Not quite KOTOR but I need to know if there's anyhting i can do to fix my piece-0-s*** X Box.
It's lens must be buggered because it's not reading anything properly and always crashes. Especially on KOTOR II (although I am aware that's partially the game's fsult too)
Anyone know of anything I could do?
Cleaning it would be your best bet, I think.
aye, get one of them compressed air pump thingys, and give your xbox a quick blow (hehe...)
clean the lens, and blow it like Venom_tyrant said soo if its dirty it willjust go somewhere else..
Just stick it in the bathtub. That'll get it nice and clean. :p
aye, get one of them compressed air pump thingys, and give your xbox a quick blow (hehe...)
God venom, please tell me you haven't used your xbox like a sexbox.