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Awesomely Random RPG!!!

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06-04-2006, 2:36 PM
"Arrgh!" cried Lizardman. The bottle knocked him unconscious.
06-04-2006, 2:41 PM
Kate poofed to find Logan "Dude, you'll never believe who I woke up to..."
06-04-2006, 2:52 PM
Logan was sitting in the VirtuTank, it was currently simulating a bacon factory. "Was it a 12 ft. tall marshmellow statue of Tom Cruise?"
06-04-2006, 2:54 PM
"No, though that would be even more scary. It was lizardman."
06-04-2006, 3:00 PM
"Ah yes... Lizardman... half liz, half ardman..."
06-04-2006, 3:58 PM
I'll join...

_ _ _ _

Somewhere in the timestream, a dude in black armor is travelling.

"um, Sarge, why am I travelling back in time?" said dude in black armor.

"For the last time, You have to find the phantom and the lizardman in order to save the future. Kelvin, you're the only person who can go into the time stream without getting horrible gas."

"Okaaaaaaaaay. Where am I gonna find these guys and how will this save the future?"

"Kelvin, stop asking questions."

"Yes sir."
06-04-2006, 4:55 PM
Suddenly Logan's wrist starting beeping. "Gasp of horror! There's a Class 2 temporal rift in progress!"
06-04-2006, 5:56 PM
"O RLY??" Said Kate, morphing into a snow owl.
06-04-2006, 8:38 PM
Kelvin soon exited the time stream and landed in a strang city with a very big tower and people with curly moustaches.

"Aw crap. Wheree am I now? Let's see, Paris ,France, (insert year in which RPG takes place). Well, the times right, but you got me in the wrong damn place!" said Kelvin as he looked for a transport.

"Sorry. Time travel is new technology and we still have a few bugs." said Kelvin's helmet.

"Well, could you at least send me some transport. A banshee would be nice." said kelvin.

" Do you want people to find out you're a Spartan from the future?"

"Well, you could put a cloaking device on it" said Kelvin.

"Fine, here!"

"Cool. I never rid a banshee before."

"Wait what do you mean you've never rid a banshee before"

Before he could finish the sentence Kelvin was already flying off.
 zelda 41
06-04-2006, 8:56 PM
Abby had ended up getting arested durring the contest, so she poofed out of there.

Abby: Okay, bad idea trying to do a flip into the crowd. Oh wells.
Soon, she stared poofing around everywhere, until she suddenly stopped in the middle of France.

Abby: Oh snap. That's. Not. Good. Snap.
She started going around the city until she came across a croowd of people around a guy in black armor.

Abby:Cool! Armor!
Abby ran up to the guy and asked:
Abby: Hey, armor guy. You got that armor in pink AND black????
06-04-2006, 9:06 PM
06-04-2006, 9:08 PM
"Sorry kid. You can only get one color. If you want pink, you should talk to a friend of mine. His name is Donut. If you prefer black, well, wait a minute! I shouldn't be talking to you I should be looking for Lizardman! See ya, you weird girl who talks to random people in black armor."said Kelvin.
 zelda 41
06-04-2006, 9:32 PM
(HA! At least SOME people like RVB. And you stole Tex's armor)

Abby: Ohhh,I know Mr. Lizard Man!!! He's cool, but ate Kate's muffin. I'll take you to him!


Abby: Mr. Lizard Man, Guy in armor. Guy in armor, Mr. Lizard Man.
06-04-2006, 9:33 PM
" head..." Lizardman stirred into consciousness and observed his white walled surroundings. Noticing the bottle that had hit him nearby, he drank the contents. It was tepid and distasteful, but he was thirsty. Afterward, he seated himself on the white floor. His lizard-like tongue nonchalantly licked his eyeball as he reflected on his next move.

Suddenly, there was a poof, and two strangers were in front of Lizardman. He sprang up with lizardlike agility. "What'ssss all thisss then?"
06-04-2006, 9:35 PM
"Let's see... the anomolie just left Paris, France, and popped up in RoboFrance... I need to fix this." said Logan as he activated the Temporal Transfixer that zapped him there.

