006, 9:25 AM
Great chapters. Perhaps a more thourough description of how Xerx died would have been good, but how you did it is fine also.
07-25-2006, 1:00 PM
Perhaps, but since the whole ship exploded I couldn't think of anything further to describe. This chapter was shorter than the previous ones, but I hope it wasn't boring.
07-25-2006, 4:32 PM
Whoa exploding ships. I hope no one was saying 'ouch' :lol:
Nice chapter. I vaguely remembered in one of the new jedi order book or something other that the Y.V. ships were biomechanical in nature meaning that they were grown or something. That was a nice twist on things. Maybe you could have put the rage coursing through your baddies veins and how it felt like a power surge or something. It could add to the intensity.
 Jae Onasi
07-25-2006, 10:51 PM
Yeah, I know. I just try to put the action before the description, it's important to me that my chapters aren't boring to the readers.

They don't have to be mutually exclusive. In fact, being descriptive can make the action even more exciting, because we can 'feel' like we're there even better.

Keep it up!
07-26-2006, 7:30 AM

As the Rebirth slowly descended to the dead planet's surface, the voice sounded once again: ''You have succeeded. Come to the throne room, we are waiting.'' Moments later Ralik landed onto the enormous structure. He looked up one last time, what remained of the Raktajorr was still slowly burning in the sky with that same bright green flame. Ralik wished it would burn forever, thus forever serving as a monument of Xerx's downfall. He gazed at the burning wreckage one more minute, then he entered the building.

He wandered through the compound for a whole hour, on his way he saw ancient armor and weapons, ancient carvings on the walls that portrayed some kind of history. From what he gathered the carvings told that a Jedi came here to confront the True Teachings, he battled with the Master of the Teachings, demonstrating both skill with the Force and with blades. After a long and difficult battle the Jedi managed to defeat and kill the Master, after that he left never to return again. The ones that survived the Jedi's visit made these carvings to serve as sources of insight to any future visitors of this place, then they left too and were never seen again. Ralik was certain that the Jedi portrayed in the carvings was Revan. After all, the voice told him that only one ship returned from this place and that ship, the Ebon Hawk, was Revan's.

As Ralik continued further through the compound, he wondered where did those survivors go and how come there are no records of this planet anywhere. He saw the training rooms, the prison, the former occupants' chambers, the meditation rooms, even the burial chambers. As old and ruined as the huge building appeared to be, it was strange that most of the lights were still working. At moments he wondered if he was only imagining that voice, this place was obviously deserted, but then he found the throne room.

As Ralik entered the throne room he saw the dark, hooded figure from his dream. What was even more strange to him, he could see right through the figure. Eight more transparent figures appeared, four of them to the left of the dark figure and four to the right, they formed a semicircle. Ralik couldn't recognize the species, but it was clear that neither of the nine was human.
Though Ralik couldn't see the dark figure's face, he could still see the figure itself more clearly. Though transparent, the robe that the figure was wearing appeared to be red with a black armor on the torso. The figure's alien hands also appeared black.

''Welcome, young one'' the dark hooded figue whispered.

''It was you'' Ralik said, ''You were the one talking to me this whole time, but who and what are you?''

''We are the spirits of the ancient Sith Lords, all except me drawn from the distant tombs they haunted for millenia to this place'' the figure replied.

''But why?'' Ralik was confused, ''For what purpose?''

''To train you'', the figure said, ''And when your training is completed you will be the most powerful Sith Lord that ever lived and eventually you will restore the Sith to their former glory.''

''But with this power I can assume command of the Yuuzhan Vong forces and destroy any who oppose me!'' Ralik said arrogantly.

''The power you wield now is but a fraction of the power you possess.Your time will come, young one'', the figure said, still whispering, ''but it is not now. You still have much to learn and we are here to teach you.''

''The True Teachings? You are talking about them?'' Ralik asked calmly. He understood his destiny at last.

''Yes, young one. The very ones.'' The figure replied.

''Very well, Master.'' Ralik replied, calmer and more satisfied than ever.
The dark figure was pleased: ''Welcome to the fold.''
 Diego Varen
07-26-2006, 7:45 AM
Don't tell me that this Fic has ended already? Oh well, it was a good Epilogue.

What is it now? Sequel? Other Fic?
07-26-2006, 9:20 AM
Good fic, igyman. I wasn't expecting it to end, but you wrapped it up nicely, and you left it open for a possible sequel. ;)
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