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Another Question

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 Master Jimmy
04-26-2006, 12:20 AM
We allowed to do songs?
 Char Ell
04-26-2006, 12:30 AM
I don't see why not. The forum rules don't proscribe the posting of songs. Are you going to post lyrics and music or lyrics only? If lyrics only then that sounds more like poetry but whatever trips your trigger. If lyrics and music though I would be interested in knowing how you would share that with us.

BTW - the songs should be your own, not someone else's, and IMO they should also be Star Wars related. If you want to post your own experiences with sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll this probably isn't the best place to do it. :)
 The Doctor
04-26-2006, 1:00 PM
Screw keeping it to Star Wars. That's a stupid rule, in my opinion. But, it is a rule, so...
04-26-2006, 2:59 PM
well, this is a star wars forum so its only common sense that the rule would be there.
04-26-2006, 3:32 PM
Screw keeping it to Star Wars. That's a stupid rule, in my opinion. But, it is a rule, so...and don't forget that i came up with that rule in agreement with the admins for this forum to even exist. :dozey:
 Jae Onasi
04-26-2006, 5:38 PM
I think some Star Wars songs could be cool. We could use some good stuff. I can't imagine there's not some great stuff out there in the SW universe.
I imagine for some species it might be a form of communication.

The only time we see music in the movies is when the Bith bands are doing their thing and that character that stands on stalks and has big lips (name escapes me at the moment, though I used to actually know who that was) sings in ROTJ. Oh, and the Ewoks. Nothing like singing teddy bears to make a movie. ;)

Screw keeping it to Star Wars. That's a stupid rule, in my opinion. But, it is a rule, so...

Hey, there's lots of places one can go to read non-SW (fan) fiction. Since this is LF, however, it makes sense to have some kind of attachment to that Universe. If someone posted a Renaissance bodice-ripper historical romance story on the list, I'd be like :eyeraise:
 Master Jimmy
04-26-2006, 9:07 PM
I was thinking lyrics, but I would tell the original song is so ppl get an idea of what the music sounds like
04-27-2006, 2:41 AM
go right ahead revanscool, just make sure it has something to do with Star Wars.
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