(Also, NEVER! Well maybe if I had a replacement pic, but it took me a while to make you Calaveranated!)
 zelda 41
06-04-2006, 9:38 PM
(Hey I'll take her place. I wants to be calveranated!!!!!)
06-04-2006, 9:41 PM
(Hey I'll take her place. I wants to be calveranated!!!!!)
(Provide a pic!)
06-05-2006, 12:21 AM
06-05-2006, 12:21 AM
(Hold on. Could you at least not make the hair all attached to my head,it's a little more poofy than that.)

Kate looked at Logan as he left. "Time for tea!!!" she yelled as she poofed to London to meet with her bestest friend Gemma for tea.
06-05-2006, 12:29 AM
(Hold on. Could you at least not make the hair all attached to my head,it's a little more poofy than that.)

Kate looked at Logan as he left. "Time for tea!!!" she yelled as she poofed to London to meet with her bestest friend Gemma for tea.
(Alas no, they're modelled after the characters in Grim Fandango, which have their hair attached to their head.)

Logan appeared before the trio of chaos and drew his Wy-Pistol. "You in the balck armor, you're in breach of interdimensional code twenty-nine sixty-eight; no altering the future without a permit from a Dominare; please present the permit or return to your own era."
06-05-2006, 12:37 AM
Kate poofed up in London, at the Anglomania Teahouse to meet her friend Gemma. They exchanged hugs, and chit chatted about their other friends Thomas, Pete, Mary, ect. over crumpets and hot tea. Afterword they went over to Carneby Street and spent their money on chic wardrobes. They looked like swinging 60's mods, riding through London on their rented vespa's.

Kate met a boy named Jack in town and they hit it off. They even had a date set, Gemma was uber jealous. Then, after their day of swinging fun, Kate poofed back to meet Logan and tell her new friend about her day.
06-05-2006, 1:19 AM
"That's sounds fantastic! Back to business, present permit, go back, or FRY." he said, voice stern but chaotic.
06-05-2006, 1:37 AM
"Ok. You deal with these..... ABBY!! oh, my muffin stealing foe is here to destroy my beauty before my date. Well, prepair for a kung-fu fight, with creepy american voiceovers too." Kate said, her mouth still moving after it was said.
06-05-2006, 3:59 AM
Concept Art of Logan drawn on Flash based on some doodles in my notebook:
06-05-2006, 1:32 PM
I'd do Kate, but she basically is a teenage version of Gemma Ward fused with Kate Moss and myself. Which is super sexy.
06-05-2006, 8:27 PM
With a flash of his lizard-like tongue, Lizardman snatched Logan's Wy-Pistol. "Lookssss like the tablesss have turned, patrolman!" He said with thick lizard accent. Using his tongue, he waved the blaster around menacingly at the strange troupe.
06-05-2006, 8:40 PM
Kate saw lizard man and yelled "AHH!!!!! LIZARDMAN!!! DIE!!!" Kate then threw her vespa helmet at Lizardman's head.
06-05-2006, 8:48 PM
Logan pulled out the Groove Cannon. "I'm only supposed to use this as a last minute tactic, if it can send me to space imagine what it can do at close range."
06-05-2006, 10:26 PM
"Arrgh!" cried Lizardman. The helmet knocked him unconscious.

The Wy-Blaster rolled away from his tongue and lay on the floor.
06-05-2006, 11:06 PM
Kate telepathicly picked up the pistol and held it. "Oh Logan, you forgot the golden rule...."

there was a pause....

"Never trust a teenager." She then morphed into a blue creature, with red eyes, pink hair, and a floor sweeping red coat. "Toodaloo." She said as she poofed off, nobody aware of her warabouts.
06-05-2006, 11:09 PM
"Crud! did she know rule #2 in the Dimensional Patrol handbook?" Logan said still holding the Groove Cannon up to Lizardman.
06-05-2006, 11:14 PM
Kate then poofed back. "Because I know everything." She said, grabbing the groove cannon and poofing off again.
06-06-2006, 12:01 AM
"Luckily I have one more weapon up my sleeve," Logan said preparing a small ring at putting it on his right pointer finger. "The Civilian Prod, highly painful."
06-06-2006, 12:07 AM
Kate then poofed back, just to prove a point and cut off Logan't hand. While he screamed in terror, Kate stucked out her tongue and fled again.
06-06-2006, 12:11 AM
"Well... crap. I gotta go to Division 6 and get this suit fixed before I get ripped apart by oxygen. If only someone hadn't stolen my Groove Cannon!"
06-06-2006, 12:18 AM
Out of nowhere a note fell from the sky. It read.

