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Fan Fiction Writer needed

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07-05-2006, 2:52 PM
Greetings to those at this subforum who don't know me. I'm trying to round up some talent for a mod that I'm putting together. I'm heavily in need of those who are good with story and plot development to actually give the mod substance.

The Project is THOR as it's simple project page is linked to in my Sig. I'm recruiting here as those here that have published stories and fan fiction are really good. However I don't find that many of the fan fiction writers in the modding section that much. Because of those in the Holowan Labs who have volunteered tend to be interested in the technical aspects of the mod and less in the story board and creation aspects. This hinders the process as it is placing the cart before the horse.

For those who are unfamiliar or would like to know more about project THOR here is a brief overview.

It has been about 20 years since the destruction of the Starforge and Revan's disappearance into the Unknown Regions. The republic is still in turmoil following the Jedi civil war, the Mandalorian war, and the Sith Lords Bloody swath being cut through the galaxy. The Jedi and Republic both have begun to make solid strides in rebuilding. Meanwhile under the leadership of Mandalore(Canderous Ordo) the mandalorians 2 have rebuilt there military might. The Sith remnants have begun to pull together under a new charismatic leader however there threat seems more like saber rattling. Mandalore and the Mandalorians from all appearances seem to be ready to strike out and bring war to the republic again. Everywhere across the galaxy the various factions have come to believe that Revan had a child. Each of the factions believe that Revans child will be there key to victory in the ever ominous threat of war. The game opens with Dustil Onassi's Daughter Crystal and Canderous's Daughter Janis each making there own seperate attempts to break your character free from slavery. Both of them believe that you very well might be Revan's child as prior to your slavery a Jedi by the name of Bastilla entrusted your care to a young couple. This couple later became enslaved by the Hutts and as you were in there care you became a slave as well. Over the years you were sold and seperated from your parents. With little knowledge of your past or even how old you are you become sucked in by the potential of discovering who your real parents were and that you might be Revan's child. Thus the adventures of "The Heir of Revan" begin.

Moderators please leave this thread here as Holowan Labs is good for recruiting Technical modders but not as good for those who enjoy putting together a good story.
07-05-2006, 4:59 PM
so, i presume this is a KotOR 2 mod?
 The Doctor
07-05-2006, 5:25 PM
Well, I don't think I would be a good choice, as I never finish any stories, but I recommend both ForceFightWMe12 and Sabretooth. They're both exceptional writers, and I'm sure they would be a great asset to your mod.
 Mace MacLeod
07-05-2006, 5:40 PM
Hmm. Sounds interesting. Check out my fics and drop me a PM if you want me on board, and we'll hash out some ideas.
 Jae Onasi
07-05-2006, 6:31 PM
Darkkender, could you give folks here an idea of your expectations?
Some of these are no-brainers, but it's always good to have things laid out, especially if it's a particularly long project.

What kind of writer are you looking for?
How many are you looking for?
What is your timetable?
What kind of time demands would the writer expect to have?
How long do you want the story to be? (The subject is fluid enough to be a very short story or something Tom Clancy-long)
How would the writer apply, and what would you want to see in an application?
Is the writer expected to know how to mod also?
Are there expectations after the story is completed (e.g. if continuity or grammar/spelling errors are found during a beta, what do you want the writer to do, and other questions along that line)?
If there are multiple authors, how will potential conflicts in stories be resolved?
How independent or collaborative are you expecting the author to be?

Others might have some more questions, and these are the ones that I just thought of off the top of my head.
07-05-2006, 10:41 PM
well, i normally wouldn't mind offering to help, but my new job kinda limits the amount of time that i have available in the day.

anyways, good luck with the project. :)
07-06-2006, 1:22 AM
Greetings to those at this subforum who don't know me. I'm trying to round up some talent for a mod that I'm putting together. I'm heavily in need of those who are good with story and plot development to actually give the mod substance.

