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My art work!

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05-22-2006, 8:44 PM
Here is one of my best sketches. Any kind of comments are allowed.
Sincerely,BastilaandRevan :lsduel:

05-22-2006, 9:15 PM
Very nice. I like it. You have a good quality to your art. Visas' arms do look a little buff like she's been hitting the gym in between meditation on the Hawk. Some proportion adjustments but I like it all the same.
05-22-2006, 9:29 PM
Very nice. I like it. You have a good quality to your art. Visas' arms do look a little buff like she's been hitting the gym in between meditation on the Hawk. Some proportion adjustments but I like it all the same.

Thanks,JediMaster12. I worked hard on it.
BastilaandRevan :lsduel:
05-22-2006, 10:01 PM
Show us some more please. Listen to my pleading I beg you. :)
05-23-2006, 10:51 AM
I never though anybody would be begging me to do more artwork! Well ok I'll post some more!
BastilaandRevan :lsduel:
05-24-2006, 1:22 AM
I saw your colored one. Love it!
As to the pleading thing, I was playing with Palpatine's words when he says, "Use my knowledge I beg you" It was so you could show off your great art.
05-24-2006, 1:30 AM
Very good stuff. I love how the flower is the only thing in color - it definitely makes a statement. As JediMaster mentioned there are a couple of slight errors (the leg and hand look a bit awkward) but besides those two things it really looks quite awesome. Definitely keep it up :)
05-24-2006, 8:17 PM
Yeah Visas' arms do look a little too buff.
BastilaandRevan :lsduel:
05-25-2006, 1:11 AM
I never though anybody would be begging me to do more artwork! Well ok I'll post some more!


Stealing artwork made by others and registering multiple profiles = bad. Goodbye.


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