"Dear people,(and lizardman)
_____If you are reading this message, you know I have stolen your weapons, and inhabited the mind of your friend Kate here. This isn;t really Kate, shocking, I know. However, come to Kate's White Room if you want your crap back and Kate safe. Right now, she's playing charades with my little Marie. It's so adorable. I wish you could see it. Oh wait, maybe I could take a picture. Just let me find that camera.......darn it....where'd it go???....Well, I can't find it. Can you just come and get your stuff. Kate and Marie are poking me.
__________________ Sincearly,
______________________Shotzie the Wonder Duckie of Narnia."
06-06-2006, 1:03 AM
"Well... crap." Logan said watching his ghostly had coagulate before his eyes. He then pressed a button on his right arm and warped to the white room.
06-06-2006, 12:13 PM
Kelvin and Abbie had saw everything that happened.

"well, i better help that lizardman guy. Or am I supposed to kill him? Sarge what do I do?"said Kelvin.

"You're supposed to make sure that he stays alive at all costs. The very first covenant were biologically enhanced through the Lizardman's DNA." said Kelvin's helmet.

"Wait, I thought the covenant forces were aliens'

"what do you think this guy is?" said helmet in a sarcastic manner.

"Well, let's get this guy somewhere safe. Abby, poof us Tokyo"
06-07-2006, 12:48 AM
In the white room, Kate sat expressionless watching a purple rubber duckie on the floor.

"AH! You've arrived" said a pink rubber duckie to Logan when he arrived in her white room. "You've come to claim Kate. But first, you must answer a riddle."
06-07-2006, 12:59 AM
"Oh it's always a riddle, it's never "hey push this rock!" or anything related to strength or shooting, no, it's ALWAYS puzzle or something."
 zelda 41
06-07-2006, 8:26 PM
Abby poofed Kelvin and Lizard Man to Tokyo, as the night was turning to light again.
Abby: Whew. Soooo, now that we're out of there, HOW CAN I GET BLACK ARMOR?????
06-08-2006, 12:49 PM
"Ok," said Shotzie the Wonder Duck, "It's round on the ends and high in the middle. What is it?"
06-08-2006, 3:30 PM
06-08-2006, 6:06 PM
"Damn. Take the girl, and your weapons. Just go, you and your Ohio." said Shotzie, flying out of a window.
06-10-2006, 10:23 PM
Lizardman stirred. He smelled something suspiciously reminiscent of Tokyo. "oh please, God, in the name of all that is holy, not Tokyo..." he preyed in his mind, as his eyes focused in on his surroundings.
06-11-2006, 10:19 AM
"Sorry dude, it's tokyo. this is the ohnly place where that Logan dude can never look for you. I'm from the future. I've been sent here to make sure you and the phantom stay alive." said Kelvin.
06-11-2006, 2:08 PM
"Thank you." said Kate to Logan as soon as Shotzie was gone. She took his hand and poofed them out of her room.
06-11-2006, 2:46 PM
"I sssee." Lizardman mumbled as he tried unsuccessfully to find a positive aspect of his current situation. Pulling out the rest of a danish he was eating earlier, he munched haughtily. "What happensss now?"
06-11-2006, 8:04 PM
"Alright, we just need to find that black armor dude, you see, time-travel is very comlicated. Everytime our future changes the timeline where it doesn't change is destroyed, and if too many timelines are destroyed the very timerope that holds reality together deteriorates. And that's bad." Logan began typing buttons into his left wrist. "He's in someplace with japanese letters, this is so lame, I picked pottery over multilangual programming at the D6 academy, how was I supposed to know I'd need it!?"
06-11-2006, 10:52 PM
"...There in Tokyo. There's currently being atacked by a roller blading gang named the GGs. Should we save them, or poof in, take the black armor guy and poof out?" She said to Logan. "Oh yeah, can I borrow 20 pounds for my date in London? Apparently, I'm buying the movie tickets."
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