The Project is THOR as it's simple project page is linked to in my Sig. I'm recruiting here as those here that have published stories and fan fiction are really good. However I don't find that many of the fan fiction writers in the modding section that much. Because of those in the Holowan Labs who have volunteered tend to be interested in the technical aspects of the mod and less in the story board and creation aspects. This hinders the process as it is placing the cart before the horse.

For those who are unfamiliar or would like to know more about project THOR here is a brief overview.

It has been about 20 years since the destruction of the Starforge and Revan's disappearance into the Unknown Regions. The republic is still in turmoil following the Jedi civil war, the Mandalorian war, and the Sith Lords Bloody swath being cut through the galaxy. The Jedi and Republic both have begun to make solid strides in rebuilding. Meanwhile under the leadership of Mandalore(Canderous Ordo) the mandalorians 2 have rebuilt there military might. The Sith remnants have begun to pull together under a new charismatic leader however there threat seems more like saber rattling. Mandalore and the Mandalorians from all appearances seem to be ready to strike out and bring war to the republic again. Everywhere across the galaxy the various factions have come to believe that Revan had a child. Each of the factions believe that Revans child will be there key to victory in the ever ominous threat of war. The game opens with Dustil Onassi's Daughter Crystal and Canderous's Daughter Janis each making there own seperate attempts to break your character free from slavery. Both of them believe that you very well might be Revan's child as prior to your slavery a Jedi by the name of Bastilla entrusted your care to a young couple. This couple later became enslaved by the Hutts and as you were in there care you became a slave as well. Over the years you were sold and seperated from your parents. With little knowledge of your past or even how old you are you become sucked in by the potential of discovering who your real parents were and that you might be Revan's child. Thus the adventures of "The Heir of Revan" begin.

Moderators please leave this thread here as Holowan Labs is good for recruiting Technical modders but not as good for those who enjoy putting together a good story.

Jae has several valid questions. Without knowi the length, specifications about the characters etc, it is difficult to determine if you can do the job.

If you answer those questions, I would be interested. Even though no one has recommended me (Whimper)
07-06-2006, 4:06 AM
that's because it's understood that you're good for the job :) (and forget the allowance :D)
the basic thing i'd like to know is for which KotOR this mod is being developed
07-06-2006, 5:02 AM
I might look into this, if I have the time. I have some wacky post-KotOR ideas and all.

If you ask me, it would be best if we pool our resources together and create a super-mod, dedicated by and for StarWarsKnights. Maybe something like a benchmark for the Coruscant Entertainment Centre, a superfic created by the combined efforts of all.

Then again, a single writer can keep things focused and concentrated...
07-06-2006, 7:08 AM
i think the super-fic idea is good, then the best writers can come up woth something cooler than all the fics here
 Lightside Revan
07-06-2006, 8:14 AM
Well, I am not a writer so far. But I just wanna let you know that your story outline sounds very intersting. The story could be a base for KOTOR III. I hope you get the chance to realise the project.
07-06-2006, 11:51 AM
I tried to answer Jae's post lastnight but it looks like my reply got lost when I received a phone call that knocked me offline. So here goes again.

All of the questions she posed are good questions and if I had thought a little more before starting the thread I would have said so in my first post.

Q 1): What kind of writer are you looking for?
A 1): I'm looking for any type of writer I suppose but in particular for the main storyplot one that will be willing to work with me directly to put my general outline idea of the story plus fill in the major gaps in my outline.

Q 2): How many are you looking for?
A 2): I would say as many as are willing to come on board. Because the mod will entail alot of unique characters many of whom will become partymembers It strikes me that there is alot of room for creative influence from a variety of different authors. However I also realize the drawbacks to having to many people on board. So I think at most for now upwards to 10 different writers. But this is just a guess and not a set in stone.

Q 3): What is your timetable?
A 3): I don't have a set timedate as I'm a modder and realize that setting timetables frequently don't pan out. However the ideal and preferable situation is to have a good Rough Draft of the main Plot within 1-2 months(Considering outside world interferance) maybe 1 month with a motivated & dedicated writer.

