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08-22-2006, 9:59 PM
i'm getting dizzy....................from all this gayness

What an attuned sense of humor you have.

I'm seeing Snakes on Thursday, it looks like. Several of my friends have already seen it: unanimous endorsements. :) I have every confidence that it'll rock.
 Commander Obi-Wan
08-24-2006, 3:28 AM
*pops up*

Yeah. I've seen it. Luckily it's 14A in Canada, so I got to go see it. And it was like the best ****in' movie ever. Almost. Just an awesome movie IMO.

*hides and disappears*
08-24-2006, 7:54 AM
I lost the news article that said about the snakes actually released in a theater showing it
08-24-2006, 8:36 AM
I lost the news article that said about the snakes actually released in a theater showing it
...heart attack!

That sounds like the most boss thing ever.

...and that's my most rarely used adjective.
08-24-2006, 11:17 AM
I have to give praise to Commander Obi-Wan for his inclusion of snakes on a plane in his profile thingee. Hats off to you sir.
 zelda 41
08-24-2006, 5:32 PM
Yay, my sister's coming back from collage tomarrow and taking me to see it!!! *Dances*
 Mashi An'krekku
08-27-2006, 12:07 AM
I saw it! I saw it!
I laughed and/or cringed the whole time. :D
08-27-2006, 12:24 AM
I have to give praise to Commander Obi-Wan for his inclusion of snakes on a plane in his profile thingee. Hats off to you sir.
Weird. I've never seen him in here before. He probably saw "Snakes on a Plane" and jumped in. :p
08-27-2006, 12:38 AM
I saw it! I saw it!
I laughed and/or cringed the whole time. :D
Did Mel wear her costume?
 Commander Obi-Wan
08-27-2006, 3:01 AM
Weird. I've never seen him in here before. He probably saw "Snakes on a Plane" and jumped in. :p

Correcto mundo! You got that right. Otherwise, I wouldn't've posted in this wonderful, insane, and wacky place. ;) XP
08-27-2006, 1:57 PM
Mother****in' YEAAAAAAAAAA!
 Mashi An'krekku
08-27-2006, 2:44 PM
Did Mel wear her costume?

Actually, no. D:
08-28-2006, 1:54 AM
The trailers came out here a week ago.
08-28-2006, 9:30 AM
I went to see it. It was much grosser and scarier than I had ever anticipated it of being. The trailers made it look almost cheesy.

It was still great, the characters were fully realized and Jackson kicked it up a notch. If you're easily scared of grossed out, don't go. You don't want to get your ass busted because your friend decided to let it loose all over the floor at the ending scene.
08-28-2006, 1:07 PM
The coolest part was the giant end of level boss snake that ate that dude whole and then made the decompression hole in the wall even bigger at the end.
08-28-2006, 1:14 PM
That sounds.....................Totally awesome!
 Commander Obi-Wan
08-28-2006, 1:28 PM
No, the best part was when

when they couple were having an enjoyable in the bathroom and the female (Kelly) was bitten in the bosom. XD

Otherwise, the movie was non-stop awesome ****.
08-29-2006, 12:45 PM
Lex Luthor Voice: "WRONG!!!!!"

For some reason this messed up site won't let me do an advanced reply, so I'll have to be vague.

The best part is....... when that guy goes to the bathroom.

Or the time that guy did that thing to the other guy and someone was like emotional and something happened. But then something else happened and stuff.

Damn advanced reply.
08-29-2006, 1:40 PM
Ya know, you can still use spoiler tags without advanced reply. I rarely use advanced mode, if only to edit posts.
08-29-2006, 2:33 PM
I just got a great comeback, ok here it is,

I hope your wearing some of these,
Becuase I'm gonna knock the crap outta you!
08-29-2006, 4:00 PM
It was actually a lot more serious then I thought it would be. It was like they knew that there were ridiculous elements of the plot but never pointed it out which made all of the difference.

It exceeded my expectations in a lot of areas but I wish that the humour was more...I dunno...funny?
08-29-2006, 4:12 PM
It was actually a lot more serious then I thought it would be. It was like they knew that there were ridiculous elements of the plot but never pointed it out which made all of the difference.

It exceeded my expectations in a lot of areas but I wish that the humour was more...I dunno...funny?

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