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The Geeking Out Thread

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06-24-2006, 3:37 PM
This is where peoples be going to nerd out. About anything nerdly. Transformers, comics, robots, computers whatever.

So, I thought I'd kick things off with a stupid question...

Who would win in a fight, Captain Kirk or Batman?
06-24-2006, 3:57 PM
This is where peoples be going to nerd out. About anything nerdly. Transformers, comics, robots, computers whatever.

So, I thought I'd kick things off with a stupid question...

Who would win in a fight, Captain Kirk or Batman?
06-24-2006, 4:00 PM
Agreed, unless Kirk wimps out, beams up and just blows up the planet.

So on to a better subject... The Flash is a badass.
06-24-2006, 5:24 PM
Wait, who is being batman? Cause if it's George Clooney, Kirk, but if it's Adam West

nananananananana BATMAN!!!!
06-24-2006, 5:36 PM
Okay... who's a better indie-semi-obscure-post-modern comic hero, the Tick, Spawn, or Madman? I vote for Madman.
06-24-2006, 5:48 PM

Which villian is the bestest. EVER?? I say Magneto.
06-24-2006, 5:57 PM
I say the Monarch!

"What's this?"
"An IOU... FOR YOUR LIFE! *shoots a poison dart* Yes... just like the monarch butterfly from which I take my name, you too shall feel the deadly sting of THE MONARCH!"
"Ugh... butterflies... don't.... sting....*dies*"
-A Taxicab-man and the Monarch
06-24-2006, 6:05 PM
The Monarch? OH!! From that Venture Brothers show.
06-24-2006, 6:23 PM
Yeah... VB has a lot of unique villains, such as:
Tigeriffic-A man with all the strength and speed of a tiger.
White Noise-Former TV repairman who is living static.
King Gorilla-A talking gorilla.
MechaMouth-A creepy metal mouth dude.
Phantom Limb-A man with invisible arms and legs.
Baron Underbeit-Ruler of ...some country, with a metal jaw.

Great show... great show...
06-25-2006, 12:55 AM
Yes, Venture Brothers does indeed rock. Hard. It's one of their better new shows. New season is coming soon too!
06-25-2006, 12:59 AM
Coming tomorrow, I already saw the new episode on Friday. It rocks. And it's really misleading, you think they come back through necromancy but as predicted they are indeed clones.
 zelda 41
06-25-2006, 12:44 PM
This makes me a nerd somehow:

Girls at my school say, 'If you don't like Troy from High School Musical, then you suck, and is a nerd!!!!'

How UGLY is Zac whats-his-face?
06-25-2006, 1:20 PM
This makes me a nerd somehow:

Girls at my school say, 'If you don't like Troy from High School Musical, then you suck, and is a nerd!!!!'

How UGLY is Zac whats-his-face?
I can't believe that High School Musical had 8 million veiws.
 zelda 41
06-25-2006, 2:07 PM
I know! It's depressing 11 year old kids waste their time by watching that stuff.
06-25-2006, 2:47 PM
Well since the resident narutards hate it, I've decided that I'm gonna be all preppy and love High School Musical.
06-25-2006, 5:38 PM
NOO!! Cheez, I have to agree. I hate high school musical because

A)It's a total fad
B) Zac Efrom is vomittastic
C)They didn't even sing half the songs. Professionals did most of the singing.
06-25-2006, 5:47 PM
It is fairly obvious as to how to settle this... we must have death combat! Fetch the Klingon war-spears!
06-25-2006, 6:02 PM
Eww, trekkie. Get a lightsaber instead, we shall duel.
06-25-2006, 6:16 PM
I'm not obsessed with Star Trek... I've just been watching it on G4... at least I'm not speaking Klingon or, god forbid, buying any Star Trek merch.

But yeah, duke it out with whatever weapon you want.
06-25-2006, 6:21 PM
Yessss! ~grabs roller blades, and spray cans~
 zelda 41
06-26-2006, 8:38 AM
Darth, are you like obsessed with JSRF or somthing?
06-27-2006, 12:05 AM
Doesn't get much geekier than this. (

Also notice the heavy abundance of MadMan t-shirts. :D
06-27-2006, 12:52 AM
Darth, are you like obsessed with JSRF or somthing?
No, I've just been playing it a lot because I've almost fully beaten it. Also, I'm gay for Jazz.
06-27-2006, 12:54 AM
Didja play the original JGR? I've got it somewhere in my house...
06-27-2006, 1:00 AM
I never played the origional. But I remember my cousin from D.C. had it and I think he let me played it once. It was so rad.
06-27-2006, 1:12 AM
It was good... I wish someone would bring back the VMU. That was tight.
07-16-2006, 5:00 PM
Ya know what was a good nerd show with a lot of nerd jokes? ReBoot. ( It kicked ass.
07-16-2006, 5:18 PM
It was good... I wish someone would bring back the VMU. That was tight.