Q 4): What kind of time demands would the writer expect to have?
A 4): This kind of flows with the answer from Q#3 Because I'm a modder who has alot of things that goes on in the outside world I realize that is likely the case for the writers here as well. So my only real demand is not too get too frustrated with me if my response timing is not always the same day.

Q 5): How long do you want the story to be? (The subject is fluid enough to be a very short story or something Tom Clancy-long)
A 5): I need the story to be full enough that the player of the mod feels like there playing a full game. By this I mean I already consider this mod a Fan Made Kotor 3. So the story will need to be full enough to acomodate the length of game play similiar too K1 or K2. Now just like in K1 & K2 much of the game play time is wrapped up in partymember and character development just like any good novel. So while the main plot when put into rough draft form might be equal to 1 chapters worth of length out of a novel it will likely cover many hours of game play.

Q 6): How would the writer apply, and what would you want to see in an application?
A 6): There are many different ways to apply. Post a message on this board with links to some sample works, send me a PM at lucasforums with sample links, visit the "THOR" link in my signature and signup with the projects forums and either PM me there or start a thread in the Join the team area at the forum once again providing me with some sort of sample referances.

Q 7): Is the writer expected to know how to mod also?
A 7): No. However if they are willing to contribute further after they have done there writing it will always be welcome. Further contributions would likely include Dialog writing which would be too lay out everything they wrote into a "DLG" file which is actually really easy. Alpha/Beta Testing You know that is always needed. Grammar & Error checking, I know there is at least one person at this board who likes to do this sort of thing.

Q 8): Are there expectations after the story is completed (e.g. if continuity or grammar/spelling errors are found during a beta, what do you want the writer to do, and other questions along that line)?
A 8): I think this ties in well with my answer to Q#7 so I don't think I need to repeat it here.

Q 9): If there are multiple authors, how will potential conflicts in stories be resolved?
A 9): As project lead I imagine during this stage of the mods development that my primary role and responsibility would be too spot these conflicts as they come up and try to resolve them in some way shape or form. Though because the story line will include characters of different backgrounds I think it best to mention that I expect and might even encourage certain types of story or character conflicts possibly derived from the writers. Because as any good GM or player knows from playing RPG's there can be alot more fun when you throw out Red Herrings and leave it for the Player to pick out the truths or un-truths of a certain situation.

Q 10): How independent or collaborative are you expecting the author to be?
A 10): I want each author to feel as Independant within there writing as possible. I would like to have the main plot wrote before going off and telling the stories of the other characters. I believe that as long as they kept there sub-stories based off of the main plot or tied into it in some way that they would have alot of creative freedom. I also would not be adverse too and would highly encourage my writers to team up and collaborate on diffeent aspects. The more team effort and collaboration the more likely things would get done in a quicker more decisive manner.

To those who have asked the question of which of the 2 games it is built on I am building on TSL. The reason being is for the expanded partymember table as well as the variety of other improvements that were provided in this Kotor game. However don't let this stop you from writing for the mod. If you want to contribute to the mod when we step into the Dialog editing portion you could test your Dialogs initially in K1 and when it comes to later stages in production we can switch them over to K2. Who knows by then you might even have K2.

To more directly relate to what Sabertooth mentioned above. I very much see this mod as a Fan Super-fiction mod or also known as a fan made Kotor 3. Especially since we don't ever know if there will be a Kotor 3.

Just as an FYI to those who are modders here. My primary reason of late to try to build an improved version of mdlops will be so that we can build our own area models so that this mod really would feel like a new game entirely.
07-06-2006, 12:13 PM
just a suggestion:
could you also expland the K1 storyline and enable party member replacement there too by making another super-fic mod after THOR? because i'm sure there are others who don't have K2, like me. :(
and let's face it, K1 is the Game of the Year.
07-06-2006, 1:07 PM
When I began my first conception on this mod I debated if I wanted to build it off of K1 or K2. Since K2 provides much more indepth and useful features over those of K1 it became the hands down winner. If your looking for me to basically make a K1 version and a K2 version I suppose it's possible but I don't see the advantage. Especially since the mod is likely to be months away before even an alpha is released. In that time you and many others that don't have K2 may choose to get it. Now if your part of the I won't get it untill the Restoration project is complete crowd then your hamstringing yourself from the actual real experience as the developer's decided upon. As to K1 being the game of the year and K2 not being so this is very typical with any type of sequel. Most sequels usually need to really go above and beyond to out shine the games that came before them. K2 wasn't meant too outshine it was meant to continue a story as such it hasn't received those types of awards.

However if your looking for me to do a follow up Super-fiction mod such as a Fan made Kotor 4 then there is always a good chance for this. As my hopes would be to have the Mod be a launching point for many more future mods.
07-06-2006, 1:21 PM
How about this - we create a collage of our ideas in a thread, refelcting our own styles and characters. And then Darkkender can select the best and hire his favourite writer, or take a little of all and mix it up together for a unique feel. That way, everyone's involved, CEC's community intergration is soaring and we get to have a bit of fun on the way.

How about that, Darkkender? We all sign up, and all of CEC writes as one writer, with their various shades and flavours.
07-06-2006, 1:43 PM
That sounds like it might work well. I suppose this means I should yield my outline of plot points for the whole world to see then doesn't it? ;) Or I suppose I could keep the secret twists private and let the winner receive the prize of knowing. :D
07-06-2006, 1:48 PM
maybe you could create the thread Sabre was talking about and then the people interested in joining will write like in an RP. that would be your best bet, IMO.

and i was talking more on the lines of a KotOR 1.5 rather than a K4. :)
07-06-2006, 2:25 PM
Ahh K1.5 vs K4. Well I'm trying not to step to heavily on any LA developments of K3 that may be occuring and there potential stories. Not too mention the fact that while there are questions there are not enough in my minds eye that I feel that I could answer. Of course that is likely my own opinion and could illicit a debate that this thread doesn't need.

Since I'm rather fresh to this section of LF I'm guessing a RP is where people basically create a script outline and somebody picks it up and turns the outline into a story? I believe this very thread could be the source for this type of work instead of cluttering the forums with an extra thread.
07-06-2006, 2:43 PM
Examples of RPs here (

RPs are actually a base storyline, where characters are created and controlled by members. they work as a team to keep the story going smoothly. I think the Darkness Falls crew can get you a pretty good RP. their thread has over a 1000 posts.
07-06-2006, 3:15 PM
I suppose in a certain style I have already done this at the projects forums so I could trasfer some of that data here. It would just require people to flush out the personalities and there stories.
07-06-2006, 11:02 PM
I suppose in a certain style I have already done this at the projects forums so I could trasfer some of that data here. It would just require people to flush out the personalities and there stories.

I'm in if you want me. If you'd like, perhaps I could act as editor instead so that we can smooth out the links between authors. For that matter, why not assign characters to the authors?
 Jae Onasi
07-06-2006, 11:22 PM
Heh, I'd like to do the Jolee or Mik'oth style characters.... :D
07-07-2006, 1:23 AM
Mik'oth? Who is this interestingly named persona? Is this a AOJB character that I haven't gotten too yet?
 Diego Varen
07-07-2006, 1:32 AM
I wouldn't mind helping either. I have no Fanfics to write at the moment.
 Jae Onasi
07-07-2006, 1:48 AM
He's a Twi'lek cantina owner in AOJB, sort of a mix between Lando Calrissian and Quark from DS9. He loves all the girls and is flashy, worldly, smarmy, and generally over-the-top. He shows up in ch. 6, 10, 13, 22, indirectly in 25, and 29. He was supposed to appear just once for some information and ended up taking on a life of his own. :)
07-07-2006, 7:46 AM
right, so what is AOJB again?
 Jae Onasi
07-07-2006, 9:14 AM
AOJB--The Adventures Of Jolee Bindo. It's just easier to abbreviate because the title's a little long.
07-07-2006, 9:27 AM
ah rite. i'm just at the second chapter of it, so i dunno most of the chars. great job on what i read so far.
07-07-2006, 10:49 AM
I like the idea of a Twilek Quark. :D My all time favorite ST race are the Ferengi. I used to have the rules of Aquisition on my wall at one time. Infact I think I'll go hunt down another copy now that I think about it.