It was created for one main purpose...

07-16-2006, 5:20 PM
It was created for one main purpose...

Hell yes.
 Zetz Darke
07-16-2006, 6:47 PM
Ya know what was a good nerd show with a lot of nerd jokes? ReBoot. ( It kicked ass.

I remember that show. I used to watch it on Toonami along with a bunch of other shows like Sailor Moon and Gundam Wing and crap like that.

edit: Lol Canadian
07-18-2006, 12:08 AM
My mom and brother used to have all sorts of Star Trek figures. I think most of them are gone now but I did find an Odo head that must've been chewed off by a dog. It lives in a thimble on my dresser.
07-18-2006, 8:33 PM
The batteries on my VMU sucked though. They died so quick. Plus they were hella expensive to replace, so I didn't even bother. But while the VMU had life, it was pretty rockin. I just never got to duel with my Chao. Also, old-school Toonami rocked...HARD.
07-18-2006, 9:07 PM
The batteries on my VMU sucked though. They died so quick. Plus they were hella expensive to replace, so I didn't even bother. But while the VMU had life, it was pretty rockin. I just never got to duel with my Chao. Also, old-school Toonami rocked...HARD.
07-18-2006, 10:23 PM
07-18-2006, 10:41 PM
More like this cat is cute!
 Det. Bart Lasiter
07-18-2006, 11:01 PM
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is superior to every piece of **** show mentioned in this thread.
07-18-2006, 11:21 PM
Here here, Jmac. No need to be hating on the Venture Bros.
07-18-2006, 11:21 PM
#38 about Walker, Texas Ranger or Chuck Norris' Karate Kommandos?
07-18-2006, 11:32 PM
I'm going to have to go with Walker, Texas Ranger because Conan had a lot of fun with it.
07-18-2006, 11:45 PM
..Project runway kills. Because Malan is scary good. Like everyone's favorite sommilee, Stephen Aspirino!
 Zetz Darke
07-19-2006, 12:29 PM
Also, old-school Toonami rocked...HARD.

I'm no longer into anime, but I have to agree. New Toonami kinda sux, but it used to be pretty cool.
07-19-2006, 4:23 PM
Okay there was a huge Power Ranger discussion over at the Raz's Voice thread so I'm moving it here, how much did the original MMPR suck/rule?
 Zetz Darke
07-19-2006, 6:59 PM
Okay there was a huge Power Ranger discussion over at the Raz's Voice thread so I'm moving it here, how much did the original MMPR suck/rule?

I can't remember...when your a kid your usually blind to that type of thing. I remember loving it though. When you think back...they weren't that cool. Haha, nerd points to who ever can name all of the original power rangers...god...I think I still can.
07-19-2006, 7:14 PM
I can't.

But it was really racist that the black guy and asian girl were the black and yellow rangers repectively.
07-19-2006, 7:40 PM
I remember that the pink ranger was a girl. SO SEXIST!!

And that the pig esque things were always puking up somthing.
07-19-2006, 7:43 PM
But the green ranger was a total badass.

He had a knife that doubled as a flute that summoned a badass godzilla looking mofo.
 Det. Bart Lasiter
07-19-2006, 7:52 PM
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is superior to every piece of **** show mentioned in this thread. Thread over. No room for argument. Haruhi is God.
 Zetz Darke
07-19-2006, 8:02 PM
Pink ranger= Kimberly
Yellow ranger=Trini
Black Ranger= Zack
Red Ranger=Jason
Blue Ranger= Billy...I think all of those are right.
The green ranger/white ranger was Tommy. I had a crush on him.
07-20-2006, 5:00 PM
Lawl, my Mom had a crush on Tommy too.

....Kinda creepy.
07-20-2006, 5:24 PM
I didn't think any of the power rangers were cute.

Although i used to have a thing for Double D off of Ed, Edd, and Eddy.
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