I wouldn't mind helping either. I have no Fanfics to write at the moment.

How do you feel about character development? I'm thinking I'm in desperate need of character writers.
07-07-2006, 11:29 AM
i'd be willing to help you out in that too. just give me the basic outlines and i'll cook something up.
07-07-2006, 4:55 PM
How do you feel about character development? I'm thinking I'm in desperate need of character writers.

I agree. As I told someone commetning on Republic Dawn, I don't create a character that I cannot find a use for.
07-07-2006, 5:12 PM
I think all of my characters so far have a use even if they don't have names or leanings. ;)
07-08-2006, 9:39 AM
i'd be willing to help you out in that too. just give me the basic outlines and i'll cook something up.

I second this. My next fic, the Chronicle of Thanatos is still a few weeks away, so I suppose I have the time. I'm okay in character development, I suppose, but they say I'm good at battles and other fight scenes. I can detail the warrior or ninja sort of characters, I suppose. Still, a bit of outline would help.
07-09-2006, 5:17 PM
You like Battles Sabertooth? How do you feel about helping flesh out our villains and encounters with them? In particular the Sith villians. Here are some of the Sith names. None of them have gender's except one is implied. I figure a villian battle king like yourself can dream up something :D

Darth Masari
Duke Harnash
Darth Crosus
Darth Droman

@RC1162 how do you feel about fleshing out an alien race or two for Partymembers. Such as a LS - Sullastan - Male - Pilot You name him. You can also decide if he eventually becomes a Jedi.
07-10-2006, 11:41 AM
You like Battles Sabertooth? How do you feel about helping flesh out our villains and encounters with them? In particular the Sith villians. Here are some of the Sith names. None of them have gender's except one is implied. I figure a villian battle king like yourself can dream up something :D

Darth Masari
Duke Harnash
Darth Crosus
Darth Droman

I'll suppose they're all male, so without further delay:

Darth Masari

Darth Masari was born as a Clawdite slave to a rich household on Onderon. He was forced to perform hard labour for very few rewards, a practice which instilled much hate in him. As he grew up, he dreamt of torturous ways of killing his tormentors. In the end, he brutally murdered all those who pained him and filled with the Dark Side, he fled Onderon for Dxun, where he found the tomb of Freedon Nadd. It was here that he was trained of the dark side of the Force under the skilled manipulator and female freelance Sith, Darth Cirvani. The slave was named "Darth Masari" and following the Sith Code, Masari treacherously killed his master. His master left a powerful Sith weapon, though. The weapon released a powerful energy and dark side blast, leaving Masari's body almost destroyed. Masari survived with the Dark Side, and using his Clawdite shapeshifting abilities in conjunction with his newfound ability to inspire fear at anytime, he became a powerful, yet paranoid Sith Lord. He wants to absorb energy from his preys and rebuild his shattered body, when he learns from a rival Sith, Darth Droman, of Revan's heir and starts hunting him for his Force potential.

Battle Scene:

Our hero's powers are a little dimmed, because of Masari's fear-power. Our hero enters the dark, misty room that is Masari's base. Masari steps out of the shadows.

Masari: You have arrived... atlast.
Hero: What do you want from me? Why have you been hunting me?
Masari: Your life!

Masari then ignites his lightsaber and delivers crushing swings on our medium-level hero. The combat pauses when Masari/Hero's health is 3/4th.

Masari: I can feel your energy. I will have it.
Hero: No, never. You're just a pawn in Darth Crosus' game. You will be killed!
Masari: That matters not. I want my revenge.
Hero: Revenge? From what?
Masari: From this galaxy.

Battle restarts and Masari becomes more powerful.

More later, but what do you think of the above? Want me to write more like a fic and less like a script?
07-10-2006, 11:51 AM
thanks for employing me :)
i'm not very familiar with the Sullustan race, so i'll do something like Twilek? i'll cook something up by tomorrow
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